Chase x Reader | Moving On...Kind of...Not Really

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I was kind of bummed out when I heard Chase and Maya were dating.

And by bummed out I mean depressed.

But hey! There are a TON of hot guys in the town who are currently...

NOT single!


But there's Dean. He's nice. We get along very well. And he likes Maya. And I like Chase. So...yeah.

I was sitting under a tree which gave me shade, and was peaceful. In the distance you could hear people chatting, laughing, and whistling.

I sighed. I really needed to put myself out there sometimes.

I focused on my book.

I only got started for a few seconds until I got interrupted.

"Hey Y/N. We need to talk." A voice said, that I automatically recognized as Dean's.

"Hey Dean, go ahead." I responded, folding the corner of my book page, and setting it down.

Dean sighed, as he ran his hand through his hair.

"As you know, your the only person that I can trust with my crush on Maya and-"

I interrupted him, "You heard the news that Maya and Chase are dating so now you want to make this whole plan to make her jealous, even though there's a possibility that she won't be jealous since she's with Chase, but your willing to risk it, and you need me to help?" I said.

He grinned, "You know me too well."

Dean and I were childhood friends. It was one of those, "Hey, I could date you! It's not like I have a crush on you but I mean if I did start dating you for awhile I probably would" relationships.

"Sign me up." I answered. "Just let me put my book away first. Here, you can come inside and we'll make a whole grand scheme." I added sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes, as he followed me inside.

As I searched my bookshelf, looking for the correct place to put my book, I listened to Dean speak.

"So Maya's spending a lot of time in the restaurant recently, helping Chase. So I was thinking, what if we went to the restaurant, made it seem like we were on a date, and..."

"One of them would get jealous?" I finished, finding the correct place where the book went.

"Exactly-wait WHAT?! If ONE of them gets jealous?" Dean gawked.

I rolled my eyes. What a drama queen-er...king.

I turned over to look at him where he was pretending to remove mascara. "My little baby's all grown up!" He exclaimed. 

Both of us fell over in laughter.

"First we should change. Then, we can go on our 'date.'" I said using the hand motions.

"Okay...I'll be right back!" Dean yelled, dashing out of my house.

I sighed as I searched through my closet, my mind, and heart racing.

Would I end up with Chase? Or would I end up staying with Dean if it didn't work? Argh! This was SO confusing!

I noticed a lavender and light blue dress that caught my eye. I pulled it out, and slipped it on.

Well, it did look like I was about to go on a date.

Making some finishing touches, I tied my hair up in a ponytail, (I never did like being that fancy on dates), and put on some sneakers. (They can look like Converse or Adidas. After all, those are really the only ones that match with dresses)

I guess that was what I was aiming for?

Dean rushed in a few minutes later. Holding out his arm he said, "Shall we? And by that I mean, 'Shall we go risk our chances of being with Maya and Chase but have an okay chance of being with  them?"

I giggled, "We shall."

~Le Time Skip Brought To You By Edward....My Alpaca.... C:~

We soon arrived at the restaurant, walking in hand in hand. 

Chase looked up, and noticed us. I know I was seeing the things I wanted to see, but I thought I saw his face fall.

"Hey Maya, can you help find Y/N and Dean a table?"

Well I know Maya was upset by this, because she looked kind of...glum as she lead us to a table for two.

Well, Dean's not going to be single at the end of the night.


Except, maybe me...

Let's not think about that.

"What are you going to order?" Dean asked me.

I shrugged, "I think I'll do F/F with a F/D."

He smiled, "Obviously. You've loved it since you were little."

I grinned. Even if tonight didn't go as planned, I knew I would be fine if I ended up with Dean.

I just liked Chase a bit more...

Dinner passed by quickly. It was filled with a lot of childhood memories, and light conversation. A lot of times we would make some contact, and we'd get close, but it's not like we'd actually kiss or anything.

After he paid, he insisted on paying, Maya uncomfortably approached our table. "Mind if I borrow Dean for a second?" She asked me.

I nodded at her grinning. When Dean wasn't looking, I mouthed to her "Good luck." 

She looked startled for a second, surprised I knew what she was going to do, but then gave me a huge grin, and mouthed a "Thank you."

As soon as the two left the building, I got up to leave myself, before someone caught my hand.

I turned around to see Chase.

"Oh. Chase. Hey. Good to see you." I said.

Chase held onto both of my hands. "You aren't really dating Dean, are you?" He asked.

I blushed, "Please don't be mad. H-He wanted to get Maya jealous because he liked her and er...I realize now it's not really fair to you now. You kind of lost your girlfriend."

Great going Y/N! Stating the obvious. It's going to hurt him even more, and make him HATE you even more!

Chase looked at me. "You know the funny thing is, I think it's completely fair."

"H-Huh?" I stuttered.

"Well I can't exactly explain why, but I can show you why." 

Before I could ask him what he meant by this, he slammed his lips into mine.

I could feel his lips curving into a smile.

Once we pulled away I couldn't help asking, "You know what's funny?" 

He looked at me with a soft smile, "What?"

"That you're smiling for once! You're not serious!" I exclaimed.

"Hey!" He yelled as he playfully shoved me. 

But then he added, "Well I mean, you're the only person who makes me really happy."

"Hah! I could've never imagined you saying that!"


"Sorry Chase! I'm sorry okay! Please don't kill me! AHAHHAHA NO!!!"

Well, I think the whole town knew we were going to be that one loud couple.

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