Secrets pt. 2

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Hoseok that just happened. Taehyung and I could do nothing but watch the drama unfold as Jimin stalks off in anger and Jungkook runs after him.
"Should we maybe..."
"Go after them? They probably need to work out their problems alone first." I say and he nods. We watch as that girl who was taking Jungkook's attention angrily leaves the cafeteria. Poor girl. She doesn't stand a chance.
I look over at Tae and catch him watching me. He glances away, blushing. I reach under the table and hold his hand. His eyes widen in surprise as I squeeze his fingers. He returns my grip and we finish eating.
After about ten minutes I suggest we find the fighting couple. He agrees and we search the grounds for them. As we round a corner I hear a muffled a moan. I stop in my tracks and study the lone door that reads janitors closet. I hear another moan and flush. Taehyung chuckles a little and meets my amused gaze.
"I guess they made up?" He says with a laugh.
"Sounds like it."
We figure it's better to just leave then to it and continue on our way. Neither of us have any more classes for the next couple hours today so we just walk around campus together, spending quality time. I've missed just talking to him.
"Hoseok hyung?" He asks hesitantly.
"Can we maybe go on a...d-date?" He refuses to look at me. So cute.
"I think I'm supposed to ask you that, Taetae.." I laugh and he flushes.
"I'm kidding! Yes I definitely want to go on a date with you. I want to start us over right. I want to earn the right to call you mine." I tell him matter-of-factory.
His smile lights up his eyes and he nods happily.
"I'm already yours.." he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth.
I take his face into my hands and just look at him. He looks back at me in confusion. Slowly I lower my lips to his and kiss him. His fingers grip my sleeve as I ever so slowly deepen the kiss.
I pull back after several moments and see his glazed eyes heated with lust and passion. I smirk and wink at him. "Can't wait for our date, baby." I whisper and he nods eagerly. I reluctantly leave him as I have a late class. He leaves after we make plans for me to pick him up tonight for our date. I'm so excited!
I never got to take him out before so this will be a first for us. I don't even care anymore about everyone knowing I like a guy like I worried about before. I no longer want to keep him as a dirty secret. I want to make him my boyfriend.

        I've spent all damn day looking for Hoseok. I know for a fact he came to school but he's been avoiding me. The thought that he's probably with that stupid Taehyung bitch pisses me off so much. Angrily, I punch the nearest wall. Blood pools around my knuckles and fingers and I stare at the dark liquid.
    I wish it was his blood. Stupid idiot really thinks he can steal what's mine? I warned him...
     Guess he'll just have to learn the hard way. I'm sick of the stupid bitch getting in my way. I know he's the only thing holding Hoseok back from giving in to me. So close, too.
    Since I'm obviously not gonna see the person I came for I'm just gonna leave. I hate school and never pay attention in class anyway. Just as I reach the doors I spot the object of my obsession. Of fucking course! Dragging along that stupid slut.
    I've fucked that bitch so many times by now that I know he's a slut. I'm surprised Hoseok hasn't seen it yet. Then again I've had him many times as well...I wonder what sweet little Tae will think of him when he learns I'm the one that got Hoseokie's precious virginity. I took Taetae's virginity, too.
    I smile at the thought of the lovers finding out about each other's secrets...I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me but I know they both care very much. Will Tae think less of him when he finds out his precious boyfriend lost his V card to his older brother. I laugh at the thought.
     I think it's about time he found out how much his boyfriend really loves my cock. I reach into my pocket and pull out my cell phone which has my secret weapon...the video I took the night before of Hoseokie begging me to fuck him. I set it up in his room so that we were completely visible on the bed as I held him down and did bad bad things to him..after he begged me for it of course.
    And this was right after they agreed to start over. I chuckle darkly at the memory. If trying to be a gentleman won't work I'll just stop pretending to be something I'm not and go straight to blackmail. He will definitely not want his precious 'boyfriend' to see him in such a state.
Especially for me.
God he was so gorgeous last night. All hot and sexy and submissive. Acting a slut just for me...I groan in annoyance as I grow hard. I don't feel like taking care of it right now so now I'll just have to suffer through it until it goes away. Much like Taehyung. He'll be gone soon enough.

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