Dirk x Reader | Sick With Love

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Changed my username again! Whoops! Sorry if you requested, I've been super busy lately, (most of the stories I've been posting recently are one's I did in my free time awhile ago). I'll try and get the requests out soon. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


(Don't kill me please) 

I've been best friends with Dirk for as long as I can remember.

As a little girl, I saw him as my best friend. When I was 13, I developed a crush on him. This didn't change our friendship at all. Nothing got weird between us...probably because he didn't know I had a crush on him the whole time. All was well until he started developing a crush on Antoinette.

I've known Dirk for a while now, so I knew the signs.

Ahem. Anyway, Dirk and I worked at the Zephyr Cafe with Joan and Marian. Marian was the older sister I never had. I told that woman everything.

I have no issue with Antoinette, by the way. So of course I didn't have an issue with Dirk liking her. 

Okay, I'm sorry. That's a big lie.

That girl thinks she's better than me! I overheard her talking to Gretel saying on a scale of 1-10, she thinks I'm a three. A three! Excuse me little miss "I'm so perfect," if I'm a three, you must be a -26.

So when Antoinette came into the cafe today I was like, "Oh ho ho NOPE. I am NOT doing this today."

She strutted up to the cafe's counter as I hid in the kitchen and let Dirk do the talking.

"Well hello Antoinette, can I help you today?" He asked with a huge grin.

My heart sank as I listened to them talk for a while before he placed her order. Antoinette, who I thought wasn't a big fan of PDA, had the nerve to kiss Dirk in front of everyone once she received her food.

I didn't think I was showing any emotion to how I felt, but I was proven wrong when Joan said, "Oh honey... I'll let you out early today, okay?" 

"I don't- I think, I think I'm okay." I stammered.

"No you're not." Marian argued, "Come on, let's get some fresh air."

I couldn't help but cast a quick glance to where Joan and Dirk were standing. Joan ushered him toward the line which was forming at the cafe, so he wouldn't see me leave.

Marian and I stepped outside.

"I don't remember it being this hot out." I muttered, rolling up the sleeves of my shirt.

Marian looked at me confused. "It's not that hot...are you sure you're feeling well?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I said. The world seemed kind of dizzy, and I knew I should've said something at that moment, but I didn't. I lost my balance, and felt my vision grow black.

"Y/N?" I heard Marian yell, "Y/N!"

I opened my eyes, finding myself in Marian's arms. "Oh my gosh, Y/N! You seriously scared me! Now we really have to get you home!"

Marian wrapped her arm around me, as she lead me inside the cafe, and placed me down on a chair.

"Joan, Y/N just almost passed out!" She shouted, her voice filled with concern.

"I didn't!" I muttered weakley. "I was just light headed!"

Joan ran over to me, and I heard Dirk tell the next customer, "Sorry, one second." Before he joined our little circle.

The world was still spinning. Dirk knelt down next to me and put an arm around my waist, propping me up. 

Well dang it Dirk. Are you trying to make it hard to get over you?

"Marian you take her home, Dirk stay here and help me." Joan commanded.

"I can take her home." Dirk offered.

"No." I said, a little forcefully. I didn't even realize it had came out of my mouth before I noticed his reaction.

Dirk looked at me, confused, "Why not?" He asked.

Think Y/n, think!

"Because Joan needs you here. And we'd be short on staff if you take me home." I lied.

Dirk raised his eyebrows, "We'd be at the same number if Marian took you home."

All three of them waited for me to respond as I glared at Dirk in my little chair.

"Well are you going to take me home or not?" I snapped.

Joan and Marian chuckled when I said that. 

Dirk rolled his eyes, "Grumpy, grumpy." He murmured as he grabbed me bridal style.

"What the heck are you-" I started to cough before I could finish.

He carried me out the cafe, and lead me across the street to where my house was. 

Once we got inside, he placed me gently down in my bed, and went to retrieve a cool cloth in the kitchen and get started on the chicken noodle soup.

He gently rubbed it across my face. 

After awhile he placed the cloth aside, and held both of my hands together in his.

"I better check on the soup." He said, softly. "You think you'll be fine?"

"If you hear me throw up, come back here as fast as possible." I commanded. He chuckled kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

"You player." I murmured quietly.

He turned around, "What do you mean?"

My face dropped.

Uh oh.

"Uh...well..." I didn't know exactly what to say.

Dirk sighed, sitting at the edge of my bed, brushing my hair out of my face. His eyes widened in realization, "Oh...Y/N, did you run out of the cafe before I pulled away?"

"What do you mean? And how did you know I left the cafe?"

"When Antoinette kissed me, I pulled away. You ran out of the cafe...before you could see that. I never meant-" He stopped, "Is that why you left? Because she kissed me and you...you...?"

I faced the other side of the room, not showing Dirk my teary face. 

He knew I liked him. He probably didn't like me the same way.

Dirk suddenly pulled me in a hug. I buried my face in his chest. He comfortably rubbed my back and lifted up my chin, pulling me into a kiss. It was a sweet, blissful moment before he suddenly he shouted, "Oh shoot! The soup!"

I couldn't help but laugh as he rushed to the kitchen, panicking. 

Even though I was hot just moments before, I now felt super cold. I rapped myself in a blanket, and waited for Dirk to come in with the soup.

He entered the room a few minutes later, with one big bowl, and carefully climbed on the bed, next to me.

Dirk handed me the bowl of soup. "Hey!" I coughed, as he took some of the blanket for himself. He grinned as he handed me a spoon.

I laid against him, thinking that the next few minutes would be peaceful, us together enjoying each others company, but we ended up shouting at each other because we kept stealing each other's bites soup.

I'm pretty sure, hands down, we were the loudest couple in Zephyr Town.

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