~Chapter 2

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Annabeth stopped struggling, fear set in her. She should have known he was Percy Jackson. His sea green eyes were known throughout the whole continent.

Some said he was an old man. Some said he was 10. But all were scared. He was the most dangerous pirate of all time. Some called him the Prince of the Sea. Some said he could even control the waves.

There was this story of how he created a whirlpool to sink Captain Herold's ship. But no one knew he was a cocky teenage boy that got on Annabeth's nerves.

"So you have heard of me," Percy Jackson said. "Now what's your real name. If you don't tell me" -he leaned in- "I'll make sure to cut your friend's fingers off."

Annabeth's hands were shaking. "Annabeth."

"Annabeth what?"

"Annabeth Chase."

"Chase as in Frederick Chase? As in daughter of King Frederick Chase of the Athens?"

Annabeth looked away. Her father was only one of the reasons she left. Percy laughed. "Boys!" He turned to his crew who was on the deck, watching the prisoners. His arm was around her. "We got ourselves a princess!!!!"

The crew roared in excitement.

Percy smirked as she watched her face pale. She was, no doubt, beautiful. She was a freaking princess, of course she was beautiful. But she was a different kind of beautiful.

Not a princess beautiful. But a warrior beautiful. Her blonde hair blew against the wind and her gray eyes were full of terror, yet were calculating every single little detail- as if she had a plan.

She had on a gray dress that was dirty and a bit of blood on it. He could see a bit of a red cloth wrapped around her dress.

She looked at him. "You can't bring me back. You can't."

"But they've offered thousands of gold pieces for your return, princess," Percy said with a smirk. He wasn't planning to bring her back anyway.

"You can't."

"Oh but I can. What is a Royal like you washing decks?"

"That's none of your business."

"Hmmm." He looked at Jason who was holding onto the princess's friend. "Whose your friend over there?"

"I don't know. Ask her yourself if you wanna know so badly."

"Fine." He dragged her to them. The girl had snippy brown hair and eyes that changed color. Her chocolate skin contrasted with the gray dress on her. She was pretty, he had to say that. But Percy's eyes were going for the princess. "Hey, sweets, what's your name?"

She turned her head to the sky, a scowl set on her face. "Her name's Piper," Jason said.

"Well, Piper. When do you think you're gonna die, huh?" Percy said casually. "When you're old? A few years from now? How about now?" And as fast as lightning, his dagger came out and pressed against her neck.

Piper gasped and tried to get away but Jason held her down. Percy could tell Jason didn't like Piper being at knife point. Ooh, looks like someone has a crush.

"Percy," Jason warned.

"Stop!" Annabeth said, she knew snapping at them wouldn't help. So she had to beg. "Don't hurt her! You can have me! Just let her go!"

"Annabeth-" Piper said.

"No, no. Just let her go. Send her off. She means nothing to you. It's me you want? Fine take me. Just let her go, please!"

Percy was tempted to by the look on her face. Her eye brows scrunched together in anticipation and worry. Her body was stiff. Beautiful.

Percy ran his hand up and down her bare arm. "Sorry to disappoint you. We're not letting any of you go."

He pushed her to Nico. "Di Angelo, put them in the cells."

Nico nodded and grabbed the two girls and dragged them off. Then he turned to Jason. "So, Grace, seems like like you got a crush," He said, wagging his eye brows.

Jason glared at him. "Don't touch her."

"No worries. Wasn't planning to."

"That's 'cause you want the blondie."

"You know I always get what I want."

"As do I. Can't Piper come on my ship?"

"She'll be there tomorrow. I'll give you first pick of Terralend's things." They shook hands and then went on their separate ways.

Nico untied the two of them and pushed them into a cell, locking them up. They both sat next to each other. "Locked up again," Piper said glumly.

"You like him, don't you?" Annabeth said.


"That blonde boy. Grace?"

"What kind of boy's name is Grace? Isn't his name Jason?"

"Do you like him?"

Piper looked at the wall. "I don't know. I'm gonna get some sleep."

"Alright. I'll stay awake." They both had been in the same cell before and they both didn't trust the pirates. Just in case something happened, one of them would be wide awake to defend themselves.

She leaned her head against the wall and sighed. They were so close to escaping. But that boy just had to ruin it.

Then she heard footsteps. And in came Percy Jackson. He leaned his elbows in between the bars. "Hello," he said with a grin.

She took in his appearance once again. Dark Raven hair, sharp jawline, sea green eyes. He had a white button up shirt that lost all its buttons, so it was completely opened, showing off his well defined abs. It also showed several scars on his stomach and chest.

He had on black pants with a red cloth that hung off his hips with his sword attached. Brown boots were on his feet and a red cloth was tied around his unruly hair.

Overall, he was handsome. He had a wild craze in his green eyes. He had a lean figure and was quite fit. He looked like a god. Imperfectly perfect.

"What do you want?" She snapped. She actually felt special that he came to visit her.

Percy's grin widened. "Don't get smart, Wise Girl. Getting smart can get you killed."

"At least my head isn't full of seaweed, Seaweed Brain."

Percy laughed. Surprisingly, Piper didn't wake up. "So, why are you here? Why aren't you at the castle?"

Annabeth didn't say anything. She didn't like her past. She had only told Piper. "Why should I tell you? Why would you even care?"

"Why would I care?" Percy laughed. "I don't know. Curiosity? Why don't you tell me and I'll answer that question."

"Fat chance."

"Stubborn. Alright. But soon you'll loosen up."

"I was kidnapped and was a slave for a whole year, I won't loosen up till you drown."

Percy laughed even harder. "I'm the Prince of the Sea, water is my air. I wouldn't be surprised if I drowned in oxygen."

"That....doesn't make sense."

"When do I make sense anyway?"

"Just go away."

"This is my ship, I can do anything I want."

Annabeth sighed. "I'll tell you one thing. I am never going back to the Athens. Ever."

The Winds Against the Ocean (Percabeth)(Jiper)Where stories live. Discover now