~Chapter 12

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After two weeks, they were off. The whole crew were in high spirits and energetic. They had their daily chores and trained. Everything was going peacefully, Annabeth had even gotten fond of knives! Practicing each day to improve her skills.

They sailed around for another week or so.

"I heard that there's a merchant ship heading north, wanna raid them?" Conner said with a fox-like grin.

Percy smirked and nodded. It had been a long time since they raided a ship.

"It'll take about three days. They're headed to Zeus's Hand," Will said, pointing at a map.

"We have enough time. We can do it," Percy said. "Conner and Travis will be the ladies crying for help-"

"Aww! Why are we always the pretty ladies? Why can't Will be one of them?" Travis complained with a scowl.

"Yeah!" His brother agreed. "Why can't Annabeth be the other one?"

Percy glared at them. "Because I said so, and Annabeth won't need to know about this. She won't like it."

"Of course she won't," Annabeth snapped from the doorway, her body leaning against the frame with her arms crossed.

"Ann-" Percy said.

"Don't Annabeth me, Seaweed Brain," she retorted. "These are innocent merchant ships! People need their goods!"

"Innocent?!!" Nico exclaimed. "They're giving goods to a ruler that wants us all dead-"

"Because you guys are raiding their ships!!" She shot back. "That's the reason why they hate you all because you bother them so much! Burning their castles, raiding their ships, kidnapping people! That's what got me here with you knuckleheads anyway; kidnapping!!"

"We didn't kidnap you!" Beckondorf protested.

"You didn't, but Terralend did! If I wasn't kidnapped, you wouldn't have found me! So it's you pirates-"

"Don't forget that fact that you're dating one!" Will snapped, waving at Percy who was silent. "That makes you a-"

"Don't. You. Dare. Continue that sentence," Annabeth hissed.

Percy was split between the two. Should he defend his friends who he had fought side by side with, or the girl her loved? He was in a tight spot.

"Just because you're dating the Captain, doesn't mean you can boss us around!"

"I'm not bossing you around! I'm voicing my opinion."

"You didn't work your way up! You got it lucky!" Travis yelled. "Me and Conner were slaves for King Dionysus! We picked grapes! We escaped!"

"Lucky?!" Her knife was out. "Lucky?!! I was raped by one of your friends. You call that lucky. I'll make sure to find a horrifying prostitute to rape you. I'm surprised I haven't tossed myself off this ship!"

"Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can have whatever you want! Remember your status!" Nico snapped.

"My status?! I was born to take the throne after my mother-"

"And why didn't you? Why come to this downworlded place, Your Majesty? You could have stayed in your rooms full of gold and boss the people around- the way you like it!" Will lashed out.

"Just because you're a high status doesn't mean there's not problems!"

"You're a girl! Why don't you go back and cook us food or something like what you're supposed to do?" Conner sneered.

Annabeth threw the knife at him, it's blade grazed over his ear ever so slightly and hit the wall. And as he stood there in shock, she ran over the table, pulling out her sword. She pushed him against the wall with her sword against his throat.

"You're lucky I missed on purpose," she growled. "You wanna offend a female? Then finish your sentence. After that, I don't think you will even have a tongue to talk with."

"Annabeth!" Percy said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her away.

"Get off me!" She yelled, flipping him over. His back landed on the wood with a hard thud.

How did a simple raiding plan turn into this? He could see the burning fire in her gray eyes.

"You! All of you!" She said, pointing to all of them with her sword. Their faces were absolutely terrified. "Go to Tartarus and say hello to Kronos for me!"

She walked over and yanked her knife out the wall, sheathing it back in. And she glared at each one as she stormed out the room.

She had made a dummy out of hay and was hacking at it with her sword, blowing steam off. She ended up slicing its head off.


She whirled around and almost sliced Percy's head off to if he hadn't ducked. She just glared at him, sheathing her sword and walking away. "Your crewmates are a load of sexist bastards that deserve to die in the pit of Tartarus and tortured by Hades himself."

"You're literally wishing them to death." He ran after her.

"That's the point, idiot."

"Look. I called off the raiding plan."

"Nice." She continued walking.

He pulled her arm to turn her around. "We're gonna raid other pirate ships, not merchants."

Annabeth cooled down a little. "That's good, I guess."

Percy wanted to shout 'you guess?!!!!! I had to almost fight off angry several pirates and almost got cut into pieces!!!!!' But he didn't.

"It's great! C'mon," he said, putting on his puppy face. "Don't be mad." He tugged in her arm gently. "Wise girl?"

She smiled a little at his cuteness. "I'm not mad at you. But your friends were a bit offensive. What they said wasn't right. Women should be treated equally. We don't need to wear dresses and cook food for everyone-"

"Yep. Every man and woman are equal and men have no right to insult women. Got it. I apologize on behalf of my crew."

Annabeth glared at him. "You don't need to apologize. They need to."

"And so do you. You almost killed Conner."

"He deserved it."


"Ugh! Fine!"


She apologized to Conner and he did likewise. Soon, everyone was content and got along. They were all lounging around as Percy stood at the helm, steering the ship.

Everything was peaceful. But what they didn't see was a white Royal ship speeding toadies them until it was too late.

"Brace for impact!!!!!!!!"

The Winds Against the Ocean (Percabeth)(Jiper)Where stories live. Discover now