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        After I left Hoseok's house this morning I decided to grab a coffee before heading to school. Hoseok seems to have forgiven me but he doesn't want me anymore, I think. The thought makes me want to cry but I can't really blame him. I should have told him upfront when he started persuing me that I was taken.
    But he was just so...much more than what I had. Yoongi never treated me well just used me...

    Flashback (1 year ago, First day of college)
      "'s your class schedule, Mr. Kim. I hope you come to find our university to your satisfaction.." I nodded boredly, not really paying attention, as the secretary of the college droned on and on. I hated staring over at a new school when I had almost completed all my classes.
   I was going to have to practically start all over again. Sighing quietly, I stood up with my paperwork and searched for my first class. I'm lost in a weirdly silent part of the school when I see someone at the end of the hall.
   He's just standing with his back turned toward me listening to music. He's really attractive but he has one of those 'I'm better than you' vibes. I think about asking him for help but then change my mind. I'd rather be lost. Just when I'm about to turn away he looks  at me.

       "What do you want?" He demands in annoyance

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       "What do you want?" He demands in annoyance. I step back in surprise.
   "Uh-I'm just looking for my class.." I trail off as he starts toward me. He rips my schedule out of my hands and studies it. I look around, anywhere but at him.
    "You're on the wrong side of the school, idiot. You're class is in the other building." He nods out the window to the next building across campus. I flush in embarrassment and he smirks at me.
     "If you want I can show you.." he says. I bite my lip in contemplation. I really need to find this class but this guy scares me...
    "I'm Min Yoongi. You?" He states proudly with his hand out. I hesitantly accept it and shake his hand.
    "Kim T-Taehyung." I stutter out. He doesn't release my hand- instead he takes off down the hall practically dragging me with him. He still has my papers in his other hand as he leads me outside to the other building.
    When we reach the building he takes me around it away from the entrance and I nervously look back. He notices me and smiles. It's not a happy smile.
    He slams me into the wall and pins me against it. My breath leaves me as his face moves closer, inches away. He glances at my lips then back to my eyes.
    "You're really pretty, you know?"
    I shake my head and he laughs.
    "Do you like guys or girls?" He asks me impatiently. I've always liked girls and tell him so quietly.
   "Ah baby, not anymore." He attacks my neck and - gasping- I struggle to break away from him. He may be short but his strength is no joke. His hand snakes it's way into my pants and I shove him away hard.
    I grab for my things but he kicks them away and grips me by my hair making me groan in pain. He pulls, hard.
   His lips attack mine and he forces his tongue in my mouth making me choke. I try to break away but I can't. I scan the area but no one is around and I'm scared. He rips my shirt as he leaves hickeys down my neck. His touch is rough and it hurts as he finally reaches my dick and tugs it painfully. I gasp as he spins me around, my face slamming painfully into the brick.
    "Please s-stop..." I pant as the cold air hits my ass, my pants shoved down my legs. His warmth covers me but I feel no relief as he gropes my ass hard enough to leave bruises. "No! Don't-"
    "Shut the fuck up..." he groans and covers my mouth with his free hand. My eyes widen in terror as his finger rubs against my ass cheek slowly making its way down my crack. Tears spring into my eyes as he applies pressure and soon he's inside me. I try to scream but his hand is still covering my mouth, muffling me.
    I jerk my body trying to free myself but I only end up grinding my ass against his hips making him moan. I stop immediately and he licks my ear.
    "I think I like you, baby. We can have some fun later." He steps back and watches with amusement as I collapse to the ground with my pants still around my ankles. I shiver from shock as he casually grabs his things and turns to walk away leaving me there. "Oh, you're mine now so stay away from everyone else, got it?" He glares at me and I nod in fear.
    I shake until he disappears out of sight before I slowly get up and fix myself. I run back around the building and hide inside the bathroom until the bell rings, scared to death of running back into that guy...

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