~Chapter 13

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Annabeth screamed as she held on to the mast, a cannon hitting against the hull. The Royal ship, Annabeth recognized, was The Princess Andromeda. Luke's ship. Her heart was racing as cannons were fired on their ship.

"STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP!!!" Percy yelled. "Conner, Will, Beckendorf- get down their and start the cannons!!! The rest of you, get the sails ready!!!! We're gonna get outta here!"

Percy closed his eyes, his arms outstretched towards the enemy ship. He was trying to slow down the Princess Andromeda.

Then a cannon went straight toward him. "Percy!!" Annabeth exclaimed, tackling him and barely missing the cannon. 

The Royal boat rammed into their ship, almost toppling them over.

Thank the gods the workers back at the port had made the wood even more durable. But on more hit would split the ship.

Soldiers came swinging onto the boat, screaming and yelling. The fighting began. Percy and Annabeth stood back to back, fighting.

Annabeth ducked as one soldier swung at her. She swung and parried, adrenaline running through her veins. She couldn't help feel excited. She'd finally be able to use her sword fighting for something real.

She managed to take her opponent down and looked around. There was fighting everywhere. Then she saw him. He swung down from a rope, his cape flying. He jumped down and looked around.

And his eyes zeroed on her.

Fear, sadness and despair washed through her. Then she felt someone grab her arm. "Hey," Percy said. She looked up as he scowled at Luke. "He's not gonna get to you. C'mon."

They ran through the fighting. Then Luke suddenly jumped in front of them. His cold eyes pierced Annabeth.

"Hello, Annabeth," he said. "You're safe from these pirates. We're here to bring you home."

Anger flared through her. "How. Dare. You," she seethed. "That place you call home is not my home! Not after what you did! You're a sick person!"

"Now that's not a way to treat someone you're betrothed to, is it?" He smiled coldly at her.

"I don't care if I'm betrothed to you. I'm never going back with you!"

"You don't have a choice," Luke drew his sword. "Come with me."

Percy stepped in front of her protectively. "Not over my dead body," he growled.

"Oh, you'll be dead," Luke assured. And the two fought as two more soldiers came running behind them.

Their heavy boots rang in her ears, causing her to turn around. She quickly took them both down and tried running to help Percy but two more guards came.

She lashed, sliced, dodged and blocked. She tried not to kill any of them. But she knocked on overboard and left a huge gash on another's forehead.

She kicked another one away and punched another's nose, making it bleed. Then she knocked both of them out.

But when she turned around, she found Luke holding a sword against Percy's neck. "Come with me or he dies!!" Luke roared.

Annabeth was shaking in fear, anger and worry. She was smart. How did she get herself out of this?

"Luke, you don't need me. I'm useless and the Athens is one of the smallest kingdoms in the entire empire of Olympus. I know you want to be king and powerful. You'll get nothing if you marry me and become king of the Athens."

Like glared at her. "Don't try to trick me," Luke said. "The Athens may be small, but is still powerful and influential politically."

"But the Lands of Aphrodite are even larger! Marry Princess Drew! Aphrodite is just as powerful, even more than my mother probably."

"Your father gave me the duty of bringing you home. And I will always fulfill my duty."

Annabeth almost stabbed him. He always fulfilled his duty? A man betrothed to a woman's duty was to take care of her and treat her with all the love in the world, even after their marriage. He did the opposite.

"But this is my home! You had already fulfilled your duty! You caused me to run away and end up here. And that, is why I thank you." She forced herself to bow. What she had said was completely idiotic but it was the best she had at the moment.

"Don't try fooling me. I was already warned of your tricks."

"Tricks? I merely stating the truth. And besides, what are you gonna do with him." She waved at Percy. "He's nothing! Just some pirate looking for gold!"

"What are you doing with him?"

"It's essential to stay alive. You're a general, you should know that."

"What's his name."

"Captain Terralend."

"I thought he was an old man."

"Don't believe anything you hear."

Luke studied her.

"If you let us go, I will have a word with Queen Aphrodite. She will be more than happy to marry her daughter to you. You'll earn power, money and fame more than the Athens can ever grant you."

"What about your father?"

"You don't need to see him. And once you become king of the great Lands of Aphrodite, he'll be too afraid to talk to you."

Luke stared at her, thinking. He loosened his hold on Percy ever so slightly and then suddenly he tightened it again. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"We can go to Queen Aphrodite right now. Call your troops off. You can keep on person other than you here. The rest will go on your ship. And we sail to the Lands of Aphrodite. Fair?"

"Alright." He yelled at his troops to stop.

"I will inform the crew." She was afraid that she'll turn around and Luke will just cut Percy's head off, but she forced herself to stay composed.

She went to Will. "Once on their ship, sabotage them. Don't back down. Try not to kill and lock them up. And then trail us. Make sure to stay hidden. Once you hear a gunshot, shoot us from the cannons."

Will nodded. He waved at the others and then they all transported to the other ship.

Then she went back to Luke. "Let's go."

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