~Chapter 8

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Percy snuggled in closer to the soft pillow, hugging it tighter. Then he realized that it wasn't a pillow.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was pressed against Annabeth. And he was naked. He didn't care. Her chin was just a centimeter from his hair, her hands resting in his neck.

He sighed contently. He tried remembering how he got here. He had left her then went down to the bar.

He got a few drinks. Maybe a few more drinks. Actually, a lot of drinks. Her remembered Martha holding his hands and pulling him up the stairs.

He had felt her and kissing his neck, unfastening his belt but he had pushed her off. Then he remembered Annabeth's face peering over him.

He couldn't remember anything else except the feeling of someone pulling his pants off.

Did Annabeth take his clothes off? Would she do that?

She groaned softly, her leg going around his stomach. She was now on top of him. He pushed her thighs down gently so that she slid down to his hips, her head against his shoulder.

Then she opened her eyes. She saw what had happened and quickly scrambled off as he sat up, scratching his head casually. "Sleep good?" He said with a toothy grin.

She just narrowed her eyes and went into the bathroom, he heard the water run. He pulled in his pants and belt, strapping his sword back on.

Then he heard the door open. Annabeth's head poked out, her hair and face wet. "Can you, uh, pass me my clothes?" She said, pointing to the pile of clothes on a chair.

Percy smirked and retrieved her clothes. Then he stood a few feet away from the door. "Here," he stretched his hand out.

"I can't reach."

"Then come out and get it."

"I can't!"

"Why?" He was annoying her and he knew it. "You're smart. Figure a way out."

She glared at him. She closed the door and a second later, she came out, her damp shirt wrapped around her with her hands. He knew she had nothing under it.

She walked to him and grabbed the clothes. Put he held on to her wrist. He pulled her flush against him, tucking one dripping blonde lock behind her. She was breathing heavily.

"You took my clothes of last night," he said.

"You....you asked me to," she said, her eyes flicking to his lips.

"Did you see anything you liked?"

"Nope." She didn't hesitate to answer.

Percy scoffed. Then he just pushed her into the bathroom.

They were both just sitting on the bed, bickering over how Percy was drunk last night.

"Just because you're a pirate doesn't mean you have to get drunk all the time!" Annabeth snapped.

"What kind of pirate doesn't get drunk? I mean, I would be crazy if I didn't get drunk from time to time."

"From time to time?! Why are you wasting your life on-"

The door opened and Nico stuck his head in. "Captain, a Royal just stepped in and a fight is breaking out."

"Annabeth get ready. We're leaving." He pulled on his shirt and boots.

"I'm already ready. Why are they fighting?"

"I don't know. Royals aren't supposed to be here. And they would be stupid to come here."

"I'm a Royal."

"Yeah. Well no one needs to know." He grabbed her hand, pulling her out the door. "The Royal probably brought more people. We can't get caught. They're gonna take all out stuff."

"Apparently they're searching for someone," Nico said. "A girl."

Annabeth's heart almost skipped a beat. Could it be? No. He can't be here. No.

They crept downstairs, their heads peeking out and watching. Annabeth almost screamed at the sight of him.

Blonde hair, cold blue eyes. He could've been related to Jason but she'd rather Jason instead of him. Anyone but him.

Everyone in the room was tensed. All of them had hands on their guns and swords, their eyes fixed on the boy.

She knew that boy. Definitely knew. He had his sword drawn and had it pressed against a drunk man's neck, talking.

His voice was familiar to her ears and she didn't want to here it. Behind him was about a dozen guards. He probably had more waiting to attack.

"Annabeth," Percy said, looking at her. She hadn't realized her had held onto his arm and was squeezing the life out of it. "Let's go. C'mon. Is everyone at the ship?"

"Yeah," Nico said. "We're going through the back door."

The went through the hallway and out the metal door. Percy gasped and quickly pushed all three of the against the wall as two royal guards passed them. Seems like he had brought in a whole army, Annabeth said in her mind.

"What?" Nico said. Both boys stared at her.

Had she said that out loud?

"You know him?" Percy said, his eyes wide.

"He's a friend of my dad's. A general. We should move quickly," she said. She wasn't exactly lying.

They didn't ask anything and ran to the ship.

"Hey! Halt!!" A guard was running at then. They all quickly ran up the ramp.

More guards streamed after them.

"Go!!" Percy yelled, going to the helm. The ramp came up as guards came running.

Annabeth quickly ducked under the railing, careful to hid her face. Her heart only calmed down when they were a mile away from the harbor.

"Annie?" Percy said, scaring her. She could feel herself shaking. She tried to control herself.

"Don't...don't call me that," she managed to say.

"We need to talk." He helped her up and headed to his room. He sat her on the bed. "I know that that boy was more than your father's friend."

Annabeth stayed silent and looked at the wall.

"Who. Is. He?"

"No one."

"Annabeth, I'm gonna find out sooner or later. It's better that you tell me now. I can help you, if you tell me."


"Annabeth. Calm down. It's just me. No one is gonna hurt you. You can trust me. I saved you from Rick, didn't I?"

Annabeth nodded slowly. "The boy's name is Luke. Luke Castellan."

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