Sensitive Touch

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   Park Jimin
     I'm exhausted after all the moving around Jungkook and I did moving his belongings to my place. After straightening up and helping me dye my hair we decided to go walk into town and grab some dinner and hang out at some of the local shops. It was fun, though, and I loved learning more about my new friend.
    He told me about his parents' deaths and how he was crushing on his classmate whom I happen to know, Rose'. I offered to talk to her for him but he denied my assistance.

   "It's fine, really, I freak out just sitting close to her

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   "It's fine, really, I freak out just sitting close to her. Don't think I'm ready to take her out even if by a miracle she says yes." He flushed and awkwardly laughed.
   "If you're sure. It's no problem and I'm sure she'd like you, too." I smirked. "You're pretty cute yourself." I teased. His red face got brighter.
   "Jimin, please don't worry about it but thanks anyway."
    "Well what if I ask a friend out and we go on a double date?" I try. I really want to make him happy and I can tell he really likes Rose'.
   He considers for a moment. "Maybe." He concedes. I nod and together we get ready for school. We walk to school just before the bell and agree to meet for lunch with Namjoon and Hobi. I really hope Hobi is ok, I remember the conversation I had with his friend, Yoongi.
    I can't believe I've never met or heard of him since both Namjoon and Hobi know him. But then I didn't know skin either. I hated that they kept secrets from me but I guess there were more important things to talk about than past friendships.
    Yoongi had told me Hobi was helping him with familial issues and I guessed maybe someone was ill because in the background I could hear faint moaning like someone was sick or in pain.
    I shrug off the weird feeling and get my school work out, math once again. I roll my eyes as our robotic teacher starts spouting repetitious equations. As I doodle on my paperwork I feel a finger poke my back gently. I turn to see my classmate, Hyuna smiling at me.
   I was surprised as she was by far the most beautiful girl in the school and every guy coveted her. I raised an eyebrow and asked what she wanted.
    "Jimin-ah, do you want to go out tonight? My friends all ditched me and I don't want to go alone." She pouted in a cute manner.

   I hesitate before answering

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   I hesitate before answering. I would be stupid to turn down an invitation from her. I mean she's gorgeous, smart, and popular. Namjoon would smack me if I said no.
    "Ah, sure. Do you mind if we do a double date, though?" I ask hopefully.
  "No problem, the more the merrier." She winks then turns about to her desk to write her phone number down. I promise to call her later and excitedly can't wait to tell Jungkook.
   I text Rose' and ask her if she wants to do a double with us and Jungkook and after sending her his picture she agrees easily like I knew she would. Class ending and I happily walked to my next class, glancing around now and then to see if Hobi was around. He was nowhere to be found, though, so I shot him a text.
    Today was going to be a great day!

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