Mission Impossible

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This is such an eventful chapter


 I had so much fun writing it. 

We are almost at 2k reads it is so awesome!

 Thank you so much for reading!

 Enjoy Chapter fourteen!


I leaned my back on Victoria's bedroom wall as I waited impatiently for the girls to stop screaming at each other. 

Jasmine told us everything she saw in Vic's messed up head; turns out Victoria went to hang out with her ex boyfriend Adam after she stole the stone from house number three, and then a hunter showed up, killed Adam, took the stone, and Victoria ran away.

I don't know who that Adam guy was, but I do feel bad for him. The poor guy had no idea what kind of trouble Victoria is, and I found myself relating to his story. I was just like Adam to Victoria when we first met, she played me well, but thankfully our story did not end the same way Adam and her's did. 

The girls were against this relationship and they tried to stop it, but Victoria did what she always does best; she lied to them and told them it was over, when she was still seeing him almost everyday.

I never understood the big deal with staying away from our loved ones or humans in general until the incident that happened between Sebastian and I. My brother almost died the same way that Adam did and it was all my fault.

"Victoria! The guy is dead!" Briana continued to shout at drunk, confused, Victoria.

She wasn't saying anything, her eyes were staring coldly at Briana and showing no emotions whatsoever on her face, I couldn't tell if she was sad, ashamed or mad but it was obvious that she didn't care, and that angered me.

Every time I start believing that there is some good in her, some messed up story from her past resurfaces and makes me doubt myself.

"Briana, calm down." Lisa said calmly, resting her hand on Brianna's shoulder.

"Calm down?" Briana snapped, then continued screaming angrily.

"We told her not to see him. We told you!" She turned to glare at Victoria

"You didn't listen and now he is dead! You never listen! You can't keep doing whatever the fuck you want! There are people in this world other than you who have families and- and a life to live, you can't just put them in danger just because you want some attention!"

"Briana. . ." Lisa said softly, making her pause and think about what she is saying.

I definitely agree with Briana, but I do think that this is not the time to lecture Victoria on how much of an idiot she is.

"Lets focus on what is important." I said firmly, getting my back off the wall and addressed Jasmine.

"You saw what the hunter looks like, right?"

Jasmine nodded quietly, still shocked from what she saw.

"Can you draw his face so that we could get a picture of how he looks?" I asked.

"I- I don't draw." Jasmine shrugged apologetically.

"I can." Briana said, refusing to look at Victoria.

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