-->Chapter 4

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He led her up top and there were shouts and yells. "This might get ugly, so stay close to me," Jason said. It was nighttime, why couldn't they fight in the morning?

He could make out the words now. "Greek scum! Always keeping traps in my room!" It sounded like Octavian. Leo was the other one. They walked over.

"Oh c'mon, let a guy have his fun!" Leo was smiling, a twinkle in his eyes.

The crew was just sitting by, trying not to laugh. They seemed to be very amused.

"I should have never agreed to let you join our crew!"

"No one cares if you agree or not anyway, to be honest."

"That is not true!" Octavian squeaked. "My opinion is very important!"

"No, it's just as important as my underpants- and I don't have any underpants."

Octavian huffed and then he spotted Jason. "Captain! Please restrain this dirtbag!"

"Dirtbag? Is that all ya got? I've been called worse. At least I'm useful around here. I mean, I made those pretty sails up here. What can you do? Last time I checked, you can't even hold up a toothpick, much less a sword."

"Captain!" Octavian pleaded with his eyes.

"Mmhmm, call Daddy to defend you 'cause you can't defend yourself."

"Valdez," Reyna warned, but she was smiling.

"You!" Octavian pointed at the tanned boy. "You are a disgrace!"

"Well, so are you. Welcome to the club!" Leo held his arms out as if he wanted a hug. 

Octavian crossed his arms. "Captain, Mister Valdez here-"

"Mister, I like it," Leo said with a toothy grin.

"Shut up! He put a bomb in my room! It almost killed me!"

"Oh don't be dramatic, Oct. You only coughed a few times, nothing much."

"I was suffocating! And do not call me Oct. My name is Octavian!"

"Oct, Octopus, Octopi, same difference. But calling you an octopus would be an insult to opctopuses themselves. Wait, is it octopi? Or octopuses? English is weird."

Octavian looked like he was about to burst. "I want him eliminated from this boat and sent to an isolated island!"

"Uh, excuse your unthankful as-"

"Language," Frank muttered

"Your unthankful butt, but I made this ship. And the only reason you're on it, is because I haven't pressed a button and sent you to Percy's dad's house."

"Leo," Jason finally interjected. "Some of us do not have as strong lungs as most, so, take it down a notch. And Octavian, everyone plays pranks here. It's only for fun."

"So, watching me suffocate is fun?" Octavian said.

"Very fun," Dakota murmured. 

"Quiet! I believe that having a Greek is unhealthy for the crew!"

"Can we please throw him off the boat?" Leo said.

"Can I do the honors?" Michael said, stepping forward with his hand raised.

"Guys," Jason held his hand up. "We are not throwing anyone off the boat."

A number of people groaned.

"We're all just tired. I think we've done enough loading for today. Everyone get some rest."

"But Percy's crew is gonna take everything!" Octavian said. "Those Greeks shmocks always do!"

"What is it with this guy and Greeks?" Piper muttered.

"What did you say?" Octavian demanded.

"She asked why you look exactly like rotten seaweed," Leo answered.

"Don't worry about the goods. We'll have enough. Unless you want to keep on loading...." Jason replied.

Everyone quickly raced off to their rooms, leaving only Leo, Octavian, Piper and him. "I am sick a tired of you always tormenting me!" Octavian snapped.

Jason sighed. Here it goes again.

"Love you too," Leo said. He had put a screw driver and was pulling out screws, pieces of metal, scraps and more out of his belt and building something. He had a habit of doing that.  

Octavian was shaking with anger that Jason almost thought smoke was coming out of him. Then he stormed off.

"And then there were three," Leo said with grin, looking at the two. "How's your night going, lovebirds?"

"It's cold," Piper answered, her voice quiet. Jason was too focused on the fight to even realize that Piper was only standing because he was holding her up. Her head was rested on his shoulder blade and her hands were holding onto his arm around her waist.

She looked dazed and was slightly shivering, but not as bad as before. Jason pulled her up a little so she was more steady on her feet.

He pulled the blanket around her more. "You sure you don't want to go back to bed?" He said, keeping his arms securely around her.

She shook her head.

The reasons why she didn't were mysteries to Jason. "Well, its my turn to keep watch, so want to join?" Leo said, sitting on the stairs. "I can make a little fire to warm you up."

Piper nodded.

He got back up and went to the middle of the deck. There was a small pit with rocks around it that had engravings on it.

Those were magical rocks that prevented the fire from spreading and burning the ship. It was a gift from Trivia, the goddess of Magic, equivalent to Hecate for the Greeks.

Leo's hand burst into flames and Piper gasped. Leo grinned. "Pretty cool right?"

Piper nodded. Jason helped her to sit on the benches around the pit. He let her go and her shivering seemed to increase.

He opened his arms a bit. "Uh, can I?" He said awkwardly.

"You've been doing it this whole time, so why not?" Piper answered nonchalantly.

He bit down a smile and wrapped his arms tightly around her and her hair under his chin.

"Now that we're all nice and warm, Uncle Leo is gonna tell some ghost stories! Maybe we should call Nico to help!" Leo joked. "Just kidding, not gonna. That kid scares the fire outta me."

Jason rolled his eyes. He didn't mind Nico. He felt Piper shift in his arms. Then he realized that she was sound asleep. He smiled.

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