*500 Reads Special* Child!Reader | Easter Time!

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Is it Easter? No. But can I still celebrate months early? YES I CAN! Hey guys! Took a while to write this!!! Thanks on 500 reads! (I think that was the amount.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little special! I had to add some original characters in. The story kind of just came to me....Okay so hope you enjoy! Had to add some OCs in too, or else only it would be you hunting for eggs! 😂

Easter was a favorite in the town Bluebell. Especially for the little youngsters. Y/N was especially excited for this year because she had promised herself she'd get more eggs than any other of the kids.

She was against Tulip, Lillie, James, and Riley, so the competition was pretty tough.

Pushing her f/c glasses against her face, (sorry if you don't have glasses.) she skipped over to her mother who was arranging some eggs.

"Mommy?" Y/N asked.

Elise, or known as Y/N's mother, paused her work, and turned around with a sweet smile. She placed her hands on her knees, so she was down to Y/N's height.

"Yes sweetheart?" She answered.

"When can we hunt for eggs?!" Y/N asked, stomping her feet impatiently. Her mother laughed.

"Soon enough. Why don't you go find Tulip or Lillie? They probably are bored too." Elise suggested.

"Okay! Bye mom!" Y/N exclaimed happily, as she left her house.

The girl had come quite accustomed to seeing the white and purple house on one of the hills in Bluebell town. She always visited the two sisters.

Knocking on the door, Sara, or Lillie and Tulip's mom, answered like always.

"Hello Y/N, Lillie and Tulip just left a minute ago, check near the shipping bin, they might be there." She said, with a grin.

Y/N always came to visit and play with the sisters, so whenever Sara or Cam answered the door, they always knew what she was after.

"Thank you Mrs. (Whatever Cam's last name is cause they never give you one)!" Y/N said, thanking her, rushing off to Lillie and Tulip.

The eight year old suddenly noticed Lillie by herself, looking worried.

"What's wrong?" She asked her, noticing her pale, and sad frown.

"T-Tulip ran off!" She exclaimed. "D-Dad didn't have time for her since he was preparing the centerpiece for Easter. She really wanted to give him something for Easter, but he asked her to do it later, and she got upset! I don't know where she went."

"We'll look for her!" James exclaimed confidently, appearing out of nowhere. He was the son of Ash and Laurie. His sister was Riley, who currently wasn't there at the moment.

"EEK!" Lillie exclaimed, "Where'd you come from?"

Y/N smirked, knowing about Lillie's little childhood crush on James. (This wasn't meant to be a nod to Harry Potter until my sister requested to change the name Christopher to James without even reading the story.)

~Le' Time skip brought to you by Laney's cooking, and Howard's pride of being a grandpa. (He's raised Cam like his own son)~
The three of them looked for Tulip for awhile, until they ran into Riley.

"Hey Riley!" Y/N cheered. 
"Hey guys! Whatcha doing?" 

Riley was Y/N's age, while James and Lillie were eleven.

"Looking for Tulip for SOMEONE here!" James said nudging Lillie.

"And you told us you'd come along without even us asking!" Lillie shot back at him.

James looked down.

"Cmon! Tulip needs saving!" Riley exclaimed jokingly.

After a lot of time searching, the four of them found Tulip behind a bush.

"TULIP!" Lillie exclaimed once she found her sister.

"H-Hi?" Tulip asked/said, smiling a bit.

"It's TIME!" Riley squealed hearing her father Ash, calling her over.

"I'm going to beat you!" Y/N exclaimed at the group.

"No you're going down!" James yelled back, his confidence not fading.

"Cmon let's go let's go let's go!" Tulip cheered, her bright green eyes squinting with happiness.

As soon as the timer was sent off Y/N, James, Lillie, Tulip, and Jane all ran around collecting as much eggs as possible, each child determined to win.

Looking in bushes and trees, in houses, and more, Y/N had collected more eggs than she could even count in her basket.

Her basket had gotten heavier and heavier as she collected more eggs, and more.

The adults were grinning, watching the children run around with their easter baskets swinging them wildly.

After they finished, Ruteger had begun counting up the eggs.

"First place goes to....Y/N! With 24 eggs!"

"Second place goes to...James! With 23 eggs!"

James gave Y/N the stink eye.

"Third place goes to Lillie! With 19 eggs!"

Lillie beamed, "At least I made the top three!"

All in all, it was a great Easter. Probably one of the bests.

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