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        The whole way home my head is full of Taehyung. I'm so preoccupied thinking of how to woo him on our date that it takes me a few minutes to realize I'm not alone. I glance where I feel eyes on me to see Yoongi lounging on the couch smirking at me. I frown, annoyed.
     "Yoongi! W-what are you doing here?" I fidget nervously.
     He stands up slowly never losing that smug expression. "What do you mean, Hoseokie? I'm always here lately. Why are you surprised?" He asks.
     "I have something for you before your big date...a gift, if you will." He laughs at the shock on my face. "Oh? Didn't think I knew about you and Tae? You think I'm stupid?" His smile slips slightly as he pulls out a USB drive.
     "W-what's that?" I ask. Terrified of the content by his expression.
      "Just watch it." He demands and takes it to my laptop. He sticks it in and I immediately freeze.
     "Ahh...Yoongi-ah! Yessss, fuck me!"
     Tears form in my eyes as I watch the video of me and Yoongi having sex. We're in my room and he's fucking me hard as I beg for more. I fall back and land hard on the chair.
     He continues to let it play as he screams out dirty insulting names at me and I can hear the slapping sounds and my moans. I close my eyes in humiliation as he forces me to watch the whole clip.
     I can't breath as it ends and he pulls the USB drive back out. He hands it to me and I stare at it in my hands like it's a snake. His smirk only grows.
    "A copy for you. Don't worry I have a copy for your precious Taetae as well."
     My head snaps up at that and sobs escape my throat.
     "Oh yes...this is really happening. I think the poor guy deserves to know what a dick thirsty slut you are. He has the right to know that while he's pinning for your, you're here happily fucking me.." he laughs and it sounds so demented in my ears.
    "What?" He waits patiently for me to speak.
     "What do you w-want from me?" I ask, voice cracking.
      "I want a lot of things but this isn't really about me. I'm doing a service to the poor boy. You can't keep living this lie!How do you think he'll feel when you tell him about us? Or better yet-when I reveal our true status? You're such a sick freak-such a fucking slut you'll fuck your own big brother.." he pretends to shudder.
    I stand up angrily and punch him. Blood instantly pours out of his nose and his eyes turn dangerous as he gives me a death glare.
     "You fucking little bitch! You're gonna pay for that.." he grabs my collar and slams me back into the wall. I hit my head hard and see stars as he punches me in the stomach. He pins my hands above my head as I gasp for breath. He bites my neck hard and I try to scream but can't seem to get enough air into my lungs.
     "S-stop it!" I heave and struggle to free myself but his grip is iron tight. I feel tears as he destroys my skin to leave bloody lovebites all over my neck and chest. He pulls back and smiles widely at me.
      "Stop it? But I just started, my little Hoseokie." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, his shoulder hurting my stomach where he hit me. He climbs the stairs fast and throws me onto the bed. I flinch as he grasps my hair and pulls. "Tsk, tsk. I've told you how many times that you're mine? Why can't you understand this?" He sighs and pushes me down by my hair.
    My face is stuffed into the blankets where I can't breath as I feel my pants being jerked down. Cold hair hits my thighs before his body presses against them. I sob as he unzips his pants and rubs his tip against my ass. He keeps my head down and I slowly begin to black out as he thrusts into me hard and dry. I have no air to scream.
      I'm dizzy from lack of breath and pain as he uses my body once more. I close my eyes and begin to slip out of reality as I hear a sound-like a door being slammed. Suddenly the body over me disappears and I collapse on the bed...passing out...

       Fucking bitch thinks he can hit me and get away with it! Oh hell no. I pound his ass harder as I smother him. I know he can't breath and it's his punishment for thinking he can leave me. He doesn't struggle anymore as I thrust in and out, groaning.
      I hear a door slam downstairs and stop. I release him and get up to see who the fuck dares to disturb us. I head to the kitchen to see Taehyung standing by the door, panting. I glare at him...then laugh. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. I walk right over to him and pin him to the door. His eyes are terrified as I smirk st him.
     "You never learn, Tae. I warned you." I drag my finger down his face.
      "Where's Hoseok!" He demands, surprising me.
      "Upstairs. Waiting for me to finish fucking him." I say casually as I step back to see his next move. His eyes widen in pain and I smile. "Would you like to watch?" I ask.
      He winces. "I want to see him." I shrug and let him through to find his precious boyfriend passed out on the bed with blood on his thighs. He runs over to him and tries to wake him. "The fuck did you do to him!" He screams at me as I stand there unfazed. I know he isn't dead. I can see his chest very slowly rising and falling.
     "Punishment." I state simply.
       Slowly he stands and glare at me. I've never seen this side of Taehyung and I kinda like it. A real adversary. "Got something to say?"
     "You almost killed him!" He glances at the person in question, angry.
      "So what? If he won't choose me he's better off dead anyway." I shrug unaffected.
"You're crazy!" He screams before running toward me and tackling me. I'm too shocked to respond as he punches me in the face. I lose my bearings as he hits me again and again as I fight to block his blows.
I don't know how it happens but suddenly I'm on the ground and he's on top of me. His face is filled with rage as he attacks me...I stop fighting and just laugh, letting him beat me...such fun...

I wake to the sound of groaning and screaming. I shift around and flinch in pain. My ass throbs as I turn to the most shocking scene in my life...
Taehyung his on top of Yoongi and he's beating the shit out of him. I force my legs to move and get up to grab Tae. I pull him back but he doesn't stop. "You're gonna kill him!" I try to get him to stop but he ignores me as he repeatedly punches him in the face. Yoongi's face is covered in blood and yet...he's laughing maniacally.
      "He deserves to die!" Tae screams as his blows slow, losing momentum. I pull him away from a nearly unconscious Yoongi and hold him tight. Sobs wrack his body as he clutches me tight. "I t-though you were dead.." he cries into my chest. I close my eyes and breath in his comforting scent ignoring the metallic tinge of blood in the air.
     I pull back and look at him. His eyes are red and puffy and his fists are cut and bloody. I take his hands in mine. "Thank you. If you hadn't of got here I probably would be dead." I whisper through my own tears. Tae pulls out his phone and dials 911. I'm too traumatized to stop him as he tell the police about Yoongi.
     I hug him close when they arrive and take Yoongi to the hospital before sending him to jail. I don't know how to feel now that he's gone...really gone. I never thought our lives would come to this..
     Tae takes my hand and kisses my head as he leads me out of the house to get some fresh air. We sit down in the grass and just stare at one another.
    "Will you move in with me?" He asks hesitantly and I break out into a smile.
      "Really? But what about my house?"
       He glares up at it. "Sell it. I want to start over fresh away from these horrible memories. I want us to begin again." He mutters against my lips and I can't deny his logic. I want that too...
      "Ok. I love you."

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