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           I'm in the process of hanging up my new clothes when I hear the front door slam. I tense when I realize Yoongi's back. I debate whether or not to approach him when he takes the decision out of my hands and storms up to my room. I flinch as he angrily throws my door open, waiting for his crazy illogical wrath.
     I peak over at him in surprised as he stalks over silently and sits on the edge of my bed. He leans back on his elbows and just watches me with a dark unreadable expression. I say nothing and just continue to put my new things up. I feel awkward as his eyes follow ever single move I make. I stop suddenly, not being able to take it anymore.
      "What?" I ask impatiently.
       "What'd you do today?" His eyes never leave mine as I hear his question. His voice is laced with some kind of accusation but I don't know what it is. I frown as I recall my day.
     "Well, I finished classes and went out with Jimin for a while." I shrug as he seems unsatisfied with my answer.
     "And then?" He clenches his teeth in anger which makes me uncomfortable as I remember my conversation with Taehyung.
      "That's it. I grabbed some food at a cafe then came home." I wait but he says nothing else, just glares at me. I decide to just ignore his craziness and leave the room to grab a snack.
     I feel his presence behind me as he follows me into the kitchen. I turn the light on and head over to the cabinets to find a snack. I eat when nervous. He keeps right on my heels, though, and wraps his arms around me, pulling me to a stop.
     "You're lying to me.." he says in a low tone as he drags his lips over my ear making me shiver.
     "N-no, what are you-"
      "I hate liars, you know this, Hoseokie." He tightens his grip around me and spins me around pushing me forward face first down on my kitchen table. I gasp in surprise as his hands ghost over my jeans to hook in the loops so he can jerk them down my legs along with my boxers. Cold air touches my ass as he forces me to step out of them, leaving me naked from the waist down.
      He uses one hand on my back to hold me down as the other smacks my ass cheek hard. I bite my lip to muffle the moan that tries to escape. He spanks me again then rubs the area to smooth the aching pain. He runs his hands down the backs of my thighs and pushes them apart so he can step between them.
     I pant as he slides one of the chairs right behind me and sits down so my ass is level with his face. I feel so exposed as he rubs and massages my ass cheeks apart to reveal my throbbing hole. I moan loudly and clutch the edge of the table hard as he runs his wet tongue over my hole teasingly.
     "I'm gonna feed me?" He asks teasingly as he thrusts his tongue inside me. My body jerks as he holds me in place for his mouth. He groans and I feel it throughout my entire body.
     "So fucking juicy for me." He smacks my ass again and it only adds to the intense pleasure. "God you taste so fucking good! Do you feel good, baby?" He rubs his face back and forth over my hole and I whimper.
     I can't speak as he has me completely at his mercy. I can do nothing but close my eyes and lose myself in the pleasure he's bringing out of me.
      "Tell me! Do you feel good baby?" He asks again and I moan out a quiet 'yes'. He chuckles against my ass and continues to eat me out oh so good.
     I can't handle it so I reach my hands back and grab my cheeks spreading myself open farther for him wantonly and he hums in approval. My dick is rubbing against the table so the double stimulation is killing me. He eats my ass to his hearts content for what's at least a half an hour, always pulling back before I can cum only to start his torture again when my limit resides.
     I cry in frustration, tears falling in the table as he fucks me with his tongue in and out, using my hips as leverage to bring my ass back and forth. My breath quickens and becomes loud as I feel cum build up once more-
      He stops and stands up, smacking my ass hard. It's too much for my oversensitive hole and I scream as I cum all over the table under me.
      "Tsk, tsk. Bad baby, I didn't say you could come." He grips my cheeks hard and rotates them in his palm before forcing me to turn over. My shaking legs can't hold me up so he has to support me from falling on the floor. His dark eyes show amusement as he takes in the ravished state of me.
     He licks his lips before pulling me into a kiss. He attacks my mouth, tasting every inch of me as his fingers slide down to wrap around my wet cum soaked cock. I whimper into his mouth as he massages the tip collecting the left over cum.
     He brings his fingers to my mouth and rubs the collected cum over my lips and I lick them clean. He grunts in satisfaction then pulls my shirt off leaving me naked. He steps back to devour me with his eyes. I look away self consciously wishing he'd strip, too, so I'm not so vulnerable.
      I try to cover myself but he holds my arms away. "So beautiful baby boy. You ready for your punishment?" He waits for my answer so I nod slightly. His smile is blinding as he pushes me back against the table-on my back this time.

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