Yuzuki x Reader | Sickness

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This is for @-grxce enjoy!

I was looking around Tsuyukusa, and I didn't find Yuzuki around anywhere. To be honest, I was a little worried for the blue-haired boy. We were very close, and I didn't want anything bad happening to him

Omiyo, Yuzuki's grandmother, was outside, so I gave her a small smile, walked over to her, and asked if she had seen Yuzuki anywhere.

"Yes, Yuzuki isn't feeling very well, he used to get sick as a-"

Before she could finish I dashed off to the house Omiyo, Umekichi, and Yuzuki shared. While I ran over to the house, I heard Omiyo chuckle and say something like, "How sweet, she must really care."

Yuzuki's sickness was awful. I don't know exactly what it was, sense he never told me directly, but I know he has to take medicine for it, and it has something to do with outside. (This is what I believe it is, sorry if I am wrong) If it gets really bad, he can collapse, so I mean, no one could blame me for worrying!

Inside, I headed towards Yuzuki's bed, and sat down on the chair placed next to his bed.

I couldn't help but grab his hand, and trace circles in the palm of his hand. Unfortunately, Yuzuki decided to wake up at that exact moment. This was quite awkward.

I hastily yanked my hand away from his, once I noticed his eyes starting to open, and pretended like I was just sitting there.

Yuzuki sat up on his bed and smiled at me.

"Thanks for coming." He said calmly.

His face was a little pale, and he looked a little tired, but otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to tell he was sick.

"O-Oh. Of course." I said my cheeks flushing a bit.

Yes I like Yuzuki if you didn't know. Honestly, he's so kind, and time flies by when I'm with him. I also seem to get kind of nervous, and sometimes stutter when talking with him.

He smiled, and scooted over in the bed, patting the extra space in his bed. I didn't need to be told to sit down.

"You know you had me worried right?" I asked him. "I was looking for you."

Yuzuki sighed. I could tell he was really tired. To be honest, I was a little tired as well.

I put my head on his shoulder. Nervous at first if this was too bold, to my surprise, Yuzuki rest his head on top of mine as well.

"You know, it makes me feel actually nice to know someone other than my grandparents are caring for me." He admitted sheepishly.

"Well, of course I care for you!" I exclaimed, cracking a smile.

"I care for you too Y/N." Yuzuki said smiling.

I closed my eyes, letting his warmth calm me. For once, I was with the person I loved.


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