~Chapter 1

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Annabeth scrubbed the floor as the soap splattered on her face. She felt a kick in her stomach and fell over, pain shooting in her side. She felt a prick of tears from the pain but she willed herself not to cry.

"Lazy cow!" Captain Terralend  bellowed. "It'll be a thousand years till the deck is cleaned, hurry up!!!"

Annabeth gritted her teeth, anger coursing through her as she got back up and began cleaning. The man left after a few seconds and she felt the tears of anger fall.

She couldn't help it. She'd been here for a year now and she had willed herself not to cry for all that time. But not she couldn't take it.

She had tried to escape several times but it was no use. Where would she go? Slaves like her were not allowed to know the ship's destination.

She didn't know anything about the sea, other than watching the crew hoist the sails and such. She did learn a few stuff just by watching. But she didn't know if she could do it fast enough to escape.

She did know how to use a sword a bit. A few basic moves. But where would she get one. She knew how to shoot with a gun, but she was out of practice and her aim was probably inaccurate.

Yes, she was scared. Terrified. Angry. But she was smart. And she could be scared and smart at the same time. If they were on land, she might have a better advantage to escape. But this was the sea. And these guys' potential was on the sea.

Then there was a horn. Annabeth's head looked up. That horn was blown when the ship was under attack. There were cries and screams and shouting. She felt the boat lurch to the side and she slid down the wet deck, hitting the side along with her cleaning supplies. Another ship had hit them.

Her heart was thumping. She crawled across the deck, her hip pressed against the side. There was fighting everywhere. Then she heard a loud cry and turned.

A guy was running toward her with a sword, screaming. Her heart accelerated. She saw a loose wooden plank and yanked it off.

She used it to block the strike and smacked his head. She dropped the plank and grabbed the sword. "Annabeth!!" She turned around to see her only friend coming towards her. Piper.

Piper was also a slave and the two had become friends. Piper was captured about a month after Annabeth. 

In Piper's hand was a knife. Annabeth ran to her. "Are you ok?" Piper asked her.

"Yeah," Annabeth said. A another man came running to them.

They both stepped away and Annabeth kicked his leg, making him fall. Then she knocked him out with the handle of the sword.

Suddenly, the boat tilted dangerously to the other side and the two girls realized that a second ship had hit the deck.

Two ships had surrounded Captain Terralend's boat. More pirates came flying in with ropes. The two girls stepped back, eyes wide. Then Annabeth saw a boy about their age, ice blue eyes and blonde hair. His lean figure stood over the hull, analyzing the fighting. Then his cold blue eyes zeroed in on them.

Annabeth heard Piper gasp. She turned to her. "Piper?" Annabeth said, pulling her arm. "Let's go."

Piper nodded quickly and ran after her. The Piper screamed. Annabeth turned. A man had grabbed Piper and was about to stab her. Piper's knife was a few feet away, far from her hand.

"Piper!" Annabeth quickly ran over. But Piper kicked he man and pushed him over.

"Go!! I'll catch up!!" Piper yelled. "Go!!!!"

Annabeth reluctantly left. She ducked under as a sword swung at her. She could tell that Captain Terralend's crew was losing. Many of his men were tied up.

She was not gonna get kidnapped and become a slave again. She saw Piper getting tied up. But she couldn't just leave her friend here.

Annabeth analyzed the ship quickly. Piper was right next to the escape boats. If they were quick enough, they could get away. Annabeth ran over, her sword raised.

She kicked one pirate and grabbed his gun. She knocked him out and shot the foot of the second one.

She quickly cut the ropes of Piper. "I thought I told you to run!" Piper said.

"Your welcome," Annabeth said as she threw her the gun. She kicked the escape boat into the water. Several men came after them. "Get in!"

Piper jumped in. Annabeth was about to cut the ropes when someone's sword blocked her's, the metal clashing together.

A teenage boy her age. The first thing she noticed was his sea green eyes. A smirk played on his lips. "I don't think so," he said, his dark hair shining in the sunlight.

She kicked his shin and cut the ropes as he fell to the ground. "Annabeth!!" Piper yelled from the boat down below.

She was about to jump on when green eyes grabbed her arm, his sword going to her neck.

She heard a gunshot from below and metal hitting wood. "Piper!" She called. She tried kicking him again. But he swerved to the right as he disarmed her. He was good. Too good for her. His arm came around her neck, the back of her head against his chest.

She struggled against her. "Let me go!" She demanded, elbowing him and kicking him from behind.

"Feisty," green eyes commented. She gritted her teeth.

"I won't be any use to you," she said. "You might as well just kill me."

Green eyes ignored her and leaned over the edge, still keeping her in his grasp. "Yo, Grace!" He yelled. "Got a hold of that one?!"

"Yeah!" Came a shout from below. If Grace was a girl, she sure didn't sound like a girl.

Annabeth was so close- so freaking close. But green eyes had to ruin it. "Stoll!" Green eyes yelled.

"Which one?!" Came a yell.

"Both! Tie the two of 'em up!" Green eyes commanded. She was 'given' to a different boy and her wrists were tied in front of her. She watched as Piper was dragged up by the blonde she saw before. His name was Grace?

"There you go," the boy who tied her up said. Lucky for for the Stoll guy had tied her wrists in front of her. So, she punched his gut and then kicked his side. He fell to the ground.

"Woah!" Green eyes said as Annabeth tried punch him too. He grabbed her arms, stopping any movement. She kicked his shin. "Ow! That was in the same spot you kicked me from before!!!"

He pushed her against the railing, trapping her with his own body. She thrashed against him but his hold just tightened. "Calm down," he said. He gripped her chin to soak in her appearance. "Pretty and feisty. I like it."

She jerked her chin away, glaring at him furiously. "I'm insignificant. I know nothing. If you let me and my friend go, nothing will happen to you."

"Oh, I can handle anything. What can hurt me anyway? I just don't want to let you go, sugar," he said with a grin.

"Don't call me that!!" She struggled.

He just laughed. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"None of your business."

"Well, none-of-your-business, Im Percy Jackson."

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