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Chapter 26

If down bottom was an actual person, it would be me at this moment.

I just found out that those who called themselves my family and friends are all a bunch of lying murderers.

They murdered my real family and lied about it. They made me move in with them, have breakfast lunch and dinner with them, they even pretended to care about me, and some even pretended to be in love with me... God I feel so fucking stupid!

The red flags were all in front of me, all I had to do was pay attention.

You fucking dumbass!

You let that evil narcissistic bitch play you over and over again like you're some kind of a desperate little puppy.

How did I not see through her? She literally fits the whole description of a manipulative psychopath. All what she did is lie to you and to her house members since the day you met her, and you trusted her because??

Because you're a dumb motherfucker who's never seen a girl in his life and is desperate for someone's attention!

I buried my face into my two palms and screamed from the frustration and sadness. My scream was the only sound that filled the dessert on this hot day. It is always so quiet here and it helps me think clearly.

I remember the first time I came here... I was mourning my mom and dad. It was unintentional as I didn't know that I had powers yet, and I don't think I was thinking about this place when it happened.

I remember that I was feeling so alone, my heart was broken, and I was terrified. I needed a place away from everything and everyone, and so I popped here.

If only I knew that living with the girls would bring me back to this same place, I would've never agreed to stay with them. If I chose to just take the risk with the hunters and live by myself then I wouldn't be here, feeling crushed with their betrayal...

You would've never known the truth about your parents, and Victoria would still be living her life and happily destroying everything and everyone in her way.

I thought to myself, feeling a little better about every decision I took that lead me to this point.

Yes, I am extremely hurt and disgusted by what I learned, but at least now that the guilty person is finally paying the price of what she did, my parents can finally rest in peace.

The thought of leaving Victoria to die felt uneasy to me, even thought she deserves it, but never in my life have I imagined that I would execute someone by leaving them alone to starve.

I want her to pay for what she did, oh god do I want her to get hurt and suffer... but it feels different when I'm the one who's deliberately doing that to her, or any other person.

Even to this day I still feel bad about every hunter I killed during ambushes, the girls would've made fun of me if I ever confessed these things to them.

But then again, they are murderers and liars, so of course they're not gonna value the lives of others.

Anger started to build itself up inside my head again and I wanted to just go to Iran where I left Vic and kick her over and over and over until she starts to beg for forgiveness.

I confronted the bitch and she told me that she has absolutely no remorse for what she did... How can someone be that evil?!

And to think she actually had feelings for me makes me hate myself for being so naive.

I thought about going back to house number twelve and give the rest of the girls a piece of my mind, but with the murder of all the members of house number eleven I wasn't comfortable with being around the community for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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