Night Out

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I am still alive!
New chapter is here.
This is gonna be a fun one.



The girls and I sat down on the big dinner table, as the members of house number three got everything ready.

All kinds of delicious food that I could think of were on the table in front of me, everything looked so good that I actually felt my stomach rumble despite the tension in the room.

"Come on, now." Gerard sighed, took his seat and then continued.

"Don't be shy."

The rest of the members sat down with us, Jasmine sat between Gerard and Briana at the head of the table, I sat between Lisa who is facing Jeremy, and Victoria who is facing Silvia; there was one last place for scary, uptight Roger to sit, and that was right in front of my face.


House number three began to casually fill their plates, we just watched them cautiously and with hesitation.

Gerard paused and looked at us with a smirk on his face, he knew we were uncomfortable and confused; we had every right to feel threatened by them, after all, they did barge into our house and kill Victoria.

Thankfully, Briana refused to keep him entertained, she put on that confident fearless face, picked up her plate and started filling it; we slowly followed.

Except for Victoria.

She opened the wine bottle instead, poured herself a huge glass, sat back, and took a gulp.

"What is it Victoria, not hungry?" Gerard asked, as he casually chewed on his food.

Victoria glared at him coldly, she didn't have to say anything in order to make him shut up, because her eyes were doing it all. Gerard took the hint but he kept staring back at her with a provoking smile on his face; she recklessly grabbed her glass and took another huge gulp.

"This is actually really good!" I blurted, rushing to take the next bite. The food tasted heavenly, it made me kind of forget about the uncomfortable situation that I'm in.

"Thank you!" Silvia genuinely smiled at me.

She seemed a little surprised by my sudden compliment, but I could tell that it did make all of us feel a little more comfortable, now that everyone is distracted from the staring competition between Victoria and Gerard.

"I made the pasta myself-"

Victoria suddenly snorted, she made sure it was loud enough to interrupt Silvia, then she grabbed the bottle of wine and recklessly poured herself another glass.

The room fell into this awkward silence, it is obvious that house number three are trying hard to be friendly, but Victoria's attitude is not helping.

The girls and I shot her with a warning glare, hoping it'll scare her enough to keep her mouth shut before she ruins everything for herself.

"You should try it, Victoria." Silvia spoke softly, "I made it with my mother's special recipe."

"What's so special about it..." Victoria retorted, staring at the tray of pasta with disgust.

There was nothing shady about Silvia's response, but Victoria seemed to disagree with me.

"Well, it has a secret ingredient." Silvia answered nicely.

"Let me guess, poison?" Victoria said sarcastically.

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