--> Chapter 15

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Jason hid in the bushes with the rest of the team, watching. It was a medium sized building that was made with metal. Guards were posted outside. A lot of guards.

"We need a distraction," he said. "Frank, go."

Frank nodded, turning into a dragon and stomped out of their hideout.

All the guards ran at him, shouting and shooting. But their bullets only bounced off his scales.

Jason and the two girls sneaked in through the front door, staying of sight. "Hazel," he said.

She held her hands out, closing her eyes. The air rippled for a second. Then she nodded and they ventured through the hallways. The bells were ringing and they all stuck close to the wall so that they wouldn't crash into guards.

They turned a corner and there were two guards. Hazel waved her hand and the sound of a door slamming ran through the hallways. The guards looked at each other and ran after the sound.

The trio walked around. "It'll take forever till we find them," Reyna said. They turned a second corner and found only one guard posted. "Wait."

She jumped out of the Mist, creeping up behind his back. Then she pulled him into a chokehold and covered his mouth. She nodded to the room across and pulled him in as Jason and Hazel ran after her.

"Where are they keeping Piper and Leo?" Reyna said, a knife to his throat.

The guard glared at her.

She sighed. "I wonder what life is like without a few fingers. You won't be able to open doors, hold utensils..."

The guard's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

Reyna pulled his hand out and the guard quickly stuttered, "the girl is in the room with the double doors on the right side of the building. The boy is in a cell to the left."

Reyna knocked him out again. "We should split up."

"You and Hazel go find Leo," Jason said. "I'll get Piper."

They ran out the room and went to their separate ways. He could hear the fighting going on. The bells hurt his ears as he ran.

He turned a corner and found metal double doors at the end of the hall that had three guards in front. He ran faster.

One of the guard's met him halfway through and he easily dodged his strike and knocked him out. He took the last row down without a sweat.

He slammed the doors opened and found several people around a metal table and hunched over.

They all turned to him with white masks on their faces. "What is he doing here?" One man with glasses hissed. "Guar-"

Now that they were all standing straight, he could see in between them was a body laying on the metal table. He didn't even know what they were doing but he knew that what they were doing was hurting that person. And that person was Piper.

He knew they were not fighters, so he didn't want to waste much energy on them. He sheathed his blade and swung his fists, knocking the man out.

He kicked another in the stomach and sent him sprawling. Another tired desperately to strike him, but he grabbed his wrist and flipped him over.

In a matter of minutes were they all laying on the ground, groaning. He looked back up and ran to Piper. Tubes were in her skin and attached to some kind of bottle with a pink liquid in.

Her body was incased with sweat and the only thing covering her was a long blanket under her arms.

She was unconscious and her breathing was shallow. Was she dead? "Piper?" He said, touching her cheek. He shook her gently. "Piper, it's me Jason."

She groaned quietly and he sighed, relieved. Her eyes opened slightly. He quickly ripped the tubes out of her. She blinked up at him as if she didn't believe he was here.

"Jason?" She said, her voice weak.

"Can you walk?" He said, helping her sit up as he kept the blanket around her.

Right as her feet touched the ground, she collapsed. He quickly caught her before she hit the ground.

He pulled the blanket tightly around her and picked her up, bridal style. She wrapped her arms around her neck, her head laying on his shoulder.

He ran through the hallways, dodging surprised guards. He almost crashed into Hazel and Reyna. Leo was with them but his arms were around their shoulders. He looked like someone beat him up badly.

His left eye was swollen, his clothes ripped and bloody, and both his mouth and nose were bleeding.

"C'mon!" Jason said. He kicked the front doors opened to find Frank shooting fire at the guards. 

Jason ran around the fighting, nodding at Frank and then jumping off. He summoned the winds to carry him and he flew across the sky.

He looked behind him and found Reyna, Hazel and Leo sitting on Frank's back flying behind him. The building was ablaze with fire as the guards tried to calm it down.

He flew through the clouds as he felt Piper's breath against his neck. He slowed so that he'd be level with Frank.

"Hey, Leo," Jason said.

Leo waved. Even though he wasn't in very good shape, his grin was inevitable.

"That hammer was you, right?"

"Sure it was," Leo said. "That magic lady put this spell on me that blocked my fire and stuff. But it wore off. I burned my way out- which took a pretty long time. And then I sent my famous hammer up! And then the guard's came in and beat up my beautiful face. So yeah, end of story."

"You ok?" Jason asked.

"Oh I'm great! It's your girlfriend I'm worried about," Leo said, looking at the sleeping Piper. "I don't know what they did but I heard her scream for a good few minutes."

Jason's hold on her tightened as they flew back to the ship.

Piper woke up feeling weak and exhausted. She was about to close her eyes again when she remembered the strange people with masks and she quickly sat up, screaming.

Someone grabbed her arms and she screamed even louder. "Piper!" She stopped screaming when she heard his voice. Jason's voice.

She realized that she was in his room, not the room with the metal table. She was so relieved that she threw her arms around him, tears coming out.

She held him tightly, despite her weakness and exhaustion. "It's ok," Jason said. "You're safe."

She let him go but held his hand. "Octavian...." she couldn't get her words out.

"Don't worry. He's not in this ship and will never be on this ship ever again."


"Sent her away back to your mom. Don't worry about anything."

"They- they put stuff in me," she said, shuddering.

"Fiona said that the stuff will gradually pass out of you. She said that you need a lot of rest. Your body might be very weak for a few days."

She nodded. She laid back down on the pillow, her hand still tightly around his. Her eyes closed, and the last thing she saw was Jason's blue eyes staring at her.

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