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I woke this morning not remembering right away the night before...that was until I looked around to snuggle my Jin and saw Jackson behind him. Reality crashed into me and I'm shocked at what I allowed to happen. My first thought was if Jin was ok. After all he was the one who had to endure the most...well, yeah.
I got up quickly after studying his sleeping face to make sure he didn't seem to be in any pain then rushed to get ready for class.
I hated leaving him there alone with Jackson but I had to go and was scared to face him, afraid he was angry with me. I made it to class right as the bell rang and slumped into my seat. I can't focus on anything except the night before. It was...fucking amazing but not sure if I want to repeat it.
Jackson joining us was completely unexpected but Jin didn't seem to object sooo...but at the same time he was kind of in a compromising position to be denying anything. I lick my lips as the memories explode in my head and my jeans begin to feel tight as I harden.
I remember his screams and moans and demands for more crystal clear in my mind and hope he truly enjoyed it. I would hate to go home and find him disgusted with me for letting Jackson take advantage of his vulnerable state.
Shit to be honest, he took advantage of my vulnerable state. I was so hard and wanting by the time he came around there was no way I could stop that runaway train...
With these thoughts, I also remember Jin's tears and cries of pain as we took his body roughly. He didn't tell us to stop though so I really hope that means he's ok with everything. All I know is we have to discuss everything when I get home, Jackson included.

       The first thing that occurs to me when I open my eyes is that Joonie isn't beside me. And my ass hurts. Like I literally can't move to get up. I glance over to see Jackson still asleep. I roll my eyes and shove him awake. His eyes snap open almost comically but I'm in too much pain to laugh at him.
     He smiles at me then rolls over, yawning. "Morning." He says almost unintelligibly.
      "Morning." I whisper as I secure the blanket around my shoulders, shielding myself. He glances at me with a frown.
     "You ok, Jinnie?" He asks hesitantly. He rubs his eyes over my body but I don't know why he bothers he can't see anything as I'm cocooned in the blankets.
      "Mhm." I mutter out and try to stretch. I hiss and squeeze my eyes closed. His frown deepens in concern.
       "Are you hurting?" He wrestles the sheets from my grasp and rips them off me. I shiver as the cold air hits my naked body. We both look down over the bruises on my body and he winces. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were so rough." He gently places his hand on my waist and nudges me to lay on my stomach.
     I chew on my lip in shame and embarrassment as he climbs behind me and urges me to push my thighs up. His fingers trace over my ass before slowly opening me up for examination. I cry out in pain as his finger ghosts over my agonizingly sore hole.
      "God, Hang on. Let me get some ointment." He pats my thigh and leaves the bed for a few moments then returns with some kind of tube. I hide my face in the pillows as I blush fiercely. I glance back surreptitiously to look at him and realize he's put on a pair of shorts.
      He maneuvers me so that I'm practically in a frog position so my ass is completely exposed for his care. I hiss as he applies the ointment to my abused hole. It's painful and soothing at the same time.
      "I'm so sorry, Jin. This will make you feel better." I close my eyes and can't deny how good his finger feels as it barely touches my skin over and over again. I take a deep breath when I no longer feel his hands on me so I glance back once more to see his eyes completely focused on my ass.
      I kick him to get his attention and when his eyes meet mine I see lust. I freeze in surprise as he clears his throat, shakes himself out of it and rolls away. He places the blanket back over me before heading to the bathroom. I frown, wondering what he's doing, as he comes back out with a huge bowel and a rag.
      He smiles at me as he rolls me back into my back. "Let me clean you off, you smell like cum." He laughs and I flush.
     "Shut up." I say grouchily.
      He soaks the rag in the hot soapy water and runs it over my chest. I bite my lip at the nice feeling. He stretches my legs out easily, careful not to make me more sore and rubs the rag over my legs and dips it between my legs before I can protest, cleaning my dick and balls.
     I gasp as he ghosts it over my ass cheeks. He rolls me onto my side to get my back and very carefully eases it down my ass crack. I groan as it touches my hole, hurting. He mumbles out an apology then moves away once I'm all clean.
     "Let me get the clean sheets, ok." He stands up and takes my hand pulling me with him-or tries to. As soon as I feel all my weight on my legs I fall into him and he holds me up. The pain is excruciating.
     I whimper and have no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck as he drags me to his room across the hall. He looks at me in concern. I can't meet his worried gaze so I keep them on my hands.
     "Don't worry. I'm gonna go wash the sheets then I'm gonna call Namjoon, ok?" He says reassuringly so I nod.
     "Do you need anything right now?" He asks patiently, ever the best friend. I shake my head with a small smile so he leaves to start the laundry. Once alone I heave a sigh and think of my predicament.
      Last night was...undeniably amazing and quite eye opening but the pain I'm in now has me questioning whether it was worth it. I'm happy that it was only a one time thing. I don't think my body could handle that again.
      I spend the next couple hours in bed just watching Netflix and YouTube videos as I wait for Joonie to get home. As much as I appreciate Jackson's care I really just need Joonie.
      Speaking of the devil, I hear the door slam open downstairs and running footsteps. Joonie's face appears before me as he runs to my side and hugs me tight.
     "I'm so sorry baby. I couldn't miss my morning classes or I would have stayed here taking care of you." He rubs his hands down over my whole body checking me over, frowning at the bruises on me much like Jackson did. We were all kind of out of it last night.
     "It's fine, I'm fine, promise." He calms down finally. I kiss his lips and he tugs me closer to his chest, deepening the kiss. I pull away and glance down, turning red.
      "W-was last night ok for you?" I ask reluctantly.
     His eyes widen. "I should be asking you that. It was amazing but only because it was an experience with you, Jin." He laces his fingers with mine and I lay back on his chest, relieved.
      Jackson hesitantly walks into the room and announces that he made dinner and the bed sheets were clean. Joonie thanks him profusely then heads down to make me a plate since I'm bed bound. Jackson studies me once we're alone.
     "You look better. Is your a..ass ok?" He asks, scratching his neck in embarrassment.
      I laugh at his discomfort. "I'll survive." I roll my eyes.
      "Good because we should definitely do that again sometime, sexy." He winks at me, the old Jackson finally resurfacing.
     "I don't think so." I tell him point blank.
     He pouts. "Come on, didn't you enjoy yourself?" He pleads as I scoff.
      "Maybe but look at me now! I'm practically crippled! Besides, didn't we agree for it to be a one time thing?" I remind him firmly.
     "That was before we realized how amazing we all are together!" He huffs.
       I shake my head at him as he throws himself on the foot of the bed. He gives me puppy dog eyes but I just glare at him.
      Joonie comes back just in time and tells him to stop harassing me. He heaves a dramatic sigh and leaves us alone.
      "You ok? Did he say something to upset you?" He demands. I chuckle and scoot over slowly so he can sit beside me.
      "He's fine. Don't worry about him." I say as he hands me my plate. He watches me eat with a smile on his face.
     "What?" I ask self consciously.
     "I missed you, Jin hyung. I can't wait to take care of you, baby." He brings his lips to my ear and lowers his voice seductively. "After you're done eating, I'm going to carry you to the bath and let you soak for a while then I'm going to massage your whole body so you can relax." He licks my ear. "Then I'm going to tuck you into bed and get you a snack while we pig out and watch your favorite shows." He tugs my earlobe with his teeth and I look at him tearfully.
     "What did I do to deserve a boyfriend like you?" I ask in awe. He smirks and kisses my forehead.
     "I think the same way about you, sweetheart." He winks at me then continues eating. God, I love this man.

          Park Jimin
Jungkook and I were late for class but I can't seem to feel bad about it or keep the smile off my face as I remember last night. I hope to repeat that again soon. Honestly, I'm so done with school. I can't wait until our summer break so I can keep Kookie all to myself. No interruptions.
The bell rings and I jump in surprise, lost in thought. I get up and hurry out to meet with my Kookie. I round the corner to our meeting place but stop short when I see him there talking to some girl. I've never seen her before but he seems to know her.
They laugh together and I can't help but feel anger and jealousy as he puts her hand on his arm. I walk forward, nonchalantly-secretly fuming. I catch the end of their conversation.


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"...sure! I'd love to eat lunch with you, thanks!" Bitch smiles wide with admiration towards my boyfriend.
"Cool. I'll see you then! Bye, Lisa!" He smiles and watches her walk away down the hall. He doesn't even notice when I step beside him until I'm practically in his face. He jerks in surprise then greets me with a smile and kiss to my cheek.
"Who was that?" I try to keep the jealousy out of my voice.
"Oh just an old schoolmate. She just transferred here from my old school and doesn't know anyone so I want to show her around and stuff." He shrugs like it's no big deal.
"So you were just friends?" I ask carefully, adding a smirk so he thinks I'm joking.
"Yup. Just friends." He says and I immediately feel better and reach for his hand. He kisses my fingers before walking me to my next class. We part ways and agree to meet for lunch.

Jeon Jungkook
I'm not being entirely honest with Jimin and it makes me feel guilty as I walk back down the hall. Lisa was actually a girl I used to be in love with. I thought it was one sided until the day before I transferred she came and confessed her feelings for me.
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Of course I knew as much as I liked her we probably wouldn't survive a long distance relationship being so new so I turned her down. I had regretted it until I met Jimin. He's the one I love now and even though seeing Lisa brings back old feelings I won't change my mind about my boyfriend.
I really don't know if she still likes me but it doesn't really matter either way. I need and want only Jimin. He's my everything. I could see his jealousy as soon as I saw him though he tried to hide it. That's the only reason I had to lie. I don't want him to think he needs to worry about us. Our relationship is solid. No doubt about it.
I'm surprised when I enter my next class to see the subject of my concern sitting next to my seat.
I sit down beside her and her smile is bright and still beautiful as before. He tucks some rogue hair behind her ear and watches me.
I get out my notebook and classwork trying to ignore the eyes on me. Luckily the teacher comes in before she can strike up another conversation. I force myself to pay attention only to the teacher. Unfortunately I lean nothing new as I'm too busy avoiding the eyes on me throughout the class.

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