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          Park Jimin
       We've searched everywhere but haven't been able to find Hobi. I'm so worried about him right now we're all camped out at his house hoping Yoongi will bring him back. I'm so pissed about that guy. It reminds me of that day I found Hobi crying in the bathroom and I just left him with that psycho!
    Guilt consumes me as I glance at everyone around me. Namjoon and Jin are in the kitchen making food for everyone while Taehyung and Kookie talk in the living room, watching tv to take their minds off the worry. I sit alone on the steps watching the cars go by praying one will be my Hobi.
    I should have paid more attention to him. His absence happened right around the time of Jin's party and when Tae finally admitted to us what he knew happened there. All this time Hobi has been dealing with this horrible abuse alone and had been distancing himself from us but we were all too damn busy to notice.
    If only I would have pulled my head out of my ass and stopped my stupid Kookie obsession I would have realized. Hobi is my best friend and I've failed him. Tears cloud my eyes and I bite my lip to stop from full out crying like a damn baby. I just want Hobi home so I can hold him and apologize. I hate myself and will continue to do so until Hobi is safe.
    Just as I start to get up, a car pulls up the long driveway and I run to get Namjoon. We all run out as the car rolls to a stop and the passenger door opens. It's too dark to see whose inside until I see Hobi slowly climb out of the car. I cry as he leans against the car door like it's hard to move. His clothes are dark and baggy.
    The car shuts off and Yoongi climbs out of the drivers side and we watch in anger as he goes around and helps Hobi walk. Namjoon looks murderous as he stomps over to then. Hobi looks up at us in shock as he sees us for the first time. Running to Hobi, I just about knock him down with the force of my hug but he chuckles and hugs me back.
   Namjoon pulls Yoongi away from us and punches him in the face. I pull Hobi farther away and Namjoon continues to fight Yoongi.
    "No! S-stop, Namjoon! Please." Hobi asks desperately and he stops to look at him in shock.
    "Hoseok, he kidnapped you and did god what else for days! You've been missing for days because of this asshole and you want me to not hit him?" He yells, anger lacing his voice.
    "Yes. He brought me home so it's ok." He says in a low voice. I stare at him in shock but he just gives me a small smile. "Really. I'm ok so can we just go inside. I'm starving." He starts to walk up the walk so I put my arm around him and help him up the steps. Namjoon grabs Yoongi by the shirt and starts dragging him with us.
   I'm pretty sure Namjoon would have continued until he killed him if Hobi hadn't asked him to stop. I don't understand why he did though. Yoongi hurt him so much he could barely walk and yet he wants him to not get hurt? Why does he even care? I jump slightly as Kookie puts his arm around my shoulders.
I lean into him glad he's finally not ignoring me anymore and we watch as Hobi sits down at the table while Jin serves him food. We follow suit and start eating. I notice Namjoon and Yoongi missing.

"You better pray to god I don't kill you." I glare at Yoongi as I shove him against the bathroom door. I'm so pissed off that Hobi asked me not to hurt him but he's not getting off that easy.
While everyone went to eat and check on Hobi I pushed Yoongi into the bathroom to make my point.
Yoongi-for the most part- hasn't tried to fight back or even talk. He just silently glares at me. Which pisses me off more.
"What the fuck did you do to Hobi?" I slam my hands down beside his head on the door. He doesn't flinch.
"I don't know...why don't you ask him?" He smirks. I see red as I grip his throat and begin to choke him. His eyes turn red from lack of oxygen and he tries to shove me off him. I go nowhere but remove my hand. His neck is bruised from my effort and it satisfies me.
"I will fucking kill you if you don't stop this little game of yours. Stay the fuck away from Hobi and Taehyung!" I wait for his reply but he only shrugs.
"What the fuck ever man. I don't give a shit anyway." He pushes me back then forces his way out the door. I follow and watch as he stalks out of the house without another word and leaves. Jin comes up behind me and hugs me.
"Baby it's ok. Just be glad Hobi is home and safe." He whispers and I nod as he kisses my neck. I'm been so worried and stressed since Tae told us what happened that the adrenaline finally leaves me and I collapse in the nearest chair, exhausted.
I refuse to eat and Jin pouts all cute and forces a plate in my hand. Rolling my eyes, I eat. Jin smiles and makes sure Hobi and everyone else is alright.
"I'm fine, you guys can go home. I promise I'm ok." Hobi smiles at us knowingly and I look away out of guilt. I never got to actually tell him about Jin and me.
"I'll stay with him." Taehyung speaks up. Hobi looks at him for a moment then nods. I sigh and Jimin also nods.
"Ok then but call me if you need anything, alright?" He nods and Jin hugs him before we leave. The ride home is quiet as we're both lost in thought. Jin pulls into our house and opens my door. I hold his hand as we go inside.
It's late so Jackson is already in bed and everything is dark as we head up to our room. I sit on the end of the bed as Jin starts the shower. I rub my eyes and yawn just wanting to pass out on the bed but before I can Jin returns and pulls my shirt off.
I only just now realize that he's naked as he bends down to pull off my pants. Lust hits me hard as I lick my lips, watching him remove my clothes. He glances up innocently and blushes as he catches my expression. He tugs my boxers off and without a word he takes me into his hot mouth.
I moan and fall back onto the bed letting him take care of me. He licks my head and sucks me into his throat. I close my eyes as pleasure consumes me. I rock my hips into him as he groans- the vibrations killing me. I gasp as I cum in his wonderful mouth and he swallows me down.
I pull him up and flip him over so he's on his hands and knees. I crawl behind him and kiss his back. He arches back, breathing hard and I run my fingers over his nipples and tug then. He jerks and slams his sexy ass against my still wet cum soaked dick. I ground myself into him as he rubs himself against me.
I tug his nipples one last time then reach down to rub his dick. He's hard and leaking as I leave hickeys on his neck and shoulders. My erection returns as I rub my tip over his glistening hole and he moans. I push inside him slowly and pull back, teasing him.
He huffs in frustration as I continue my torture. Finally having enough he leans forward and just when I think he's going to move away and scold me- he slams back so hard my dick instantly slides all the way inside him pegging his prostate and he screams. I moan and clutch his hips as he fucks himself on my dick.
It feels so amazing as I begin to pound into him. His voice echoes throughout the room and my moans mingle with it. Jin pants hard as he reaches down to jack himself. It only takes a few more hard thrusts before he shoots delicious milky cum all over the bed. He collapse onto his stomach as I continue pounding his ass. I groan as I freeze-cumming inside his tight, hot ass.
I roll off him and meet his eyes. He smiles as I run my fingers through his sweaty hair. "Time to shower." I mumble and he laughs. He gets up and I love it when I see the cum running down his thighs. Mine.
I sigh as he pulls me up and we head to take a shower.

Jimin and Jungkook finally decided to head home two hours after Namjoon and Jin. Hoseok had to reassure them over and over that he was fine and sorry for not talking to them. I'm really surprised he's not mad about me staying over.

    I feel out of place, though, as soon as they leave

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I feel out of place, though, as soon as they leave. I'm still sitting at the table as Hoseok slowly gets up and practically limps out of the room. I hesitantly follow him down the hall to his room. I stand uncomfortably at his bedroom door as he strips off his shirt.
I'm shocked to see how bruised he is. Love bits and real bruises cover his shoulders and back. My gasp makes him snap his head around to me. I realize he forgot I was here.
He heads into the bathroom and locks the door. I feel tears leave my eyes as he showers. I lay back against his bed and wait for him. We really need to talk. I close my eyes and start to drift asleep until I hear him come out. I don't open my eyes as I feel his eyes on me.
He leans down and surprises me by kissing my forehead. My eyes snap open and meet his. He flushes and looks away. I grip his hand when he tries to turn away. "Please." I whisper.
He doesn't look at me. "Please what, Taetae?"
"Don't hate me...please talk to me or something.." I bite my lip as tears fall.
He sighs then sits beside me on the bed. "I don't hate you. I'm not even mad anymore..why didn't you tell me about you and Yoongi?"
"I'm scared of him and he told me not to." I say, ashamed.
He nods then finally glances at me. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. He wipes me tears then kisses me softly. I want to deepen it but he pulls away.
"I'm sorry, Tae. Really sorry about everything." He whispers and climbs into bed. After a moment I walk to the other side and climb in beside him. He holds me as I snuggle into his chest. I missed him so much. I hate myself for not being strong enough to protect him but I can't even protect myself against Yoongi.
I can't believe Namjoon beat him up. I love that guy so much for standing up for us. Unfortunately I know it's not that easy to get away from him. I just pray he leaves my Hoseok alone. I'll take anything for him even his pain. My smile as I hear his soft snore. I've never got to sleep beside him before so it makes me so happy despite the circumstances.

Jeon Jungkook
We arrive home very late and Jimin is exhausted. I was going to talk to him but figure it'd be better to put it off. It's not that I'm a coward- really- I just don't want him more stressed. That's it, seriously.
I sit on the couch as he strips off his clothes and changes into a pair of black shorts, shirtless. I sigh at his beauty as he climbs into the bed. We haven't actually shared the bed in a while and I'm actually nervous. I change quickly and climb in beside him.
Unbelievably, he's already asleep. I turn to face him, lying on my side, and just watch him sleep. I want to kiss him so bad...I wish he'd love me back. I don't think he does though. Yeah, he may like my body when we're alone but that's not love..
    He groans in his sleep and cuddles into my chest. My heartbeat skips as I wrap my arms around him and breath in his delicious scent. So beautiful.

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