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I wake up sore and extremely happy. I have no idea what came over Joonie last night but I'm not complaining. I didn't mean to make him jealous about spending time with Jackson but I have to admit if that's how he handles jealously...well not complaining.
I sit up as my stomach growls and try to find some clothes. I grab Joonie's discarded t shirt from yesterday and a pair it with a pair of old sweat pants. I walk quietly down to the kitchen since it's still really early...or late depending on how you look at it.
I open the fridge and rummage for a snack. I take all my pickings to the table and sit down to eat. I'm busy thinking about how amazing our sex was that it wasn't until Jackson clears his theist beside me that I notice him sit down. I jump in surprise and laugh. He winks at me and steals some of my food.
    " are you able to sit down right now!" He smirks at me and I flush in embarrassment.
    "D-did you h-hear us?" I stutter and when he laughs I groan. "I'm sorry."
   "Better than porn...if you guys ever need a third let me know." He winks and I glance down, blushing.
    "We're good, sorry." I say, self conscious that he heard me having sex. To be honest, though I teased him about having to hear us have sex, I've actually been worried about it. I admit Ive been making excuses not to make love with Joonie because I know I'm loud.
    Guess it was all for nothing. Then I remember the open door..."You d-didn't see anything did you?" I ask nervously.
   He glances down with the same smirk on his lips. "You're seriously sexy, Jin."
    I roll my eyes and groan again, horrified. "You s-saw us?!"
    "The door was wide open!" He says defensively and I cover my face with my hands. I'm so humiliated, damn it Namjoon!
    "I didn't realize you'd be the bottom, though, it was seriously the hottest thing I've ever seen.." he snickers and I smack him.
    "Actually we switch...that was my first time being the bottom." I state quietly, almost inaudible.
     He frowns. "Damn, your first time and you got off that good?" He asks in shock.
    I shrug, wanting the conversation to be over. "Well, its Joonie so yeah."
    He rolls his eyes. "No matter who it is I don't think it's usually that easy. Did it hurt?" He asks, intrigued for whatever reason.
     "Maybe a little at first but then no. It felt mind blowing." I blush.
    "Damn. I want what you have." He pouts and I laugh.
    "Not many people can have what Joonie and I have." I smile arrogantly.
    "But seriously, Jin. I'm totally going to be jacking off to you guys for a long time.." he says and runs off before I can reply.
    I scoff and finish my food. Heading back upstairs I smile as I see Joonie sleeping soundly. I still can't believe how powerful he was with me. I've never thought of myself as someone able to be dominated but...he nailed it. Nailed me, quite perfectly and I can't wait to do it again.

Jackson Wang
       I'm so damn shook up about what I witnessed earlier. Jin has always just been my best friend but seeing him like vulnerable and fucking hot. Well, I feel guilty as I leave him alone in the kitchen and run back to my room...and pull my dick out, stroking.
     I can't help it, the memories. I hold back my moans as I picture Jin splayed out on his bed with Namjoon thrusting inside his tight, hot body. I shudder and grip myself harder. I think about the noises they made as they made love before me...

  Earlier that night

        I get out of the shower, excited about going out on the town with Jin. He's a great wingman. I walk back into my room and dress into a black t shirt and jeans. Checking the time, I fix my hair as I-
    "Joonie-ah! Yes, oh god..uhh!"
I freeze as Jin's voice echoes from the hall to my room. Oh my god...are they having sex in the hall? My curiosity gets the better of me and I crack open my door and notice their bedroom door wide open. As it's right across from mine I can see inside perfectly at the scene playing.
Jin's perfect and naked body is splayed out on the bed and I can see Namjoon's head disappearing between Jin's silky white legs. Jin screams out again and as I watch, Namjoon climbs on top of Jin and lines up his body to fuck him.
I gasp and can't control my fingers as they find my own erection and pull it out. I pump myself-hating myself-as I watch Namjoon fuck Jin so perfectly until he's a begging, screaming mess of need.
He flips Jin over onto his knees and I stifle my own moan as he makes Jin cum hard, spraying his milky cum all over the already white sheets. I glance back up to see Namjoon's eyes as he spots me!
I freak out and run back into my room, panicking. He saw me! He fucking caught me watching them...but they did leave the door open so what'd they really expect? I continue to pump my dick, replaying their lovemaking until I cum on my fingers. I lean back against the door and catch my breath.
I no longer hear them so I figure they're finished as I throw myself on my bed and practically pass out in exhaustion.

I find myself cumming once more to them but I can't figure out if I'm jealous of Jin or Namjoon. Both are...basically godlike. I wouldn't kick either of them out of my bed so to speak. Not that they'd invite me, which makes me rather salty.
Why tease me if I'm getting no action too! I release my dick and clean my hand and think about Jin's embarrassment. He's so damn cute! Namjoon would probably laugh and brag about it. I know he thinks I want to take his sexy boyfriend but I honestly have no designs upon Jin.
If I wanted to chase anyone it would probably be Namjoon. He's more my speed and I love a dominant, possessive man. Although, neither one knows I swing that way. I'm bisexual so I can manage with either gender but it's been a while since I've been with a guy. Namjoon calls to my inner forbidden self.
I would never want to hurt Jin but...I really wish they'd invite me into their bed.

        Hoseok     I've been avoiding Taehyung like the plague and it's taking a toll on me

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     I've been avoiding Taehyung like the plague and it's taking a toll on me. I've had to stop myself from texting or calling him like a million times. I need to hold him and kiss his sweet lips. It's been so long but I don't trust my judgement and I know Yoongi would probably check my phone anyway.
    Speaking of the devil himself, Yoongi appears in my living room from the bedroom. Ever since I unwillingly agreed to play 'boyfriend' he won't leave me alone.
    Before, he'd just fuck me and leave me alone but now he's always around. It makes me nervous and uncomfortable. He's been with me since the agreement but hasn't forced me into sex again yet.
     Even when he made me meet him in the empty classroom he didn't make any sexual moves toward me. It makes me trust him even less. What is he really gaining from this? He knows I don't want to rekindle our friendship and he also knows I'm in love with what gives?
    I sit on the couch and play with my phone, missing Tae's sweet voice, as Yoongi makes food in the other room. I have no idea why he wants to stay here. Maybe he has no where else to go and has to make it my problem..god I hope not.
    He soon joins me on the couch and he turns on a movie for us but I'm too absorbed in my thoughts to focus on it. As if reading my mind, the phone beeps.
    It's Taehyung.
    Before I can read it, Yoongi grabs it out of my hands and reads the message.
    "Hoseok, are you ok? I miss you. Why won't you talk to me?" He mocks in a falsetto voice. I glare at him and take the phone back.
    "Stop it!"
    "Aw, what's wrong baby? Am I not good enough? Don't I keep you satisfied?" He winks at me and I roll my eyes.
    "Why are you being this way? Can I please answer him?" I ask tentatively. He shrugs. "Do what ever but be sure to mention our relationship or I'll let him know myself." His voice his soft but I hear the threat behind it.
     I text him back saying I miss him too but can't see him or talk anymore because I'm with Yoongi now. I figure he'll understand and the message should reach Yoongi's requirements. He reads the text then nods so I send it out.
    We finish the movie then I leave to go to bed. I change quickly into a t-shirt and shorts then climb into bed. I close my eyes and sigh as I feel a body slide in next to me. Arms wrap around me and I pretend they're Tae's. He presses his lips against my neck and I feel goosebumps raise on my skin.
    He chuckles softly then pulls me back to spoon his body. I hate admitting it but it's really comfortable and before I know it, I'm falling asleep..

         Jeon Jungkook
      I unlock the door and sneak quietly inside the house as I see Jimin asleep on the bed. It's really late but Rose' wanted to go drinking and I wanted to talk to her. She gives good advice- not that I told her my serious issues.
     She got a little too drunk and I helped her home. Jimin looks so cute as he sleeps in a long sleeved stripped shirt and black pajama pants. His face is so beautiful I don't think I'll ever find someone so perfect again.
     I shrug out of my clothes and silently change into a pair of shorts. I slip into bed beside him and notice how good he smells. I really want to kiss him but I can't after I lied and told him I wanted us to go back to before the kisses.
I wish I could go back to the rooftop and tell him it's ok if he only wants me in private...but I can't and shouldn't. I know he'd never intentionally try to hurt me but...I'm still hurting.
Rolling over to face away from Jimin and temptation, I go to sleep.

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