Friends or...

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It's been a week since I've seen or spoken to either Taehyung or Yoongi. I was glad about the latter but I was still broken over hurting my Tae. It wasn't what he thought but every time I tried to track him down and explain he would ignore me or run away.
I've been trying to pretend everything's ok and normal ever since Jimin found me in the bathroom. Namjoon tracked me down and forced me to talk to him. I lied and said that I had some family problems but they were ok now.
I could tell he didn't really believe me but he didn't push. I'm thinking about finally telling him I'm gay. I mean, it's so obvious he is dating Jin. I can see right through their 'friendship' charade.
I'm actually surprised Jimin hasn't seen it but he's so wrapped up in Jungkook nowadays not that I can blame him. I was shocked to find out they went on a date with the most popular girls in school. I've been so busy with my issues I've been neglecting my best friend so I was happy Jungkook was distracting him from noticing.
I had lunch with them yesterday and even faked a happy smile and went shopping with the guys after school. They think I'm better now and I'm not going to ruin that.
I don't know what to think about Yoongi. He's been gone so long I want to believe he's moved on from torturing me but I know him too well. I've been jumpy nonstop waiting for him to appear out of nowhere again.
I hate him for ruining my relationship with Tae and there is no doubt he had that planned from the beginning. He taunted me with it but I figured his blackmail would hold longer. He was never that patient.
I pick up my phone and try to call Tae again but once more he ignores my call. I'm actually surprised he hasn't blocked my number yet. I throw the stupid object to the floor and sigh. I wasn't sure what to do with myself.
I'm miserable and just want to see Tae, want to hold him. He's been the best thing to happen to me since I met him.
I give up on the self pity and decide to go out. I know it's not good to stay couped up alone with my thoughts so I change into something decent and head out.

     I end up at a popular cafe and order a grande sized mocha iced coffee and sit at the window and watch people go by

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I end up at a popular cafe and order a grande sized mocha iced coffee and sit at the window and watch people go by. I plug my headphones in and listen to my music.
I'm so intensely trying not to think that it takes me a minute to realize someone is sitting across from me at my table. I at him in shock and immediately kill my music. Taehyung looks horrible-well, still gorgeous-but he looks like he hasn't slept in days.
He also seems to have lost weight. I'm afraid to talk thinking god I open my mouth he'll disappear once again. He looks down at his hands I wait for him to gather his thoughts.
"Why did you play me? If you had a boyfriend this whole time why'd you do that to me?" Tears wet his eyes as he hesitantly met my gaze. I stared in confusion.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Tae. I don't have a boyfriend and the only one I want is you." I whisper.
"Liar! I saw you with him, don't treat me like I'm stupid!" He forced his voice to stay low as he retorted angrily.
I sigh, "I know you're stupid which is why I need you to believe me, baby. Yoongi is NOT my boyfriend. He hates me and wants to ruin my life which is why he did that to you." I can't meet his eyes. "We used to be friends but we drifted apart and now he holds a huge grudge against me.." I trail off as he scoffs.
"Well, you seemed fine suckin his dick!" He glares at me as I wince.
"I had no choice! He forced me, Tae, I love you! I'd never cheat on you!" I felt tears sting my eyes.
He stayed silent for several minutes and I stared steadily on the window.
"Are you s-saying he...r-raped you?" He asks in disbelief. I'm ashamed and don't want to answer but my silence seems to be answer enough.
He grabs my hand and squeezes. "H-Hoseok, was that the first time h-he did t-that?" He asks.
I shake my head and he gasps in pain. I know what he wants to ask but doesn't so I answer anyway.
"The first time was at that party..that why I left so fast, I didn't want you to see me like that." I wipe tears away. His grip tightens.
"Why would he do that to you then lie to me and say he's your boyfriend?" He wonders.
I shrug. "He's not right, Tae. He's always been a troublemaker but I never thought he'd be capable of what he's done now. I'm terrified of him hurting you so I pushed you away.." I meet his eyes steadily and strongly continue "I would never cheat on you. I love you so much it just about killed me to see you leave me."
"But he's hurting you so much.." he frowns in concern. "Are you just going to let him continue abusing you!" He demands.
I bite my lip but nod. "If that's what he takes for him to leave you and my friends alone then yes. I know what he can do and he wouldn't care at all to hurt you, Tae. He's an expert at lying and making people think he's so nice and innocent." I explain.
He looks away in anger. "So where does that leave us? He told me to leave you alone because you were his."
"In not! I'm yours, Tae. But I need you safe.."
He cuts me off, "well I need you safe! I'm supposed to just stand by and watch my boyfriend get raped!" He practically screams. I glance around anxiously but luckily no one pays attention to us.
I shake my head. Then I realize what he said, "boyfriend?" A smile slips and he blushes.
"Well, yeah, I love you, too. Why not?" He shrugs nonchalantly but the blush stays.
"I'll think of something, ok? But please just pretend for now that you know nothing. I can't let him hurt you, baby." I whisper and after a moment nods. I sigh in relief and tell him to pretend he still hates me when Yoongi's around.
"I love you, please don't let him hurt you..." Tae sniffles and I touch his cheek wanting so bad to kiss him.
"Yoongi has been stalking me so I can't risk being around you too much but I promise I'll call you ever chance I get ok?" I wait for him to nod then kiss his hand as he stand s to leave.
Yoongi as taken so much from me but as long as my Tae stays with me I can stand anything we does to me...

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