Friendly Smiles , Unfriendly Enemies

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Jeon Jungkook
    I woke up this morning to Jimin snoring softly beside me. I don't even remember him coming home but I was glad he was back. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was still early and since we didn't have classes for today I decide I want to sleep in some more.
    I've never slept beside another guy before so I was surprised how warm and comfortable I was beside him. Jimin rolled over in his sleep and slung his leg over my hips. I blushed and didn't move. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't sleep like this.
     He groaned in his sleep and tugged me closer. I try to find away to slip out of bed without waking him but as soon as I sit up his eyes shoot open. He lets go of me immediately and looks away in embarrassment. I laugh and smack his arm. "Am I like a giant teddy bear?" I tease.
Jimin rolls his eyes but smiles all the same. "More like a giant soft bunny." He shoots back. Fair enough.
"I'm gonna grab a shower if that ok?" I ask and he nods while yawning and stretching. I catch sight of his abs as his shirt ride up and look away. It shouldn't bother me, I mean, we're both guys so it's no big deal but as I jump under the warm water I find myself thinking about his smooth skin more and more.
I shake myself out of it and think instead of the girl I've been crushing on for the last two months. Her name's Rose' and she is so gorgeous with her light red hair and beautiful smile. She sits next to me in my English class and I love smelling her sweet perfume everyday...

    Jimin knocks on the bathroom door-making me jump-and tells me he's leaving to get some breakfast

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Jimin knocks on the bathroom door-making me jump-and tells me he's leaving to get some breakfast. As if on cue, my stomach growls and I exit the hot shower and towel off. I look at myself in the foggy mirror and wonder

 I look at myself in the foggy mirror and wonder

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if Rose' would ever like a guy like me. I would love to have a girlfriend like her.
     I sit on Jimin's small couch and watch some tv until he returns. He comes back with two big bags of breakfast burritos and pancakes. I thank him as I devour my food, starving. He laughs at my speed.
  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was neglecting your needs." He smirks at me.
   "I'm not a pet!" I fake scowl but nod. "But yes, master, I feel neglected." I pout.
   Rolling his eyes, he cleans up our mess and I get up to start washing the dishes. "How was the party?"
  "Eh, ok, but it would have been better if I knew more people there. Hobi ditched me halfway through the night so I was mostly standing around trying to talk to strangers which isn't really my strong suit." He shrugs. I instantly feel bad for not going.
  "I'm sorry. I should have gone, too."
  "It's ok, you were busy and you would have probably just been stuck with me all night." He laughs.
   "I like spending time with you. I know we haven't known each other long but I'm glad I met you despite the circumstances." I tease.
   "Yeah, lucky for you I was running late or I wouldn't have been around to save you." We both think about that. I shake off the uncomfortable reminder and wink at him.
   "Guess it was fate"
  "Guess it was.." we both laugh.
   "So as much as I like you being here, do you need to go home soon or if you want to stay here we can go grab your things." Jimin started.
    "My place isn't much. It's practically just a shack with a lock and horrible condemning conditions.." I admit in shame. "I hate it there to be honest." I can't meet his eyes as I bite my lip.
    "Well you can just live with me. It's small but we seem to be fine. We can go get your things and not worry about it." He says without debate.
   "No, hyung, I can't do that to you. I can go home." Though, the thought of going back to that hellhole made my stomach hurt. He shook his head.
  "No, I insist. I love the company anyway. It gets lonely. Namjoon is always busy and Hobi has been acting weird here lately." He shrugged in thought.
    Bringing Hobi back up made me nervous and I tried not to show it. Jimin didn't seem to notice to my relief.
   "Only if you're sure." I say trying not to show how happy I was not to have to go back to that shithole.
   "I'm positive. I'm just gonna call Hobi to see if he'll take us to your place." Before I can object, he leaves to make the phone call. I remind myself that Hobi doesn't actually know what I saw so I shouldn't be so scared around him. It makes me feel a little better, just a little.
    Jimin returns about five minutes later with a frown. " Hobi wouldn't answer but I got ahold of Namjoon and he said Jin will take us."
   "Is everything ok?"
  "Yeah, I'm just worried about Hobi. He left quick last night and Namjoon said something about an emergency. I just hope he's ok." Jimin chewed on his lip as his frown increases.
   "I'm sure he's ok. Maybe he's just busy." I try to reassure but I really don't know Hobi well enough to be sure. It seems to work, though, because his smile returns and sits with me watching tv until Namjoon calls.
    I hate to admit how embarrassed I am when they see the horrible living conditions I stay in. My parents died when I was younger and as soon as I turned of age the foster service turned me out and this was all I could afford.
    Jimin and Namjoon helped me pack my few things as Jin waited in the car. They didn't say anything about the falling down condemned apartment.

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