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        I can't wait for school to be over so I can plan out my amazing date with Jin. We need this. I don't want him to ever worry about our relationship like he has been. I wish he'd trust me more but I know it isn't really me-more his insecurities. I think he's perfect and though he puts on a tough face I know he's super self conscious.
      I see Jimin and Jungkook walking down the hall and catch up to them throwing my arms around both their shoulders. Jimin smiles at me.
     "Namjoon! What's up?" He asks his smile widening.
     "Bout to ask for your help with date plans for Jin..." I trail off and Jungkook smirks at me. I roll my eyes, blushing.
     "Well...what kind of things does he like?" Jimin frowns in thought.
     "Romantic things...I think." I consider.
     He scoffs. "Really? I thought you've known this guy forever and yet you don't even know what kind of date he'd like?" He exclaims.
     I look away in embarrassment. "Well, in my defense, I'm sure he's changed a lot in the years we spent apart and we really haven't been on that many dates. We kinda just started our relationship immediately." I explain to them.
      They share a look and Jimin shakes his head. "Namjoonie, here's what you need to do; you need to make a reservation for one of those fancy restaurants in town then you need to woo him with dessert, after that take him home, light some candles and start some slow music..."
      "Then fuck his brains out!" Jungkook yells, interrupting Jimin and we both stare at him in shock. Jimin laughs while I scowl.
     "He's right, though. I was about to say the same thing only a little more delicately." He fake glares at his boyfriend but he just shrugs, unaffected.
      "I guess that sounds good. Quite easy, too." I smile then ruffle their hair as they let out annoyed squeaks. I leave them to themselves and step outside to make the reservation.
      When that's done I call Jackson and wait for him to pick up.
     "Ello?" He sounds like he just woke up.
     "Hey, I have a favor to ask?" I bite my lip and wait for his reply.
     "What kind of favor?" I roll my eyes when I hear the put on seduction in his groggy voice.
      "Not that kind! I'm taking Jin out tonight and when we get back home I was well.." I frown at how to put it. "Have alone time with him if you catch my drift.."
     I hear him snicker. "What? Don't want me to hear you two fucking again!" He cackles over the line.
      I flinch. "Yes exactly."
      "Come on, I've seen and heard you way too many times for it to matter now, right..." he sighs.
     "Please, Jackson. Just stop being stubborn and go out and do something tonight.." I plead in annoyance.
     He huffs. "Fine I'll be sure to be gone tonight. Happy?"
      I nod though he can't see me. "Yup." He hangs up on me. I can't keep the smile off my face as the rest of school passes by in a blur, my mind on my boyfriend and how I'm going to take care of him tonight.

       I walk into the house after grocery shopping to see Jackson smirking at me from the couch. I roll my eyes at him and continue toward the kitchen. I feel him stalk behind me as I set the items on the counter. I turn to see him right in front of me. I jerk back and frown as he puts both his hands on the counter either side of me and cages me in. I lift an eyebrow and wait.
       "Have any plans tonight?" He asks with an unreadable expression.
     "..I don't think so...why?" I narrow my eyes at him. He's acting so weird.
      "Wanna do something later?" He asks.
       "Well I was hoping to spend time with Joonie tonight.." I trail off as his expression darkens.
     "Oh, ok then." He turns away in disappointment.
        I bite my lip and sigh. "What do you want to do?"
      He looks back with a smile. "Lets go out!" He leans forward and I freeze as I feel his lips on mine. I break out of it and shove him away. I stare at him in complete shock as I wipe my mouth clean. He laughs.
      "What the fuck, Jackson!" I glare at him.
      "Sorry, I had I've made up for the Joonie accident." He shrugs but I just shake my head in disgust.
      "Go away, Jackson!" I push him out of the kitchen then return to my groceries, putting them up. I glance at the clock and see that Joonie should be home soon. I need to replace his kiss on my lips. I shudder at the recollection. Stupid idiot!
      I grab a snack then sit down and watch tv. I make it through 3 episodes before I hear Joonie open the door. I perk up instantly as his smile lights up when he sees me. He collapses on the couch beside me and wraps me up in his arms, kissing my cheek.
     "Hey baby." He whispers against my ear and I shiver. I miss his touch. We haven't slept together in about a week and it's killing me laying next to him every night with nothing to come of it.
      "Hi, missed you." I pout against his lips. He leans back and studies me.
      "I have a surprise for you tonight." He says.
     "Really? What is it?" I ask excitedly.
      "Like I said, it's a surprise. I hope you haven't made any plans tonight.." he hints and I blush as he raises his eyebrows suggestively.
      "Nope...well Jackson wanted to go out but I can change it to another night." I shrug and he frowns.
      "I called him earlier and asked him to go out to give us some privacy tonight."
      I roll my eyes at Jackson's trickery. He laughs and shakes his head. "You're all mine tonight." He bites my earlobe and my body shudders. His fingers play with the hair at my nape and he pulls me into a deep kiss. I feel my body heat up and he brings his other hand to rub against my erection through my jeans.
      My tongue battles with his as he explores every inch of my mouth. I grip his hair hard and let out a quiet moan. Much to my disappointment, he pulls away from me with a secret smirk.
     "Lets save this for tonight, baby." He kisses the tip of my nose and stands up.  I glare at him as he leaves me there alone on the couch panting while he goes into the kitchen. I huff in frustration and get up to shower for our 'surprise'.
     I quickly clean every inch of my body-excited for tonight- and change into a white long sleeve dress shirt and my fancy jeans. I work on my hair and add a tiny bit of eyeliner to bring out my eyes.

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