--> Chapter 11

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Jason jolted awake, his body in cold sweat. "Gods," he mumbled, massaging his head. He had not been sleeping well the past few days. The nightmares of Dombolio with Piper and the things he did to her...he almost threw up.

He looked next to him to gaze at his new girlfriend. He was thankful he saved her, but he still felt guilty. "Just be glad she's here," Reyna had said when he told her his dreams. "Don't worry about the what if's and scenarios, just be happy she's with you. Don't kill yourself for something that didn't happen."

Reyna had noticed something was bothering him, despite his content in being with Piper. She told him to spill. And he did.

Her words did make him feel better, but the nightmares were still there. He was a Roman. Romans didn't have nightmares, and when they did, they fought them.

The reason he didn't tell Piper was because he didn't want her to worry, she had enough on her shoulders already.

The sun was coming up. He could feel it. He felt Piper stir. Instead of sleeping in her undergarments, Jason gave her a robe and she seemed pretty relieved. He himself rested in an untied robe and pants.

He watched her sleep, the way she inhaled and exhaled was cute. She looked so at peace that Jason wished he was her at the moment.

She groaned and her eyes opened. She rolled over and met his eyes, her kaleidoscopic eyes peering up at him. She smiled so sweetly that she could have been made of sugar. "Good morning, Sparky."

He smiled back. "Hey, Piper." She had started calling him that after sparks flew from his fingers accidentally one morning.

She got out of bed and grabbed her clothes.

"I'll step out for a minutes, if you want me to."

"You can if you want to," was her reply.

Jason blinked. Was that a yes? Or a no? He took that as a yes and went to grab a black shirt and some trousers.

He quickly turned around when she pulled the robe off, letting him glimpse the back of her shoulders. Oh yeah, sure he didn't mind seeing her change, but not sure if she should. He wasn't sure if she was comfortable and only saying that to please him.

He changed himself and turned to see Piper in the middle putting her undergarments on. Everything explicit was covered so it was all good. "You take a long time to change," he said with a chuckle.

She looked behind her and glared at him as she tied on her lingerie. "Not my fault that women need to wear so many underclothes."

"They don't need to."

She rolled her eyes as she pulled her dress together. "And if we don't, we'll get highly criticized. And as that an invitation not to wear any, Grace?"

He felt himself heat up. He hated and loved it when she got smart with him. "You can if you want to," he answered, copying her answer from before.

She laughed, strapping her belt and sword. "C'mon, let's go."

She grabbed his hand and they left the room.

Piper was worried.

For the past few days, Jason had been having nightmares, sleep talking. She had several bruises because he accidentally shocked her.

It hurt yeah, but she just wanted to stay in his arms. She felt so safe in them. He would repeat her name and whisper 'don't take her' and more. He would toss and turn and sometimes hold her so tightly that it squeezed the air out of her.

She didn't know what to do. What can she do? Only hope that the nightmares would die down.

Exactly three weeks had passed since their counter with Domblio and she was healthy. Hazel taught her sword fighting while Jason taught her fighting with no weapons.

She was progressing, and she was quite proud. She had her own sword strapped to her belt and dagger. She was also given boots where she kept a small knife.

She had learned how to not trip over her dress by herself. She wished she had pants but she wasn't sure she wanted to ask. Reyna wore pants and Hazel wore a skirt. Lucky.

And at the moment, Jason was teaching her techniques.

"Technically, it'll be hard for you to kick 'cause you're wearing a dress, so, try not to kick," he stated.

"I can kick. The dress is stretchy enough."

"Aren't you afraid that they'll see your underpants?"

"They'll be smart and not look under there."

Jason shook his head distastefully. "Fine, try it."

He held a piece of wood in front of him. She threw her foot upwards and it slammed into the wood. "See? No underpants," she said, smoothing her dress out.

They practiced for another half an hour. "Pipes," he said, his eyes not meeting hers. "In a few days, we'll be going to a port."

"Okay." She was confused, they went to ports almost everyday.

"The port is in the Lands of Aphrodite."

She managed to keep a straight face. "Okay. No problem. I'll just stay on the boat like I do for every port I go to."

Jason stared at her and then nodded. "Maybe we should take a break."

"I'll go help Reyna with making new sails." She turned.

"Hey," he said. He went up to her and pecked her cheek. "Stay safe."

She smiled and nodded. Then she went off to find Reyna as she thought.

She was troubled. Half of her was happy that she was going home and being closer to her mother than before. But the other half was devastated. She did not want the chances of seeing Drew to be higher.

But she wouldn't see her mother or Drew. She'll be staying on the ship, not showing her face.

She found Reyna below the deck and she began helping her sew as she thought. "Reyna," she said. "Where were you from?"

"Me?" Reyna said, her face softening at the thought of her home. "My mother is Queen Bellona and my sister his Hylla. My mother wanted us to go explore the world and fight our own battles. She gave us a lot of freedom. My sister is an Amazon and I'm here. We visit our mother from time to time."

"It sounds wonderful," Piper said with a genuine smile. She wished her family was that happy.

"Where are you from?"

"I was a maid."

"For who?"

Piper thought fast. "For Queen Aphrodite."

"Queen Aphrodite, or Venus for the Romans. The most beautiful woman in the world."

Piper nodded.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were her daughter, judging from your beauty."

Piper's heart almost flew from her chest at the mention of daughter but she managed to smile. "Thank you."

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