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     How could Hoseok do that to me? He told me over and over how much he cares about me but then he...
     Did he do it because I didn't sleep with him? Did he finally get bored of me and move on? He'd been ignoring me all weekend...I wipe the tears off of my face and continue walking until I exit the school.
     I can't focus on classes right now, I'm hurting too much. Today was such a great day, too. I couldn't wait to tell Hoseok about making friends with his best friend, Jimin but now...I don't know what to do.
    We were never technically dating because Hoseok was afraid to come out and I hadn't been ready to shout it out that I was in love with a guy so..I guess now that I know he's been cheating on me, it's good we didn't tell anyone.
     I sit at the bus stop and just think. How long have him and Yoongi been together? Did he know about me and Hoseok then?
    Why did this have to happen? I glance over when I hear someone sit down. It's Him. Yoongi.
    I look away and bite my lip, holding me tears in.
    "Sorry you had to see that." He smiles but he seems a little smug.
   I shrug, knowing if I try to talk my voice will just crack.
   "Do you like Hoseok? You seemed awfully upset to see me with my boyfriend."
   My head snaps up at that. "Y-your boyfriend?" I ask in disbelief.
  He nods. "He didn't tell you? He's mine."
   I feel like he just punched me in the gut. Hoseok has had someone else the whole time he was messing with my head and feelings? I choke back a sob and shake my head.
   "N-no, he never told me."
   "Sorry, he's not very trustworthy. I'm sure he planned to tell you eventually." He shrugged nonchalantly like it was completely normal to have a conversation with his boyfriend's lover.
   I shrug. "You don't have to w-worry. I'll leave you two alone." I whisper.
  He nods. "Yeah, that's probably for the best. I really do like you but I can't have you getting too attached to what's mine." He explains with a sweet smile. I'm completely shocked by his normalcy.
    As I wonder how he can be ok with this situation, Yoongi pats my shoulder and gets up to leave...

    Jeon Jungkook
   I walk to the cafeteria with Jimin. Tae was supposed to come with us but he must have left school early because he missed biology lab. I can't call him because we don't have his phone number.
    Jimin pulls his phone out and calls Hobi for the tenth time. He told me how he saw him upset in the bathroom but left him with Yoongi who seemed to know what was wronged with him. He was still worried about him, though, and I couldn't blame him.
    He shook his head and hung up the phone as we got in line. Without asking me, he whipped out his wallet and paid for the both of us. I bit back a smile as we walked over to Namjoon and Jin's table.
    They were already there laughing about something. We sat.
    "What's so funny?" Jimin pouted as Namjoon just shook his head.
    "I was just reminding Jin about something he did in the past that was hilarious. But he'd kill me if I tell it." He smirked as Jin groans and pins him with a glare. Jimin shakes his head and starts eating.
    I spot Rose' and Hyuna walking up to our table. I knock my shoulder into Jimin and nod to the girls. He smiles at them and once again I can't help but notice how attractive he is.
    "Hyuna and Rose'! How's it going?" He asks sweetly. They both blush and say fine.
   "I just wanted to how you want tonight to go.." Rose' asks glancing back and forth between Jimin and I. I get the feeling she likes Jimin. She said yes to me but I think she's more happy that he's going to be there, too.
   I feel I should be more upset but honestly I'm glad he's going and I won't be alone with her. For some reason it just doesn't feel right.
   "Uh, well.." Jimin looks at me as he speaks. "We can all meet at that shop down the street then go watch a movie and maybe karaoke or we can go eat.." I nod and he smiles.
  "Sounds great! See you guys then!" They head off to their table. Namjoon stares at us in surprise.
   "Jimin how come you didn't tell me you snagged a date the Hyuna?! That's a huge deal!" He poked him.
   "Slipped my mind." He laughed.
   "You act like you want to date her.." Jin teases Namjoon. "Jealous?"
   "No! I mean, she's beautiful but not really my type.." he trails off uncomfortably.
    Jin smirks. "What exactly is your type, Joonie?"
   "Yeah, I've never seen you date anyone..what is your type?" Jimin chips in. Namjoon flushes and looks away.
   "I don't know. Don't really have time to date.." he shrug and pleads us to drop the issue. Jin just laughs and says he hopes we have fun on our date.
    We finish eating and Jimin tells the others about Hobi and Namjoon seems really concerned. He says he'll talk to him later when he sees him and we leave for our final class. I'm so excited to go out tonight that I can't focus on any of my homework.
     Jimin meets me at the entrance and we walk to his apartment. As soon as we get in, he goes straight to his closet and searches for what to wear. I'm much more simple-plus I don't have as many clothes to choose from like he does- so I settle on my ripped black skinny jeans and white button up shirt with my favorite timberland boots.  
     Jimin looks me up and down and gives me a thumbs up. I laugh and go into the bathroom to mess with my hair. I freeze when I go back into the room because Jimin is in the process of changing his clothes.
     His pale skin is bare as he stands in only a tiny pair black boxers. They hug his ass- not that I'm looking- and I can see his full shape. He really is gorgeous.  He pulls on a grey Supreme hoodie and slides into a pair of deconstructed jeans. He notices me as he turns around and he smirks.
   "Did my good looks stun you?" He teases. I look away, uncomfortable. I'm not telling him he might be right.
    "No, you're so ugly I about when blind!" I throw back. He laughs and passes me to use the bathroom. He smells really good, too.
    I sit down and turn on the tv just for something to do as Jimin finishes up. A few minutes later we head out to meet the girls. I keep Rose' in my head the whole time to block out the image of a nearly naked Jimin. It shouldn't matter if I saw him naked because we were both guys...right?
    We choose a movie when the girls arrive and I buy Rose' some snacks and drinks as Jimin does the same for Hyuna. I can't stop my eyes from glancing his way. I look at Jimin more than I do Rose' and I don't know why I feel uncomfortable beside her.
   She looks gorgeous and smells so good but she can't keep my attention. Hyuna talks Jimin into going into the shops with her while we decide on something to eat.  I'm left alone with Rose' and she tried to get my attention.
    She holds my hand and I look at her in surprise. I blush but don't let go. We walk hand in hand to the restaurant where Jimin and Hyuna are waiting.
    He sees our hands and winks at me. My stomach flips a little and I tell myself it's because of Rose's soft fingers squeezing mine and not because of him.
    We eat and talk and have a great time and Rose' even lets me kiss her goodnight but I can't seem to really get into it. Jimin gushes the whole way home about how beautiful Hyuna is and he hopes to go out with her again. 
    I nod and smile but inside I feel a little jealous. I just got Jimin and now she's gonna take him away from me. I know how stupid that is but it's how I feel.
    But that makes me realize that I've taken Jimin from Hobi and Namjoon, too. He spends all his time on me. I feel a little guilty at how happy that makes me.
    Jimin leaves me to my thoughts as he goes to shower and I change into nothing but a towel as I wait for my turn. Rose' offered to go out on a date again this weekend but I don't know if I really want to or not, not alone anyway.
    Jimin comes back out ten minutes later in nothing but a pair of blue pajama bottoms. I avoid looking at him as I head to the shower. His bathroom is pretty small with just a tiny stand up shower with clear sliding glass, a toilet, and a tiny sink.
     I climb under the water and soak my muscles. It feels amazing and as I close my eyes my hand drifts to my groin. I try to think of Rose' as I grip myself and stroke but...Jimin's smile keeps replaying, taking her place. I gasp as the pleasure takes over and I fall back against the wall, groaning..
     Before I can move, the bathroom door opens and Jimin himself walks in. "Hey, Jungkook, do you-" he freezes when he sees what I'm doing. I yelp in shock and turn myself so he can't see my erection.
    He quickly apologizes and leaves the room. I'm humiliated as I finish my shower, erection fading on its own in embarrassment. I'm afraid to see him in the other room. My face is bright red as I change into a t shirt and shorts.
     Jimin is watching tv when I come back out. He smiles at me as of nothing has happened and I'm not sure how to act. I hesitantly sit beside him on the couch.
     "I see Rose' really got to you, huh?" He teases me. I flush bright red once again and shrug. "Hey, you don't need to be embarrassed. It's normal for guys to do that. I'm sorry I should have knocked.." he appeases.
   I swallow hard and nod. He's right but I'm so uncomfortable because I had been thinking about him while doing it.
    "You're not mad at me, right?" He asks, serious.
   "I'm not mad. Just embarrassed." I manage.
    "You're too cute. I'm lucky you haven't walked in on me yet" he laughs. When has he done it? He's masterbated while I've been here? The thought of that makes my receded erection...begin to harden once more.
    I can't speak or joke back as I focus on not revealing myself. Jimin notices my lack of response and studies me. His eyes trail down my body and I can't hide myself in my thin shorts. I look down, ashamed.
   "Oh, wow, I guess I didn't give you a chance to finish, did I?" He realizes. "I can give you space and privacy if you want. Don't be ashamed."
   When I don't respond, he continues. "Or we it together, if you want.." he offers making my head snap up as I stare at him in shock. His face reddens as he shrugs. "It's completely normal and if your too embarrassed then we can be embarrassed together." He says simply.
    I can't believe what he's saying but a part of me wants to do what he suggests. "O-okay, I guess."
   He nods, face serious as he stands up. I watch in confusion as he goes and lays on the bed, turning the tv off at the same time. He gets comfortable then pats the spot beside him.
     I slowly make my way over to him but don't look at him, still embarrassed. He says nothing as he runs his fingers down his toned abs to his pants. My breath catches as I watch his every move. His fingers snake into his pants and he palms his dick.
    He moans, low and strokes himself, biting his lip in concentration. He looks over at me and motions for me to begin as well.
    Self consciously I do the same as he did and run my hand down my t shirt but before I reach my shorts, he stops me.
   "No, take your shirt off" he urges me. When I'm too slow he lets himself go and yanks my shirt off for me. My skin tingles where he touched my arms. He runs his fingers down my chest and stomach and I gasp at how good it feels.
   "Is this ok?" He asks hesitantly. I nod, unable to speak.
   He continues until his fingers reach the top of my shorts and with only a short pause he slides his hand underneath and wraps his fingers around my whole length. My whole body jerks in surprise and I hiss out a moan.
    I close my eyes as he jacks me, feeling his lips on my neck as he kisses my skin, sucking. After a few moments he stops and I open my eyes to see him staring down at me. His dilated eyes take me in before meeting my own.
    Several emotions flicker across his face too quickly for me to peg what they are as he quickly jerks my shorts off completely leaving me bare to him. My face and chest flush as his kisses return.
   "Can I kiss you on the mouth?" He whispers against my chest. I nod, not giving myself a second to think about what we were doing. His lips find mine and I find he tastes amazingly sweet like vanilla.
    His tongue seeks entrance into my mouth and tangles with mine. I moan and my hands grip his ass as he rubs himself against my naked skin. He pulls back and lets me kick off his pants then he come back down and the feeling of his naked skin against mine is too much to handle. 
    I cry out as he moans in my ear. I suddenly realize this is probably not normal but it feels too good I don't care. He grips my hair as he brings his lips back down to mine..I love kissing him way more than I should. 
    Way more than I liked kissing Rose'. She definitely didn't make me feel like this. Jimin parts my legs and fits his body between them and he rocks against me. I shudder and groan, my nails digging into his lower back and ass as I'm dragged closer and closer to release...
    I don't ever want this feeling to stop...

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