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I can't believe this fucking pyscho has practically kidnapped me. I have no idea where he's taking me but I'm sure I'm not gonna like it. He has the safety locks on so I can't get out and his driving is insane.
"What the fuck are you doing, Yoongi! Let me out!" I can't even roll down the window to get someone's attention. Though I don't want to admit it, I'm terrified of him right now. I'm scared of what he plans to do with me if he has to go somewhere private and secluded to do it...what if he kills me?
This thought chills me as I study his profile. His hands are gripping the wheel so tight they've turned red. I try to calm myself as he spins the car fast down a dirt road that seems oddly familiar...then it hits me. The old cabin.
New fear fills me as I think about how impossible it'll be more me to run away from him in those woods. Miles away from anything. We used to go there all the time when Yoongi didn't want to go home. It was our place to hide from the world..now I had a horrible feeling it would be my prison.
I try to breath as he pulls into the overgrown drive way and turns the car off. He comes around and I wait for him to open the door before I push it open as hard as I can and make a run for it. He falls in surprise then takes off after me, enraged.
"Get the fuck back here! You can't run from me for miles, Hoseok!" He yells after me. He seems to be faster than me or he just knows the area better because before I get too far he slams into me from behind and knocks me against a tree.
I cry out as the breath is knocked out of me. Dizziness settles in as Yoongi hauls me up and hits me hard in the stomach and I double over in pain. He drags me back to the cabin and pulls me inside. I slump against the wall as he moves around in the dark.
He disappears for a few moments then the lights flicker on. I guess he found a way to wire power to the old abandoned place. His eyes still hold anger as he grabs my wrist hard enough to bruise and forces me over to a mattress on the floor.
I collapse down on it in pain as he climbs on top of my back and grabs a handful of my hair, I whine softly at the sharp pain. "How many times do we have to go over this, baby?" He pulls hard to make a point and spots cover my vision.
"Ah! Y-Yoongi, please...stop." I groan out and he finally releases me and gets off. I close my eyes and just want to sleep but before it can claim me, Yoongi returns and flips me over like I'm nothing. I grunt and open my eyes to see him dragging something behind him. Looks like chains.
Is h-he planning to chain me here? Like some fucking horror movie. I force myself up and scoot away from him. He flashes an evil smirk and grabs my ankle pulling me back down the mattress.
    "Can't have you thinking of leaving me again, now can we?" He grates out through clinched teeth.
    I swallow hard. "Yoongi, stop this. Why are you doing this? Don't you have Tae?" I whisper as he chains my ankle to a hook under the mattress. He looks up at me in shock.
   "What did you just say?"
    I can't help but smirk despite the situation. "Yeah, I found out about you and Taehyung, Yoongi. I stopped playing your stupid game." I grunt in pain as he tightens his hold on my other ankle.
    "When did this happen?" He asks in genuine curiosity. I roll my eyes and try to kick him. He anticipates it and stops me.
    "A few days ago I saw you and him at that stupid coffee shop." I admit.
    He nods. "That's why you stopped letting me in your house."
   I just glare at him and he laughs.
    "Ah, is my Hoseok jealous? I obviously only care about you baby boy." He pushes himself up and tries to kiss me but I sharply turn my head away from him. He grips my jaw, hard, and forces my mouth open in a wet sloppy kiss.
    "Get off me!" He has my arms pinned down above my head and my ankles chained so I can't fight back. "Get the fuck off me!" I scream and he slaps me.
    "Go ahead and scream, baby. We both know no one can hear you here." He reminds me. I sob silently as he brings more chain around to the front and locks my wrists tight. I'm completely at his mercy and I'm utterly terrified.
    I've never seen him like this, crazy and obsessed. I'm scared. He grabs a knife and I start to panic as he rips it into my jeans and tear them off slowly, methodically. He then continues to do the same to my shirt and underwear until I'm cold and naked before him.
    His eyes run over my body with a sick fascination I don't understand. What did I do to make him like this? This isn't hate, it's like he's insane over the prospect of owning me, his property, or something.
     He crawls over my unmoving body and runs his fingers through my hair, gently. "Hoseok, baby, why can't you understand that you belong to me? You're mine. You can't whore yourself out, do you understand? Someone might get hurt if you disobey me." He whispers against my lips before attacking them.
    He crushes his mouth against mine so hard I can taste blood as his tongue fights with mine. I try to move my head away but he holds me still by my hair. His kisses move down my neck, to my chest and he sucks painful hickeys all over me. I say nothing as he trails lower and lower until he takes my dick into his mouth.
    I bite my lip to stop the moan threatening to escape. I refuse to give him the satisfaction. He licks up and down my length and my legs start to shake as his tongue dips into my slit. He runs his hands up my trembling thighs and squeezes my ass, hard. I try to buck him off me but he just grips my dick hard and strokes along with his sucking.
    I groan in anger and unwanted pleasure as he brings me to my limit...only to pull off before I can cum. He smirks as I shift my hips, needing friction. He sits back on his haunches and spreads my thighs farther apart as I shake my head in protect.
    "This is mine, Hoseok." He runs his finger up and down my entrance as I pant in sexual agony. I swallow back tears of frustration as he continues to tease my hole by applying pressure only to pull back again and again.
    He does this for what feels like forever then leans over me with a smug expression.
    "Suck them." He demands, shoving his fingers in my mouth. I glare at him and spit them out. "Fuck you!"
    "Oh but baby I'd rather fuck you." He shoves them back in my mouth and I choke on them as he wets them with my saliva. He pulls them out then brings them back to hole and shoves them inside.
    I jerk as he thrusts them in and out of my body fast and hard. He slaps my ass and squeezes hard enough to leave  bruises. I try to close my legs but he holds them open with his own thigh. He takes my dick back into his mouth while fucking me with his fingers and I let out a loud moan, shooting cum down his throat.
    He removes his finger and licks them then unzips his pants, pulling his hard dick out. He lines himself up with my still dripping hole and thrusts inside slowly. He barely moves as he enters me so I can feel every curve and twitch of his thick length.
When he's finally fully seated inside me he grounds his groin into my ass going even deeper than I thought possible. His grip on my thighs is painfully tight but I can do nothing but take deep breaths as my stomach clenches from him constantly rubbing over my prostate.
"Who am I, baby boy?" He whispers as he finally begins to rock his hips against mine. I swallow hard and look away, not giving in.
"Tsk, tsk. Tell me what I want to hear, Hoseok." He demands as his pace quickens. He slaps my thighs then rearranges me until one of my legs are thrown over his shoulder and leans down onto my chest as he pumps in and out me, hard.
I stifle moans and close my eyes to block him out. He steals my lips for more forceful kisses as I unwillingly accept the pleasure he's bringing me. My wrists burn from the chains chafing as my body slides against the mattress. With a deep groan, he pulls out quickly and crawls over to straddle my face, forcing his wet, cum soaked dick into my mouth.
I gag as he grips my hair and forces his dick deeper into my mouth. I taste myself on him and choke as he rides out his release. He pulls out and rubs his dick all over my face, leaving a cum and spit trail.
"Tell me who the fuck I am! Who just fucked and owned you so thoroughly, baby? You know you love this." He clenches his fingers around my throats and my eyes widen in pain.
"Say it!" He hits me over and over until I finally give in.

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