--> Chapter 14

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It had been a whole day since their capture and Piper's wrists and ankles were terribly sore from the rusted cuffs. A chain connected the wall to her wrists and ankles. Seemed like that hidden knife in her boot would be of no use.

Across from her was Leo who was also chained. A woman had come in and cast a spell on him, disabling his fire powers.

Piper couldn't deny the truth, she was terrified. She tugged at the chains one last time. It didn't budge. Despite its oldness, it was still strong and sturdy.

Her dress was stained and spots were dark with dirt. The bottom was ripped and even more dirty. Sweat and grime captured her skin, her hair stuck to her neck and face.

Her stomach growled from hunger and she felt exhausted. But she willed herself to stay awake. She needed to find help.

There was a window on the upper wall, with bars that contained them in. That was the only way sunlight seeped in.

"Piper," Leo said, a small flame dancing in his fingertips. "I think the spell is wearing off!"

Piper's hope lifted a little. "Shhh," she whispered. "Hide the fact that you can do it. Get yourself out of the chains and then get out of here!"

"What about you?" He said. They heard the door unlock and the flame disappeared. Two guards came in and began unlocking Piper from the wall, replacing it with new cuffs, gagging her and dragged her out. "Wait! No! Piper!"

Her cries were muffled and they pulled her across the hallways. The walls were a dull gray and they pulled her through metal doors. There was a counter with a sink and a metal table that had its own cuffs on it. Several shelves with tools and bottles were attached to a wall.

There was several people in the room, wearing white robes, gloves and some kind of white mask that only covered their mouths and noses.

"Hello," A man with glasses said, pulling the mask off. "I'm Jerold. Have a seat."

The guards dragged her onto the table, cuffing her on as the Jerold man kept on talking.

"You must be very confused. Wondering what those bottles are, why you're here and more. But let me get this straight, me and my crew are from the future."

Piper stared at him. She would have laughed if she wasn't so scared.

"You must think I am a crazy man or something. But do you know what a computer is? What iPhones are? No, I don't think so. Me and my crew had travelled back in time accidentally, along without our equipment. But we don't mind. We had asked Dombolio to bring a few test subjects in so that we can experiment our chemicals."

Piper struggled against her bonds, horrified. She did not want to be a test subject. The idea sickened her and scared her all together. She hoped someone would help, anyone.

"Now, now," he said, putting his hand on her arm. "Don't worry. You won't die immediately. You might feel nauseous or pain. If you do get seriously hurt, we'll pause the operation, nurse you back to health, and then start back at square one."

What the hell was a square one? Did he mean one square? Like there was only one square on the ground? This man was insane! He was crazy!

She was crying right now, tears were streaming down her face. No, gods no. This couldn't be happening. She'd rather be a slave! She'd rather calm a chimera than be a test subject.

She knew she'd die from the experiments, it only mattered in how much time till she died. She'd rather have a quick painless death than slowly die.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," he clapped his hands as he looked at his comrades. "Let's begin."

It had been two days since Piper, Leo and Octavian disappeared. Jason was trying to calm himself down and not to think of them dying, but he was losing faith.

The door burst open. "Jason," Frank said. "You gotta see this!" They both sprinted up the stairs.

There up in the night sky was a flaming hammer. "Leo!" He said. "Set course!"

"We already did," Reyna assured from the helm. "We need people at the oars, we need to follow that for as long and fast as possible before Leo loses energy and it disappears."

Sure enough, the hammer was flickering. Jason and Frank ran down the stairs to the lower deck and there was already a dozen demigods rowing with Hazel yelling commands.

They both grabbed an oar and the boat began cutting through the waves.

They all rowed until it was morning and through the afternoon, taking turns to let each other rest.

Then Reyna came down. "The hammer disappeared a while ago but I think I figured out where they are: Nike's Mountains." 

"That means we'll be up for a hike, right?" Yang said.

She nodded. "Everyone take a break. We'll sail the rest of the way. You'll need your strength. Their captors most likely saw the hammer too and they'll be ready. We'll need to sneak in. And we'll need a team of you to come along. I will be one of them."

"Me and Frank can go. Frank can turn into a dragon and fly the team up," Jason said.

"I'll go also," Hazel said.

"I think that'll be enough. Alright, get some sleep, it's gonna be a long day."

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