Square One

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Chapter 25


I could feel my heart pumping inside my chest as fear took over my body and made it go completely numb. I wanted to look away, I couldn't see Dion's broken soul mirroring on his face for much longer, but I was frozen in shock and he was asking questions that I don't want to answer. 

"Is it- is it true?" Dion stuttered. 

Tears were forming in his eyes, his face turned red, and his hands were balled up into fists as he tried to control his emotions. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. My brain went blank. 

"Dion, we were just-" 

"You were what?" Dion growled at Briana with anger. 

She froze in fear as she herself was shocked to see Dion this agitated.

I have to say something before this gets out of hand. This can't be happening, not when everything finally started to go back to normal. 

Think of something, you always do. Make it go away... 

"D, what you heard was way out of context." I started to improvise, not knowing where I can go with this. 

"Promise me you'll calm down so I could explain things to you." 

There was hesitation in his eyes, he's hurt but I can still see that he sort of trusted me. 

"She said it was you." He mumbled, with his jaw clenched tight and his eyes locked on mine. 

"You killed my p-parents." He paused to recollect himself and keep his tears from falling on his face then switched back to being angry in a matter of a second and continued. "How out of context could this be?" 

I thought really well about what I'm going to say next, I took a deep breath and spoke. 

"Just let me explain things to you." my hands were up in surrender, fearing for my physical well being at this point. Dion was shaking from the rage and anger that he was feeling at the moment, and after losing everyone in his old life he is far from being poised and in control of his emotions. 

He is hooking up with me out of all people, and as much as I hate to admit it, this is a proof of his instability. 

"The night your parents died..." I paused to take another deep breath. "Me and the girls were- uh we- we were at the diner-" 

I stopped right away as Dion took two steps closer to me with rage on his face. I could hear his loud breathing and for the first time after Sebastian's death I felt terrified. I need to plan an escape in case things go south. 

My hands were now up to his face, trying to show him that I did not want any trouble and that he is scaring the shit out of me with his crazy act. I took a step back but my back hit the wall behind me and I was now stuck with Dion inches away from me. 

"I- I can't talk with you all up in my face like that." I blurted, trying to get him back to his senses. 

This angry and dangerous person is not who he is. He is a sweet guy, with a kind heart and I wanted to bring that guy back before I say anything else. 

He stared at me with cold eyes for a moment, thinking it back and forth in his head. He eventually sighed, sniffed and then relaxed his body without stepping away. 

I waited for him to give me some space, but he was persistent on keeping me locked in my place and I had no say in it. 

"We were just having a late dinner, nothing else." I continued, trying to deliver the story as smooth as possible. 

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