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          Park Jimin
       Groaning, I rub my eyes for the hundredth time. I'm still hung over from last night and my head is throbbing. Jungkook has been avoiding me for days now and I don't know why. After my horrible date at the club with Hyuna a couple days ago, Kookie's been acting so strange.
     I don't remember much of that night but I must have done something to piss him off. All I can remember is him yelling at me after Hyuna ditched me and him dragging me home. Then...nothing. I completely blacked out. I just know I woke up the next morning naked and in bed beside Kookie. My head had been killing me and my back hurt like a bitch. I simply recall falling at the club so...yeah.
    I had gotten dressed and made us breakfast but when he got up he wouldn't meet my eyes and kept blushing. I tried asking him if he was ok but he just mumbled something under his breath and I let it go.
    He seemed disappointed though when I apologized for acting like an ass the night before and sorry he had to take care of me. He glared at me then. "Jimin, don't you remember last night?" He had demanded angrily.
     "No, did I do something really stupid?" I asked but he just scoffed and left me alone.
    He's been avoiding me ever since. I don't know what to do to make things better since I don't know what I did to upset him. I didn't hit on him again, did I? Like a pathetic loser. Sighing, I let it drop and focus on ridding my headache.
    I've been going out a lot mostly alone. I don't want to call Hyuna back up after being ditched even though shes definitely tried calling me. I'm not really mad, though, seeing as we're not a couple or anything. Every time I go out Kookie just seems to get more angry.
    I don't know why when he's the one avoiding me, I figure he'd be happy having some peace without me around all the time. Shrugging to myself, I drink my coffee and decide to go back to bed. I cover my head with the blanket to block out the bright sunlight and sigh in relief.
    I miss Kookie. I wish he'd just tell me what I've done wrong this time so we can make up and hang out again. I'm so lonely since Namjoon is always busy with Jin and someone named Jackson..I don't know, and Hobi is just being weird and in full avoidance mode not telling me anything.
    It's been so long since I've hung out with any of them now that I feel so unloved and quite inadequate. I know it's stupid but I can't help but feel that way. Maybe I should call up Namjoon and force him to make time for me...

       Jeon Jungkook
      I'm stupid. So fucking stupid to think he actually wanted me. He was just drunk out of his mind and I took advantage. I really should apologize but don't want to bring it up. What if he hates me after he finds out what I've done?
    What if he wants me to leave? What if he thinks I raped him? These thoughts refuse to leave my mind so I've been avoiding him like the plague so the guilt and shame won't show on my face. I had been so happy to wake up to him making us breakfast.
    I actually thought maybe he wanted us to be official but then...god I'm so stupid! I knew it was wrong to do it while he was drunk but I didn't stop it and now I've ruined everything. Maybe I should move out. I can't look at him without remembering his moans and kisses, his sweat slick body as he moved so perfectly against mine...
    Stop it! I groan in frustration and look around. I'm currently hiding out at a random coffee shop waiting for Jimin to leave the house. Ever since that night he's been going out every night and I'm pissed off at myself for hating him for it.
    It feels like he's cheating on me as stupid as that sounds. I can't stop thinking about him getting drunk and fucking someone else like he did with me. He's mine. I even stooped so low as to follow him last night as he drank until he couldn't stand.
    I called Namjoon and he went to pick him up. I pretended to be asleep when he brought him home and he slept on the couch. I'm ashamed to admit to even myself that I cried until I fell asleep for real.
    Why did he have to make me obsessed with him? Why did he have to be so damn sexy and lovable-touchable. I'm fully aware I'm unhealthily addicted to him. I want him so bad but I think he doesn't want me. He doesn't act any differently then how a normal  friend should act and it's killing me.
    I can't forget that night we slept together. It's engraved into my mind permanently and i know it's going to destroy me if something doesn't change soon. I think I need to just man up and tell him what happened. What I did...and pray he doesn't hate me.

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