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Why is it so hard to post on time?


"Holly shit!" I screamed with horror, as the frantic screams of the girls followed mine.

I was so shocked that I thought I was actually hallucinating, Victoria's eyes suddenly went wide open and she actually screamed!

She was dead. I checked myself several times, she wasn't breathing or even had a pulse for the past 3 hours, how could this be?

"Get me out of here!" Victoria screamed, hastily wiping mud off her.

Her face was so pale that it made this camouflage with the snow around her.

I couldn't see her this scared and hysterical for much longer, without thinking twice about it I jumped right in the grave to get her.

She flung her arms around me right away and held on to me tightly. I got her out as soon as possible and the girls literally jumped on top of her.

"Victoria!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"We thought we lost you!" Lisa cried.

I was still standing in the grave, just staring at Victoria (who is being smothered by the girls) with disbelief.

She was shocked herself, her eyes were about to pop out of her skull as she breathed heavily while clutching her shirt.

"I- can't breath!" She gasped, looking terrified.

"What?" Lisa asked hysterically.

"Move!" Briana ordered, pushing the girls off her then spoke "where does it hurt?"

But Victoria was having a lot of difficulty with breathing that she couldn't speak.

"I don't think she is hurt Briana. I think she is just having a panic attack." I spoke, as I jumped out of the grave and went to sit next to Victoria.

"Hey, lay down on your back." I
Said softly, assisting her as she leaned back slowly until she was fully laying on the ground.

"Look at the sky, can you see it?" I asked, trying to distract her from her oblivious thoughts of having a heart attack.

I laid next to her, with our shoulders touching so she could feel my presence.
The rest of the girls watched quietly with worry as I spoke next.

"Look at the stars. They are so many." I was actually mesmerized by the view myself. The sky is pitch black but there are so many bright stars that made it lit up beautifully.

It is amazing how different the sky is in the city from how bright they look in the wild. City lights steal the natural brightness of the sky and make it look plain and boring, they don't even show sometimes.

"They are so sparkly and beautiful, don't you think? It is really amazing how these things are just big balls of fire exploding gasses-"

"I'd rather die than hear any of your scientific stories." Victoria sighed, with her breathing starting to slow down at last.

"And she is back!" I cheered, then sat up to realize how cold it actually is outside.

"Let's get you inside, you are shaking!" Lisa said, helping Victoria up.

"Oh, you poor thing!" Briana said, holding Vicky from one side while Lisa held her from the other.

We walked inside and the temperature shifted from freezing cold to cozy warm as soon as we stepped inside.

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