Truth or Lies

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      "Be my boyfriend, then, Hoseok." I sit in shocked silence as he waits patiently for my reply. I can't believe him. Why? Why is he doing this to me?
     "Even though I regret losing you as my best friend doesn't change anything now, Yoongi. I love Taehyung and I know you know that. I've never thought about you like that." I explain trying to contain my annoyance of being played once again.
     He sighs dramatically then brings his face closer to mine. "It wasn't a question, baby. I'm telling you. If you want me to leave Taehyung alone then you'll do what I say and you better make me believe in it." He laughs at the anger that flashes onto my face.
     He abuses me for weeks then actually tells me to pretend to be his boyfriend?! Hell no!
     I start to stand but he takes my hand and laces our fingers together. "I'm serious and you know what I'm capable of. I want you to be the best boyfriend to me in the world and it better be believable."
      I shake my head in disbelief. "No! I'm not even out for Taehyung I'm not ruining my life to play this game with you!"
     "I never said you had to come out. You only have to act when Taehyung's around or when we're alone." He shrugs.
    My face pales as I think of hurting my Tae once more. "Why do I have to pretend when we're alone? That defeats the point, doesn't it?" I roll my eyes at the absurd notion.
"It's your punishment for thinking you could play me. I know you met up with your little boyfriend yesterday, I'm not stupid. You will not tell him our relationship is fake. I expect you to do this right or...well do you really want to try me?" He shakes his head like I'm a kid that just got grounded for doing something stupid.
"Now, your boyfriend duties start now." He demands as he lays back on my sheets and rests his head on his arms. I frown, not understanding what he wants.
He sighs in annoyance and motions to his pants. "Take them off for me then make me satisfied." He raises an eyebrow in anticipation.
I flush in embarrassment as I imagine what he what's me to do. I glare at him as I unbutton his pants and pull them off leaving them on the floor.
Yoongi does nothing as he waits for me to start...but I don't know how. I look at him with a pitiful expression. He rolls his eyes at me then crooks his finger for me to join him in the bed. I crawl up and sit beside him obediently, much to my silent annoyance.
"I want you to suck my dick then after I'm good hard and wet I want you to sit on it and ride me, understand?" He explains in an almost bored tone. I stare at him in disbelief, unable to do it.
I wasn't that bold and really didn't want to do this. He whips his phone out and snaps a picture of me, I'm still naked. I yelp and flinch.
"Get started or I'm going to fuck you and record the whole thing for everyone to see." He threatens. I heave a deep breath then grab his dick hesitantly. I pump him slowly, stalling. After a few seconds he give me a look and I lean down and suck him into my mouth.
He moans low as I take him in as far as he'll go. He grabs a handful of my hair and pushes my head down farther until I choke. He doesn't stop repeatedly abusing my throat until it's raw. He finally pulls out and I try to catch my breath. "That's a good boy, baby." He says, releasing my hair.
"Now don't forget what's next."
Blushing, I climb onto his thighs and feel his dick nestled under my ass. I bite my lip and refuse to meet his eyes as I feel his wet finger push into my ass. I gasp and raise up slightly as he adds two more fingers.
After he gets me ready I reach back and slip his dick inside my ass and moan. This is the first time he's had me at this angle and the difference is so much...more.
"Ah! Yoongi-ah! Oh my god...mhm.." I can't stop my voice or words as he repeatedly pounds into me from under me. I bounce on his lap and try not to enjoy the sensation but honestly...if it were with Anyone else I'd be on cloud nine but since it was him I didn't want to like it.
He has sweat running down his face as he grips my hips and forces me up and down faster and faster.
"That right, baby, fuck me good. Tell me how much you love this dick!" He pants.
I can't control my scream as he pegs my prostrate over and over again. "I love t-this dick! Oh god! Harder!" I gasp out and throw my head back as I ground myself down onto him as I cum, hard.
Not letting me rest, he continues to thrust into me after my release stops and I moan, shaking in overstimulation. He rolls us over without separating our bodies and grips my shoulders hard as he pounds harder than ever before into me.
I grab hold of my headboard to stop from moving up the bed.
"Tell me how much you want this! Tell me how good it feels to be fucked by me!" He demands.
When I say nothing but moan he slaps his body against mine so hard I see stars. My ass throbs in pain and pleasure as he tortures me with oversensitivity.
"I w-want this! Ah-" I lose my breath as his shaking body finally stops and I feel his cum burst into me. He also gasps for breath as he collapses on to my chest. His dick slips out and I moan once more.
"That's how a proper boyfriend acts. I want this every time, baby." He kisses my lips and licks the sweat off of my face.
I don't want to admit it to myself but I can't deny how mind blowing that was. I still hated him but...he wasn't too bad physically wise.
He gets up after a while and dresses as I stay huddled under my covers. He tells me he's leaving but expects me to be waiting for him in the secret classroom that used to be mine and Taehyung's. I pick up my phone and stare at Tae's beautiful face as my
screensaver, tears falling as I realize how I'm about to break his heart again.

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