Pet Names

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       Ever since the night I went crazy possessive and finally claimed by Jin, we've gotten closer. He's finally spending more time with me instead of Jackson. And speaking of- neither one of us has mentioned what he witnessed when I stubbornly decided to keep the door open.
      He hasn't acted any different but I have a feeling he's mentioned it to Jin because every once in a while he'll glance at Jackson and turn away, blushing. My baby's so shy. Me-I'm happy he finally got the message.
Since we're on spring break I plan on taking Jin on as many dates as I can so he won't be bored with me. As I sit pondering where I want us to go, Jackson walks in. He smiles at me hesitantly as he grabs a drink, then after a moment he sits down beside me.
"Sup." I raise an eyebrow at him. He seems nervous as he bites his lip and continually twists the cap on and off of his drink keeping his eyes down. "You ok?" I ask.
"Uh, yeah. I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to do something later? I've spent a lot of time with Jin but haven't really spent any with you and I want to- but only if you want to." He finally meets my confused gaze.
"Um, well-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Since you're on break I figured you'd have more time. I really want to get to know you more Namjoon. Jin is my best friend and you're obviously in this with him for life so we should hang out more." He explains and I guess his logic makes a sense.
I did enjoy spending what little time with him I had that one time. I nod.
"Ok. What do you suggest?" I ask.
"How about we go do something tonight? I'm sure Jin won't mind." His smile widens in excitement and I laugh.
"Oh, ok." I shrug and get up as Jin walks into the house carrying groceries. We end our discussion and help him grab the bags. As I help him put up the food I tell Jin about our plans and he smiles in happiness.
"Really? That's great! I'm glad you're finally getting along."
"You're not upset you're not going too?" I ask in confusion. I figured he'd want to come and feel left out but he seems fine.
"I'm good. I'm actually really tired so I'll probably go to bed early." He leans over and kisses my cheek. I nod as I pull him into my arms and demand a real kiss from him.
I kinda forget where we are making out until I hear a throat clear and we break away a little breathless. Jackson laughs as he rummages through the newly stocked fridge. "Get a room."
Jin rolls his eyes and smacks him in the back of the head. "You know you liked it." He teases.
I'm surprised to see Jackson flush in embarrassment. He usually has a great comeback for Jin's teasing. I watch him leave the room then turn to Jin. "What was that?" I ask, intrigued.
He shrugs with a chuckle. "Remember the door incident?" I nod. "Well he saw us and now whenever I mention us he gets embarrassed."
I knew he'd seen us but just now confirmed my suspicions about him talking to Jin about it. Although I wasn't really thinking straight at the time I have to admit the thought of Jackson watching me fuck Jin is really...a turn on.
I lick my lips and notice Jin's eyes on them. I smirk and pull him back into another kiss but he stops me after a moment. "Sorry, baby, but you need to get ready. Don't you have plans?" He reminds me.
I pout. "But maybe I shouldn't leave you here all alone."
"No! I'll be fine and I'll be here when you get back. Go and have fun." He demands and I sigh, reluctantly leaving my sexy man to get ready for my 'date'. I don't know what he really wants to do so I go slightly dressy but still casual-and sexy.

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