Mistel x Reader | Thank the Antiques

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A/N: As I was writing this, I thought: They should have 4 Harvest Moon Story of Seasons games! Since the first one represented Summer, and the second one represented Autumn. I'm so weird. Okay enjoy! Also thanks -grxce for suggesting it!

Your Pov:

A bell chimed, as I walked into Mistel's antique shop, just to say hello to my very longtime crush. Mistel of course is oblivious, and...well it makes things quite...difficult.

I had a crush on him for about a year now, and the closest we had got together in this time was just friends. Sadly.

Little did I know, today was going to change all of THAT.

Mistel was focused on arranging a few things on his shelf, and I couldn't help but thinking guiltily on how cute he was when he was focused.

Snap out of it Y/N! I thought to myself.

"Hello Mistel." I said, greeting the blonde boy with a soft smile.

He returned a sweet smile back in return. "Sorry, I'm not- Oh Hey Y/N! I'm just organizing some shelves here, did you need something?" He asked me.

I shrugged, "I came to help!" I exclaimed.

Mistel laughed. "I don't want to make it too boring on you...so how about we play a game?" He asked me.

I nodded, "Sounds great!"

"Alright." He said rubbing his hands together, "I'm going to show you two antiques. You have to guess which one is more expensive!" Mistel explained.

"What happens if I lose?" I asked him. I was now very interested.

"You have to kiss me." He said, giving a cheeky, and innocent grin.

I could feel my face turning red.

"And if I win, I get the pleasure of not kissing you!" I said, giggling.

Mistel pouted, "How rude." He mumbled, but couldn't hold the face for so long, and broke out into a grin.

Mistel got onto a ladder, and pulled down two china plates. One was grey, and one was blue.

He place them gently on the table, and stepped back.

"Okay." He said. Gesturing his hands, as if giving the china plates a royal introduction. I laughed at the thought.

Though instead of studying the china plates, my mind was on something else.

The kiss.

Should I fail on purpose? I could kiss my crush for heavens sake! It would be like a dream come true! Or would he notice? I was really confused.

I turned my thoughts back to the china plates. The grey one looked older, and usually older things were more rare and expensive, (most of the time), but the blue one was so gorgeous, and had such a smooth and glassy texture.

"The blue one?" I answered. It sounded more like a question.

"Well..." Mistel hesitated. "You failed."

My jaw dropped, "What?!" I exclaimed.

Mistel and I moved in closer, and closer, until we both kissed each other.

Funny thing is? We didn't break apart for about five minutes.

His arms were around me, and I don't know how I felt. 

Once we broke apart, we both were grinning. Also, both of our faces were as red as tomatoes.

"We should do that again sometime." Mistel said, teasingly.

"Hm...how about..sure!" I responded back, in the same tone.

"Wait..WHAT?!" Mistel exclaimed, his face blushing red.

"Well?" I asked.

Mistel sighed. "U-Um Y/N? W-Would you do the honors of being my g-girlfriend?"

I laughed, and kissed him.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes I think it does." He answered, ruffling my hair.

Both of us were silent.



"You were actually correct. The blue one is more expensive." Mistel admitted, giving me a cheeky grin. "I just said it wasn't correct so you'd kiss me."

"Wha? You little-" I stopped myself, because I couldn't hold back the laughter any longer.

Mistel and I both started laughing extremely hard. It was one of those kinds were your stomach hurt so much after you were done, and once you stopped smiling, you felt like you were given a huge break.

"Let's go do something!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand, pulling him out of the shop.

Mistel rolled his eyes. "Alright."

The two of us stopped at Raeger's restaurant, where multiple girls were flirting with him.

"You know, your cute enough, even cuter than Raeger to be a ladies man, but heck, I am really glad you aren't one." I admitted laughing to Mistel.

He gave me a shove. 

Raeger glanced over at us, and gave us the "Help me." Look. 

"Wrong time?" I asked, laughing.

"What?! No!" He exclaimed, as Mistel and I hastily made our way out of the restaurant.

Rule #1 of Oak Tree Town: Never mess with Raeger's fangirls. If you do, they mean business, and you are going DOWN.

So Mistel and I had a romantic picnic in the park, and stayed till 9:00, to look at the stars.

And the best thing?

He never left my side once after that.


Because we soon got married. 😊♥️😊♥️😊♥️

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