Ivan x Reader x Dirk | Babysitting

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Hey guys! FINALLY back! I will be updating more often now! Sorry about that! Anyway, I got some requests in, so make sure you guys request! I thought this would be fun to do so yeah...Anyway cyaaaa! Also, I decided to write it in a different format this time...so yeah.

Btw, I got the idea of Dirk's ending because I was at my friend's b-day party and we decided to play this, and that was what happened. 😂😂(Except for the kissing part) I'm forever alone ;-;

You were playing with Kevin. The boy was always known to cause trouble, and usually played pranks with Dirk.

Ah...Dirk. He was your age, and his brother was a year older. Both of them were extremely sweet to you, and never did anything wrong, to make you not like them.

So you kind of didn't know who you were interested in.

Dirk was funny, exciting, and always had something to talk about. Which made him easy to visit, or go to. You honestly needed no reason. Sure he was airheaded at times, but he meant well.

Ivan was the serious one, but also the incredibly sweet one. He taught Cindy and her sister, and both of them simply adored him. 

Anyway, back to the point. Claire and Wilbur asked you to babysit Kevin, and you agreed. The little rascal could be hard to take care of sometimes, but you really just had to love him too.

There was a knock at the door, so you paused the conversation you currently had with Kevin about bugs, and decided to answer it.

It was Dirk and Ivan!

Sometimes you swore the Harvest Goddess heard you thinking about the two, and decided to have them appear at your doorstep.

"Hey Y/N!" Dirk exclaimed, happily.

"Hi Y/N." Ivan greeted you politely. He noticed Kevin in the background, and said, "Do you need us to help babysit?"

You laughed, "Actually that would be great."

Kevin cheered.

"Hey Kevin!" Dirk exclaimed, holding out his hand for a highfive. Both of them were major pranksters, and well...were ALWAYS causing trouble.

You and the brothers decided different ways to entertain Kevin, before he got bored of ALL of your ideas.

Dirk's Ending:

Suddenly you had an idea.

"Do you know sardines?" You asked them.

"Do I know what now?" Dirk said, grinning.

"It's hide and go seek, only backwards. Everyone looks, and one person hides. If you find that person, you hide with them, until everyone has found the person hiding....does it make sense?" You explained.

"Let's play that!" Kevin exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Ivan beamed, "Great idea!"

"Thanks!" You said, smiling.

You didn't see the glare Dirk had sent his brother.

"You should hide first Dirk!" Kevin exclaimed.

Dirk rubbed his hands together, and smiled mischievously. "Oh I'll make it hard on you!" 

Kevin giggled.

You all counted to 50, and then searched all over the house.

First you checked in cabinets. Sense Dirk was shorter, it was a logical thing to do in your opinion.

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