~Chapter 5

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Percy stomped up the stairs. Will had Rick tied to the mast. He drew his sword. "You sick bastard," he seethed through his teeth.

"I-I'm sorry! Please! It was an accident-"



Percy punched his face. "We don't rape. There's prostitutes on the harbor for your needs. Not her."

Rick looked down.

"Throw him." Will untied him from the mast and tied his wrists and ankles together.

"No! No! PLEASE! Please!!" Will dragged him to the edge.

"Don't beg us to stop. Because when she begged you, you didn't stop."

"Percy?" A small voice said. Annabeth. She stood there, wrapped in a blanket. His anger died away.

Percy quickly ran over, putting his arms around her. "Let's go to sleep."

"What are you doing?" He could feel her body jerk up and down as she limped.

He ignored Rick's screams and a splash. She gasped, looking back. "It's fine. Don't worry."

He led her back to his bedroom. "Wanna get cleaned up?"

She nodded.

He sat her down on the bed as he got a wet cloth and a warm bowl of water. He wiped dirt, sweat and tears off her face. "Sorry, I don't have a tub."

"It's ok," she said quietly.

"When we reach the harbor, you can have a proper shower."

She nodded.

"Do you want me to leave so you can clean yourself?"

She nodded again.

He left and after a few minutes, she opened the door to let him in.

He went to his drawer and gave her a white button up shirt long enough to reach mid-thigh. "I'll fine you better clothes tomorrow morning."

She nodded and turned around. Just as she let go of the blanket, Percy whipped around, itching the back of his head and blushing.

After a minute, Percy turned back around. She also turned back around as she struggled with the top button. Percy walked over and helped her.

"Why are you helping me?" She said, her stormy gray eyes peering at him.

He took her hands, rough and raw from the scrubbing. He kissed them. "Because I like you. A lot."

Annabeth was speechless, she just stared at him, analyzing him to see if he was only joking. But he wasn't. She just stayed silent, her gray eyes telling him something he couldn't understand.

"C'mon, lets get you into bed." He ran his hand through her hair as she sat down.

"Where will you sleep?" Annabeth said. "Isn't this your bed?"

"Its ok. I'll just sleep with the Stolls or something."

"Wait, no its ok." She started getting out but he touched her knee.

"Wise Girl," he said seriously. "Sleep. There are no girls on this ship and if something happens to you...."

She nodded and climbed back in. She rested her head on the pillow, looking at him.

He sat down next to her. "Are you ok?" He asked.

She didn't say anything. Then she started crying.

"Hey, hey," he said gently. He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her. He patted her back. "Don't cry. Everything is gonna be fine."

She cried and cried into his shoulder. And after a while, he felt her fall asleep, her breathing slowing down.

Annabeth woke up in a white shirt and in a comfortable bed that smelled like sea salt. She sat up slowly, her whole body hurt.

She looked around. There was a drawer, a table with a mirror, a lamp and more. There was a a huge window that was half way into the water and half the sky. It was cozy and comfortable. But whose room was this. Then everything that happened last night came back like a ton of bricks.

That feeling of being dirty came back. Her heart felt heavy and suddenly, the room wasnt so cozy and comfortable.

The door opened and she jumped, her heart missing a beat.

"Hey," Percy said with a gentle smile. "Are you ok?"

"I..." Her voice came out hoarse.

Percy poured her water and gave it to her and she gulped it down. Then she set her cup on the table next to her.

He touched her hands. "Its ok if your not. Everyone has their weaknesses."

"How many do you have?"


"What is it?"

He looked straight into her eyes. "You."  

She stared right back. "Why am I so special to you? Pirates and princesses are enemies."

"Well, we can break that belief. I know you like me too."

"That's just you lying to yourself."

"Oh, yeah? You may be smart and a pretty good liar, but that was the worse lie you can ever tell."

Annabeth looked at the wall. "I try to stay away from love."

"Try. Doesn't mean you will." They were very close to each other.

"You run after love. You're desperate for it."

"You're wrong. I accept it if I love someone. I don't block it out."

"Are you saying I do?" They were centimeters apart. She could feel his breath on her lips.

"Maybe." Their lips touched and firmly locked together.

He pressed harder, his hands on either side of her hips.

It was strong yet gentle. It sent sparks down her spine. They both pulled away. She stared up at him.

Then they kissed a second time. This time, it was less gentle and more exciting with more fireworks. She wrapped her arms around his neck, their lips moving in sync.

She felt safe in his arms. She felt as if she was whole again. She felt that dirtiness fall away.

They parted again. Percy smirked. "C'mon, lets get you some clothes."

She ended up having a red clothing strip wrapped around her chest and getting a buttoned white shirt (that lost all its buttons obviously. She was beginning to think he cut the all off on purpose.). She had a black corset around her waist. Brown pants and boots. She had a long red scarf tied around her hips and a belt for a knife.

"Annabeth," Percy called. She turned around. He held a gold locket. "This will keep you safe. It'll show that you're under my protection and the boys aren't allowed to touch you. It was my mom's."

"Percy..." she didn't want the boys to touch her, not after what happened. The 'protection' part made her heart flutter. But she could tell it was valuable to him. "I'll be fine. It was your mom's keep-"

"The whole crew knows about it. If they see it on you, they'll know that you're with me and won't try to make a move on you."

"I-I can't accept-" But he spun her around, pushing her hair on one shoulder and clasping it around her neck. HIs fingers brushed against her bare skin, making her spine shiver.

"There. You look beautiful. And cover your chest, this ship is a ship of horny boys," he commented casually, pulling the white shirt over her chest.

The Winds Against the Ocean (Percabeth)(Jiper)Where stories live. Discover now