Little Do You Know

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It is 2 am and I have finals

what am I doing here?

Comment your thoughts!

it is always nice knowing what you guys think!



"Where have you been?" Lisa suddenly asked, as she saw me walk into the living room.

The room was empty, but I could hear the rest somewhere in another room near by.

"I was checking up on Vic, she was losing it outside." I sighed, still feeling down from the whole situation.

We are under some serious pressure now that we know that Victoria might actually die in twenty two days, especially since the only way to not let that happen is by finding a shielding stone that is supposedly in the hands of the hunters, who we have no idea where they might be or with which particular hunter it is with.

"She needs to get her shit together." Lisa said, shaking her head with disapproval.

"Totally." I nodded, making sure to let her know that we are on the same page, so that she doesn't get me wrong when she hears what I have to say next.

"We just need to help her."

"We are helping her. Why do you think we're here?" Lisa snapped, raising one eyebrow at me.

"I get that, but- I don't know, don't you notice how everyone is always so aggressive when they are talking to her?" I said calmly, not failing to realize how defensive Lisa is being now.

"Yeah? Maybe because she is disrespectful and out of control?" Lisa mocked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm on your side here-"

"Really? Because it sound like you are defending her." Lisa interrupted.

"Can you calm down? We're just having a discussion." I finally said, losing patience.

I always find it easy to talk to Lisa, but whenever she gets angry she turns to a whole other person.

Her eyes widened at my harsh tone, it immediately made my heart hurt a little.

"I'm not defending her, but what is happening to her right now is not quite normal. Of course she is going to be all rude and whatever, because that is her defense mechanism. You should already know that by now." I said calmly, trying to ease the tension between us.

Lisa didn't say anything, but her sharp look was gone now. She crossed her arms to her chest with discomfort and looked at the ground.

"She is scared." I said softly, placing my hand gently on her shoulder, then continued

"And no one is actually being there for her- Yes, I know that we all came here because we want to help her, but screaming at each other and constantly reminding her of how much of a fuck up she is, is not doing any good." I continued, while constantly watching how her facial expressions are changing as I speak.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She sighed, going back to her normal self.

"What is it Liz?" I asked, fixing my eyes on hers.

"Nothing, I'm agreeing with you." She frowned at me.

I hesitated, not knowing if what I'm about to say is going to upset her again, the last thing I want is to have another fight with her, but she's being really pissy with me lately and I dont want her to think that it is okay for her to scream at me whenever she feels like it.

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