Ludus x Reader | Just a Little Sister

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A/N: Hey guys! I got a serious writers block, and I'm leaving tomorrow! I know I don't but a lot of variety in my one-shot book, I just realized. (Meaning I do a lot of people from the same game, or repeat people twice), and I apologize. Sorry! Requests are always open so if you get tired of them, please request!

This was based on the Orange Flower Love Event.

Your Pov:

I'll always just be a sister.

I sat there, by the ocean, as the waved crashed against my feet. This was one reason to love Lulukoko. It was peaceful at this time of day, 5:00.

Sometimes on some days, the sun would set early, maybe even around 4, and it would be beautiful.

This was one of those days.

Anywho, back to being just a sister, I tried to cope with what I just saw.

Ludus and I always had these special things we did...well just for another. For example, I will jump on his back at random times, hug him from behind, you know, that sort of stuff.

He'll do that too. Ruffling, or patting my hair sometimes as a reaction to what I say. It was something special he always did to me, and only me...

But, little did I know, he did that to the twins.

The flipping twins!

Are you kidding me?!

I have nothing against Iluka and Siluka. It's just, he's known the twins forever, and so I guess I kind of was jealous.

But how would he feel if I ran up and jumped on...I don't know...Wayne's back?

I knew Wayne. We were pretty close. Sometimes when I'd visit my uncle, I'd see Wayne around.

I sighed deeply, my eyes were getting glassy. I rubbed them, not hesitating whatsoever to remove the tears.

Alright, you are probably really confused, let me recap:

A few moments ago, Ludus and I were talking, you know, as lovers do. Okay not like THAT but you know what I mean!

Iluka and Siluka ran up to Ludus, complaining that one of the boards in her floorboard had broke.

After explaining that she dropped a pot on the ground, and just dented it, Ludus rolled his eyes, and told her he's going to fix it tomorrow.

And then he rubbed her head.

Siluka and Lusaka's jaws both dropped open, but Ludus never noticed.

I decided to do some quick thinking, "I'll meet you down at the beach Ludus." I said quietly. He nodded in response.

Yeah. Awkward.

I felt someone's presence come and sit down next to me, and it was Ludus.


"My father and I would come down to the beach a lot." Ludus explained, completely oblivious to my quiet, somber, attitude. "It was always nice. He was the one who taught me how to fish, actually, who taught you how to fish?"

I moved my foot around in the hot sand, ignoring the question.




 "Huh? Oh yeah um what...?" I asked.

"What's wrong? You've ignored all my questions, haven't made eye contact, or having even responded! Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I lied, rubbing my eyes, keeping the tears away.

Ludus scooted closer to me, and ruffled my hair.

Just- Just wow.

"Please tell me Y/N. I can obviously tell your not fine. Please tell me the truth."

I couldn't hold it back any longer. "A-Am I just a s-sister to y-you?" I asked him, my voice cracked, and was extremely shaky.

Ludus looked like he just had realized something.

"When I ruffled Iluka's hair, it bothered you?" He asked me.

I nodded.

He groaned, "I'm such an idiot!" He exclaimed, burring his face into his hands. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Old habits die hard, and I really am not trying to treat you like a sister. Heck! I haven't even thought of you like a sister sense we started dating. I really can't solve it with words can I? It won't be sincere. I'll show you."

Ludus cupped my face, and kissed me softly. I kissed back realizing that he obviously thought of me in a romantic way, because Ludus wouldn't just kiss me to prove something that wasn't true.

"Honestly, I've wanted to do that for a while." Ludus sheepishly admitted.

 "I have too." I responded, a small smile curving at my lips.

Ludus put his arm around me as I snuggled up to his side.

"I promise I'll never make you upset again." Ludus whispered.

I smiled, looking up at him, "You better." I said with a huge grin.

He smiled in return, "Now I know my Y/N is back."

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