~Chapter 9

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"Luke. As in General Castellan? The Golden Fire?" Percy said. "You dated him?"

"Not dated. Betrothed."

"Isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't you be running into his arms." She heard a bit of bitterness in his arms.

"I thought it was a good thing. I had liked him since I was 7. I was so happy when my father planned to marry us. I was happy. We moved into our own castle. I thought he liked me back. For the first few days, he was sweet and charming. But then, he started...."

"Started what?"

She blinked back tears. She reached behind her and began trying to untie the corset's strings, fumbling.

Percy quickly reached behind her and untied the string. She pulled it off her and opened her shirt, revealing a long scar  across her stomach and ending at her hip.

Percy's eyes widened and ran his fingers down the long scar. "He came back late one time. He was absolutely drunk. He thought I was an enemy from one of his battles and he used his sword to cut me."

Percy gasped and stared into her eyes. "Annabeth...."

"One of the maids had bandaged me up. He was terribly sorry, genuine for once and he promised not to do it ever again. And he did, surprisingly, he never came back drunk and never attacked me again.

"He never came drunk, he went to other places drunk. He cheated on me many times. More than I can count. He'd lie that he was at a gathering to plan for a battle. But there was no battle to plan for. The kingdom was in peace. It hurt. A lot."

Percy's thumbs circled against her bare waist, trying to comfort her. She didn't realize she was crying. "My father wasn't much help. He didn't do anything. He never did anything anyway. He never wanted me. My mom treasured me more. But she was away and I don't blame her. She had some Queen business. So after a few months, I ran away."

"And then?"

"I stowed away on a ship and arrived at the Isles of Apollo. I found work at a dress shop. Then I was a maid at a general's house. Then Captain Terralend attacked and I was captured. Then I met you."

Her tears glistened as she stared at him. He wiped away her tears. "He left scars on me. Everyone. Not just physically. Emotionally. I got raped right after. My life is a mess."

"Everyone has scars, Wise Girl." He opened his shirt also, revealing the scars on his stomach. "My father is King Poseidon, of the Ocean Kingdoms."

Annabeth wasn't surprised. "That's how you have the ability to control water."

He nodded. "He went out of the castle, dressed as a regular peasant. He saw my mom and he instantly fell in love. Then they had me. Then he left her. He just left right after I was born. My mother later learned that my dad was the King."

Annabeth looked at him as he spoke. Analyzing the way his eyes flickered back and forth, the way his hands gripped her waist.

"My mom married a guy. Gabe Ugliano. He was the worst. He gave me three scars. One"- he ran his finger across one ok his chest- "I was 'causing trouble' by waking him up. He just lashed out. The second time-" this one was on his hip- "he was drunk and he lashed out again. The third time, on my stomach, he punished me for staying out so long."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Scars make you stronger Annabeth. Not weaker. Your scars are who you are. They affected you. Make sure that people see it so that they know you went through a lot and you're still alive. The rest of my scars are from fights. They tell people not to mess with you."

"So I should show my scars?"

He nodded. Then he changed his mind, folding one side of her shirt over the other and putting the corset back on. Actually no. You should cover up. And as for Luke. The next time we see him, I'll make sure to kill him."

"No. Don't. If he bothers us, then you can't fight him, but don't kill him. Please."

Percy reluctantly nodded. "Don't worry about him. You're safe with me. Nothing can hurt you."

"But what if he comes after me? What if he finds me and decides to kill you?"

"So you do care about me."

Her eyes narrowed. "You just did a lot of nice things for me, it'll be a pity if you died. Besides, w-"

He kissed her. Then he let her go. "Just admit that you love me," he said cockily.

"In your dreams, Seaweed Brain." Then they came together to kiss again a second time. This time was a bit longer. "You should wash up. You smell bad."

"Nah. You just stick close to me and maybe I'll start smelling good."

"You're an idiot."

"Eh. Can't deny that."

She laughed.

A month past and Annabeth was skilled in combat, maybe even better than Percy. Their relationship grew quickly and they had shared dozen of kisses, some were quite steamy.

After sleeping one night together, instead of sharing a room with the Stolls, Percy just slept with Annabeth in his bed. They would wake up to each other, tangled.

They did not speak of it, and although they acted like a couple at times, they weren't officially one. Each of the two would bring it up at times, but end up trailing off and changing the subject awkwardly.

It was odd, really. One time it had gotten so steamy that they were close to doing something quite inappropriate. Annabeth wasn't sure if she loved or dreaded. And Percy just ignored it.

She grunted as her sword and his clashed together. She swung and sliced as he did likewise. "Percy?" She said as she sidestepped to dodge his swing.

"Hm?" He rolled and sliced at her feet.

She jumped up. "What are we?"

He shrugged casually, making Annabeth frustrated. She disarmed him and backed him against the side of the ship, pressing the blade against his neck.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer. Not some meaningless shrug." She pressed the blade harder against his skin.

"I don't know. Do you actually wanna date?"

She was beyond irritated. So she threw her sword down and as fast as lightning, she grabbed his ankles and flipped him overboard.

Of course she wanted to date! Why would he ask such a question? He was trying to embarrass her! Trying to make her beg him to date her! How dare he.

She glared at him as he made a tornado around his body to let him rise up. Then he jumped into the bridge, as dry as a desert.

"Don't answer my question with another question!" She snapped. "You probably are too afraid to answer me so you ask me a question!"

"You're probably to afraid to answer me so you flip me off my ship."

"Your head is full of kelp, you know that?!!"

"I've been called worse."

"You're impossible!"

"You're insufferable!"


"Look, it's my favorite couple!" Will said with a grin. They both were too busy fighting that they hadn't realized that a crowd had formed.

"Scram!!" Percy ordered. "Before I drown you all!!"

They all just laughed and walked away.

"You-" Annabeth tried again.

"Fine!! Want me to be formal?!! Fine! Fine, fine fine!" He snapped. "Ya wanna be my girlfriend?!"

"Ugh!" She pecked his lips, retrieved her sword and stormed off as Percy just stared at her, confused.

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