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       I have a serious problem...I glance down in annoyance at my unwavering erection. It won't go away and I refuse to go near it. I have this sick insane fear that my body has become so use to sex that maybe I've become a little...addicted. I wince as I shift my thighs to cover the problem in question but it stays the same.
     I hate Yoongi. I hate him with a passion.
    I need Yoongi. I need him like he's a bottle of water and I'm thirsting to death.
    I chew on my bottom lip as I ponder my predicament. I don't know what to soon as Taehyung left for school this happened. I got an erection. I took care of it quickly then tried to go ahead with my day...then it happened again. It's like my bodys on a weird time schedule to automatically get hard and ready for...I don't know.
    Well I do know but I refuse to dwell on that. My body now craves sex and it terrifies me because I don't want see him. Ever again. I can't even seem to think of anyone else either because I tried thinking of Taehyung...nothing. Jimin...nothing.
    Fuck, I even thought about that guy I almost had sex with in the club but still...did nothing for me. I'm miserable and it hurts to move but it just won't go away. I'm so mad and suspicious that maybe Yoongi drugged me but he couldn't have because it's been too long since I've seen him. If it were a drug it would have worn off by now.
    I throw my head back in frustration and glare at the offending...appendage.
Giving up, I leave my bedroom and try to do something productive to take my mind off my issues...

"Jin-ah!" I glance into the living room to see Joonie and Jackson battling in some video game. I roll my eyes as Joonie whines my name because he's losing. Since their outgoing they've gotten much closer and friendlier. "Jin...make him stop.."
"Joonie, stop whining. It's just a game." I remind him with a laugh. He scowls at me before hitting Jackson trying to throw him off the game.
"Please...I can still win even if you cheat!" Jackson shoots back.
"Fuck you..."
I tune them out as I finish making dinner. I set the oven on a timer then slip away into the bedroom to relax for a while. I lay down and close my eyes as cursing resonates from downstairs making me smile. I love that my two guys can get along and hang out.

"Bitch pay up!" I glare as Jackson smugly holds out his hand for the cash I owe him from losing the game. Huffing, I hand it over. Jackson laughs as he slowly counts it in my face.
"Such a loser.." I roll my eyes at his childish antics.
"I do believe you're talking about yourself there, Kim." He smirks then kisses my cheek before running off. I shake my head then head into the kitchen only to find it empty. Jin is no where to be found so I creep up the stairs into our bedroom and see him passed out on the bed.
I smile as I walk over and run my fingers through his hair. He mumbles but doesn't wake. He's so beautiful it's hard to look at him sometimes and know he's mine. I'm so damn lucky.
I decide against waking him and quietly close the bedroom door so he can sleep. I look over across the hall and see Jackson's door open. I decide to annoy him for awhile. I sneak in and hide beside his bed. I hold my breath as he leaves his bathroom and-
I jump up and attack him, scaring the shit out of him. He screams in my ear as we both fall to the ground. I die laughing as Jackson lays on top of me hyperventilating. It takes me a few moments to realize that he's naked on top of me.
     I blush and squirm, not wanting to draw attention to the fact. Jackson- for the most part- seems not to notice as well as he catches his breath and grips my shoulder. His eyes meet mine after a moment and he glares at me. "The fuck? You could have killed me!"
    I laugh and push him off me. "Your point, Wang?" I scoff.
    He shoves me back and I trip over his mattress falling onto it. He smirks at me before holding his hand out for me to grab. I take it and he pulls me up. We kinda just stand there in silence for a while. It gets awkward so I nod to him and start to head out but before I leave the room he grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him. Just when I think he's going to cuss me out again for scaring him-
    He kisses me.
    My eyes widen in shock as his lips crush against mine and his hands clutch my waist. I'm in shock as I stand there frozen...I finally come back to reality when I feel his tongue against my lips as I shove him back, wiping my mouth.
    "What the hell dude?" I glare at him still mildly in shock.
    He seems to be also as he stands looking horrified. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.." he flushed bright red and turns away from me. I sigh and just let it be. I walk out of his room and head downstairs not noticing that Jin has awaken and witnessed the incident...

Jeon Jungkook
      Im so freaking happy! Jimin finally noticed me and returns my feelings so I've walking on cloud 9 ever since our little rendezvous on the rooftop. I still can't believe we had sex on top of the school...though the thought of it is kinda hot. I'm blushing just thinking about it...about him.
     Taehyung keeps asking me why I missed class and if I'm sick but I just smile innocently. I don't want to say anything until I know we're official. I want Jimin for myself but he has to tell me when he's ready.
     I practically run as soon as the bell rings to meet him by the gates. I stop short when I see him there talking to Hyuna and Rose'. Biting my lip, I hide myself and eavesdrop.
     "...yeah, definitely." Rose' smiles at something Jimin says and I glare at her hand on his arm.
    "Well I'll make plans for it then. I'm waiting for Jungkook so I'll talk to you ladies later." He smiles and watches them leave. I don't know what to feel as I slowly make my way to him.
    His eyes widen as does his smile when he spots me. I'm surprised when he wraps his arms around me and puts his lips to my ear. "You look so sexy baby. I can't wait to get home.." he whispers and my face turns into a tomato fast. He laughs at my expression so I just roll my eyes and start walking.
    He follows after me and we walk silently to our apartment. The door isn't even closed all the way before he attacks me. He slams me into the wall from behind and grinds his hips against my ass making me groan.
"Kookie-ah. I love you, you know that right?" He whispers in my ear and I nod, blushing. He licks and kisses the skin on the back of my neck as I push myself back against him. He moans and spins me around to face him. His eyes are dark as he attacks my mouth. I suck his tongue into my mouth as he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed.
I'm tossed effortlessly then feel him tugging my clothes off until I'm naked. Jimin runs his hands over my body gently and caresses me. I chew on my bottom lip, loving his smile and carefully skilled fingers as they find my erection and stroke slowly.
My hips buck as he covers me with his body. His fingers don't stop stroking as I unzip his pants and kick them down his legs. I quickly unbutton his shirt and kiss his chest and neck, biting.
"Kookie...ugh that feels so good, baby.." he draws out as I suck his skin purple. He slides down my body and takes me into his mouth. I suck in a breath as pleasure takes me over.
"J-Jimin...please..m-more.." I moan out, rocking my hips against his mouth. He sucks me down his throat and I beg him to go faster.
When I feel my limit I push him off me, not wanting this to end. I flip him under me and take his place, sucking him down. He bucks and groans pulling my hair to force me to go his pace. I choke on him and love it. I can feel him throbbing against my tongue so I dip my tongue into his slit, earning a moan and jerk to my hair.
"Tease." He chuckles a I wink at him from below.
"Come here, baby. I want you." He groans and pulls me into his arms. We make out for several minutes before I slip my fingers into his hot mouth. He sucks then without complaint which turns me on so much. I take them out of his mouth with a pop and rub them against his entrance.
    He moan and digs his nails into my shoulders as I push the digits inside him. I thrust slowly and thoroughly, stretching him out. He gasps under me and shifts his hips around trying to ride out the pleasure. After I feel he's ready I lift up onto my knees and demand him to wet my dick.
     He spits on it and sucks around my head until I'm properly lubricated in his saliva. I rub the tip against his hole, loving the sexy sounds that come out of his mouth.
     With a deep breath I plunge inside him in one go and he screams. His legs lock around my hips as I grind myself against him going as deep as possible. The pleasure is mind blowing as I pound into him fast. I nail Jimin's prostate and he yells out slamming his ass down onto me.
    I groan loud and thrust deep, feeling the pain from his nails on my back. "Come for me, baby.." I draw out breathlessly as he pants underneath me.
    "Ah! Kookie-ah! Ughhh....yes.." he moans as he throws his head back, eyes clinched shut in pleasure as he releases hot cum all over his stomach. I watch his stomach muscles glisten from sweat and cum. I lick my lips wanting to taste him. Instead I grab his hair and force him up, kissing him hard.
    Our tongues fight for dominance as I throb inside him, finally letting go and cumming inside his hot, tight, body. He shudders and gasps from the feeling. I collapse onto him and just breath in his delicious sweaty scent.
     "I love you, Jimin." I whisper against his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair soothingly and kisses my hair.
      "I love you, too, Kookie."
     "You feel so good. I want to stay inside you.." I admit, blushing- which is stupid after all we've done.
    He chuckles. "Yeah. Me, too, baby." He yawns and I close my eyes in exhaustion after the adrenaline has died down. I wrap my arms around him and let my body go slack. He rubs my back in circles helping me drift...

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