Regrets or Nah

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I have to admit, Jackson isn't so bad to hang out with. We decided to hit the club and grab a few drinks before heading to the karaoke bar. He leans against the bar, checking out the scene. I keep my eyes trained on my drink and he laughs at me.
"Seriously? You're not gonna do anything but stand there like a whipped loser?" He teases me.
"Better to be a whipped loser than a jealous single bitch." I shoot back and he pouts.
"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and I laugh.
"You can go dance. I'll be over here." I say but he shakes his head.
"I want to dance with you."
"I can't dance. Go find a girl to seduce and stop worrying about me." I mock as I sip my drink. He sighs dramatically then takes my glass from me, sitting it behind him. He then grabs my hand and pulls me to the floor.
I struggle but he forces me to the center of the floor and puts his hands on my hips. I flinch, uncomfortable.
"Relax, Joonie." He teases and I bite back a glare. It's just dancing so I don't know why I'm so nervous. I guess I'm not used to anyone else's hands on me except Jin's.
I make myself relax and enjoy getting out. I really need to give Jackson a chance since we both know neither one of us is going anywhere. I know he's just messing with me trying to get a rise every time he puts his arms around my waist.
I refuse to flinch or back away much to his amusement. We continue dancing for a while until we're both covered in sweat and head to get a drink. I watch as Jackson throws back two shots and smirks back at me. Rolling my eyes, I take my shots feeling them burn down my throat then ask if he's ready to leave.
He nods and we head over to our next destination. I'm having a lot of fun singing and rapping with him as we down drink after drink until both of us are practically glued to the seats unable to move anymore.
I suggest it's time to head home but he doesn't answer. He's passed out about to fall out of his seat. I laugh and lazily pull out my phone and snap some pictures.
I stumble to my feet and lean over Jackson to wake him up-unfortunately at that same moment he jerks up and our lips crash together. I can see his eyes widen in shock like mine. I jerk and trip over my feet, falling backwards to the ground. I hit my head on the wall and groan in pain.
Jackson comes after me and helps me up. I lean on him as I try to get my bearings. It's sucks because we're both drunk as shit and can't walk for anything. I finally give up and let us slide to the floor before we even reach the damn door.
"I think we need help." I find this extremely hilarious and we laugh until we can't breath. I try to dial Jin's number and he answers in a sleep voice. "..ello?" He mumbles.
I feel guilty as I listen to him for waking him. I don't want to make him get up for us so I tell him I love him and will see him soon. I hang up and drop my head.
Beside me, Jackson's head falls on my shoulder, passed out again. I grunt as I stretch out my legs and lean back, resting my eyes.
I wake to the feel of someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Jackson right in front of my face. I snap back but forget I'm against the wall and slam my head on the concrete.
"Oh my god! Are you ok, Joonie?" He asks as he helps me up. "We have to leave, this place is closing." He whispers as he slip past the irritated manager holding the door open.
"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.
"Uh, 4am I think." He says as he yawns. We climb into the car finally sober enough to drive. I head home as Jackson rants the whole time about what a lightweight I am-forgetting he passed out first.
I tune him out as I think about collapsing into bed beside Jin when we get home. I miss him. I really don't know if tonight is something I want to repeat. When we finally get back Jackson heads to the kitchen while I strip in the hall on the way to the bedroom.
I'm naked by the time I reach the bed. I stand over and stare at my gorgeous man as he sleeps. I remove the blanket over him to see him also naked. I lick my lips and run my fingers over his soft skin. He trembles in his sleep and I steal his lips for a deep kiss.
His eyes flutter as he returns the kiss and pulls me down, wrapping his arms around my neck. I carefully climb over him and run my hands over his entire body. He leans into my touch and moans softly. I suck and lick his neck as I grind my groin against his. His legs wind themselves around my hips as I quicken my pace.
We continue like this for several minutes until I feel my release coming and I let off. Jin moans and begs me back but I sit back and suck two fingers in my mouth. After make sure they're fully saturated I bring them down to his entrance and gently push inside him. His body bows up in pleasure and I swallow his moans.
After stretching him out I slowly thrust my dick into his soft pliant body. I make sure to keep the pace slow to torture both of us. Jin digs his nails into my ass trying to make me speed up but I continue to slowly tease him.
I would love to keep doing this but soon my body screams for relief so I pull out and line myself up with his hole before slamming back into him so hard he screams my name and cums all over my stomach.
I moan and scoot his ass on my thighs as I pound into him hard until I explode my cum inside his ass. I gasp and cry out as Jin hugs me close refusing to let me go. Not that I want him to.
"Baby, I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too." I lace our fingers together as I turn him over and spoon his hot body. It isn't until Im almost in dreamland that I realize I forgot to shut the door...

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