Kana x Reader | Careful Where You Bet

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"Oh I bet you I can definitely beat you." I said, crossing my arms, "You cannot challenge me to horse racing. "

My idea was to scare Kana off so he would stop suggesting that we bet on who would win a horse race. He's honestly amazing and talented at that sport, so I would stand literally no chance.

"Alright. Tomorrow." Kana said firmly, "We'll see who's better at horse racing. We'll decide our bets then and there."

Well, he trapped me. I couldn't back out of it now.

***Time skip***

I was waiting outside of Kana's house, gripping on tightly to the lead of my horse. How would I win against Kana? Easier said then done.

"You ready L/N?" Kana asked me, as he lead his horse towards where I was standing.

I laughed, "I was born ready. If I win, you have to buy me lunch at Yun's tea house, if you win I'll bu-"

"You'll kiss me." He interrupted me.

I dramatically cleared my throat, "What?"

Oh shoot. He's on to me. Does he know I like him? No. He couldn't know. He better NOT know.

"You heard me." Kana answered back, "You'll kiss me. We've placed our bets. Deal closed."

"Fine." I managed to spit out. 

I climbed on the back of Night, my horse, and waited for Dirk, (who we had telling us when to go), show the signal.

"THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!" He yelled at both of us as we raced off.

So far so good. I was in the lead, a few feet in front of Kana. I was almost confident I would win when I was super far in front of him.

Suddenly, he started gaining speed. 

Well that's not fair.

I didn't want to stress out my horse by yanking the reins to make it go faster. To be honest, I'd rather end up having to kiss Kana then end up with a passed out horse.

I kept my focus, trying to ignore the vision of Kana coming closer out of the corner of my eye.

Come on, come on, come on...

Right before I passed the finish line, Kana zoomed straight in front of me.

I jumped off my horse, "No fair!" I shouted.

Kana wore a smug smile, "I told you I was better." He teased.

Catching him off guard, I kissed him. His eyes widened 'till he began to kiss back.

Once we separated, I grabbed my horses lead and yelled, "I'll beat you next time!"

Kana rolled his eyes, "You can try Y/N, but honestly if I get that every single time I win, you can bet I'll be trying my hardest."

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