Addicted Pt 2

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        Tired of feeling caged in, I decide to walk downtown. I need to stop thinking about...needing...I refuse to think his name. He's ruined me. I hate that I know that. I don't want him to be on my mind...the one my body craves! I miss Taehyung. I want to want him but...I just don't anymore.
    He deserves so much better than he's got with Yoongi and now my desertion. I wish with everything that I could kiss him like I did before and finally make love to him but I don't think my body would let me. Maybe I should just turn celibate. A lot of people has done it and I'm sure they're ok.
    Much better outcome than craving your older brother...I roll my eyes at the directions my thoughts are heading and head into my favorite coffee shop. I need caffeine and some chill time. I order my mocha then sit down, waiting to be called. I spot Namjoon and Jin with some other guy walking on the other side of the street.
     They can't see me so I observe them quietly. Namjoon is talking adamantly with the other guy while Jin stays back and just watches them with a worried expression. I hope they aren't having any issues. They deserve to be happy. My order is called so I retrieve it and settle into my corner nook and pull out my phone.
     I sip my drink and browse my favorite YouTube channels for a while  until I hear the seat in front of me pull out. I glance up distractedly and freeze. I lick my lips and try to keep my breathing even as Yoongi studies me, drink in hand.
     He's so gorgeous with his black t shirt and ripped jeans, leather jacket slung over the chair.
     "Miss me, Hoseokie?" His soft voice murmurs amusingly.
     I can't speak so I glare and shake my head in the negative.
     He laughs. "Liar."
     I roll my eyes. "What do you want, hyung?" I scoff.
     "Honestly? You...but as you're playing hard to get I'll just pester you instead." He smirks.
     I look away to gather my thoughts but gasp as I feel his fingers dig into my thigh under the table. He still has that stupid smirk on his lips as his fingers trail higher...
     I push his hand away and glare. "Stop it!"
     "What will you do if I don't?"
     "Please just leave me alone."
     "No." He says simply. I gawk in shock.
    "No?" Why?
    "Nope. Come on, I'll walk you home." He stands up and takes my arm not giving me a choice. I grab my drink as he pulls me out of the shop and towards my house. I don't struggle much because I don't want the strangers around us calling the cops.
     As we round the curve to my house, though, I break free- surprising him- and sprint towards my house. I can't breath as I unlock my door with Yoongi coming up right behind me. I struggle to slam the door on him but he uses his leg to keep it open. God, he's so damn strong! He finally kicks it open, his momentum knocking me to the floor as he falls on top of me and attacks my neck.
    He sucks the skin hard and I cry out in pain but I also harden in pleasure. My body's wanted this since he left but I won't admit to it. He makes his way to my lips and shoves his tongue practically down my throat as I moan and run my fingers through his hair, pulling.
     He lifts himself off me and jerks me along with him, running to my bedroom. He kicks the door closed and slams me against it, tugging my shirt over my head. I gasp for air as he works my jeans down my legs and strokes me through my boxers.
I don't want this...I don't want this...
Fuck, I need this...I kiss him back hard and he groans into my mouth as I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed. I throw my head back as his lips suck hickeys on my neck. I strip him of his shirt and he kicks off his jeans, his lips never leaving my skin.
"Please...hurry.." I gasp, panting as he rams his fingers inside me, hard. I yell out and rock my ass back onto his fingers, lost in the pleasure he forces out of me.
"God, baby.." he moans into my mouth as he preps me hard. Finally after a lifetime he sits back and spit lubes himself and lines up-
I ram my ass down on him making him cry out in surprise and lust as he grips my hips hard enough to bruise and begins to pound into me. He's rough and his pace his making me scoot up the bed so I grab his arms to keep myself steady for his deep thrusts.
"Ugh...Y-Yoongi-ah! Goddd..." I pant as sweat runs down my face.
"Tell me what I want to hear baby.." he groans out shifting his angle and pegging my prostate. I scream and squeeze my eyes closed.
"F-fuck me h-hyung! Harder!" I cry.
"Fuck yes, baby, tell me how much you love this dick!"
"I love your dick..ah!!" I last only two more powerful thrusts before I shoot cum all over our stomachs.
"Yes, baby boy, cum for your hyung!" He scoops up some of my cum and raises his fingers to my lips making me taste it. "Taste yourself baby." He moans and throbs inside me, filling me up with his own cum. I lick his fingers clean as he pulls out of me only to lean down between my legs and eat me out.
I feel him suck and lick his cum out of me and more cum gushes out of my dick. I slam myself down onto his tongue and moan as over sensitivity takes over. He holds me in place and eats my ass until all his cum is gone from my body.
He leans over me gripping my jaw, holding my mouth open as he spits all his collected cum inside my own mouth. I swallow dutifully as he moans at the sight. I taste myself along with him and shudder at the dirtiness of it all.
He collapses beside me in bed and we lay there, silent. I have no words for how I'm feeling right now. This should have never have happened but I can't deny how much I loved it, wanted it. And I know he knows it.
I close my eyes not wanting to look at the mistake beside me but I can still feel his warmth against my skin and taste him in my mouth. There's no pretending.
"Hoseok." His voice is low and rough .
"Hm." I don't want to speak.
"Don't leave me again. You're mine." He states it like a simple fact.
I frown and don't answer.
He reaches over and grabs my jaw forcing me to face him. "You're mine. I don't care what anyone says or tries to do. All you need to know is you belong to me." His eyes are fired up with the passion of his words.
I swallow hard but still find myself nodding just a bit.
He lays back in contentment and closes his eyes. I don't move until I hear his slow and even breathing signaling his sleep. I sit up carefully, aware of how sore I am. My ass throbs painfully as I get up and limp into the bathroom. I study myself in the mirror to see deep purple bruises all over my neck and chest along with finger print bruises over my hips and thighs.
I flush as the memories resurface in my mind. Shaking my head, I turn on the shower and wash myself thoroughly. Yoongi is still asleep when I renter the bedroom. I stand beside the bed and ponder what to do now. I want him to leave but I also want to cuddle into his arms. I want him to disappear forever but I also want to cum again like only he can make me.
I hate myself.
Sighing, I head to the kitchen and fix something to eat. All that exercise has me starving. I consider calling Jimin but decide against it, not wanting anyone to know how pathetic I am. I wish things could just be different...

Park Jimin
Kookie has officially dominated my life. I don't think I can live without him. We're finally in sync with our relationship and I can claim him as mine. I'm so freaking happy about it, too. Right now all I can think about it going to school tomorrow and holding his hand to class.
I want everyone to know he's mine! Rose' will just have to find another boy toy.
"Jiminie hyung?" I turn to see him studying me with amusement.
"Yeah?" I quirk an eyebrow.
"You're so sexy. I love you." He winks at me and laughs at my blush. He's so random sometimes but I love it.
"Kookie-ah!" I smile.
"You're such a dork!" I thrown a pillow at him as he pouts. I tease him as he comes over to sit on my lap. I kiss him deeply and he moans slowly grinding his ass against my lap. I run my fingers under his shirt and play with his nipples making him gasp sweetly.
"I love you too baby." I whisper into his mouth. He whimpers low and my grip tightens on his hips.
He leans back and stares into my eyes. "Fuck me." He bites his lip seductively and I snap. I stand up with him still in my arms around spin around to slam him back on the couch. His legs lock around my waist and I run my hands down his thighs as he rocks his body hard against mine.
I remove myself from his mouth and begin to suck his neck leaving dark claiming marks in my wake. I jerk off his shorts and stroke his dick slowly. He moans and throws his head back against the cushions. I smirk as I dip my thumb into his slit making him cry out.
"Hyung, please..." he cries. I stop teasing and get up to slip my pants off my legs. His wide eyes stare back at me lustfully. I slowly approach him loving this eyes on my body. He sits up and runs his hands down my chest all the way to my dick. I gasp as he takes me into his mouth.
He sucks me down his throat and I yell and grip his hair, pulling hard. I fuck his mouth as he chokes me down without complaint. I pull him off me when I feel my limit approaching and he smirks at me smugly.
I lick his lips and push him back against the cushions, wrapping his strong legs back around my waist as I suck a finger into my mouth. He watches me hungrily as I suck two more, wetting then thoroughly. I tease his entrance for a few moments before entering him.
He huffs out a sobbing breath as I add the other two fingers to stretch him out. I stroke his prostate and he screams, legs tightening around me almost painfully. I deem him ready and pull my fingers out to replace my dick at his hole. I run my tip around his asshole and his eyes roll back into his head in pleasure.
I thrust in deep hard with one hard thrust all the way until our hips connect. "Ah! Uhhh!!" He moans as I give him no break, continuing painfully hard thrusts over and over again.
He screams my name over and over as the couch slides slowly across the floor because of my powerful thrusts. I gaze dazedly at his dick as it bounces up and down on his stomach, hard and dripping...
I pull out making him whine and flip him over onto his knees. I give him no time to prepare as I take his hips and slam once more into his hot willing body.
"Jimin!" He cries and shoots cum all over the cushions. He groans as I continue to punish his ass until I explode and fill him up. I don't stop as the cum runs down his thighs mingling with our sweat. I pant hard as I stop suddenly.
I try to control my breathes as I slowly pull out watching in enjoyment as cum trickles out of his well stretched and worked hole. I hold him gently and turn him over. His eyes are closed as he hugs me close and wraps his wet thighs around my hips.
I kiss him gently and pick him up, walking us to the shower. He groans against my chest as I turn on the water.
"I'm tired..." he complains as I push him into the shower. I laugh as he winces from the hot water.
"You'll survive big baby." I smirk as he glares at me with a pout. He closes his eyes once more as I wash him carefully making sure he's completely clean before I begin washing myself. I dry us off and lead him to our bed. I tuck him in naked and start to get in beside him when my phone chimes.
I take it to see Hobi's number. I glance at Kookie to see him already asleep so I go back into the bathroom and answer the phone.
"Hobi?" I ask quietly.
"Hey Jiminie...can we talk..."

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