Special~! Wayne x Reader | Snow and Sweaters

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Hey! This is probably one of the only fanfics I'll do after I kind of quit. :C (I haven't been on Wattpad in FOREVER!) I've had certain issues which prevent me to go on with writing fanfics. School is has taken it's toll, I'm in musicals, and yeah... 

I hope you enjoy! :)

I sat there, in the restaurant, laughing and joking along with Holly and Ford, just like normal people.

Holly was happy to see Ford for once, lighting up. Not being the usual serious-self he always is.

"No but seriously, you should've seen it!" I exclaimed, doubling over in laughter, "I just was casually walking in at that time, trying to mail a letter and-"

I couldn't finish. I was interrupted by us laughing.

I was recalling an event that happened earlier today. One of Wayne's crazy "fan-girls" had done something so stupid.

I honestly ship Ford and Holly together. They are so adorable. So I feel like a third wheel whenever I hang out with them. But I don't totally dis them, y'know? I hang out with them, (of course), but I do it when it's not a "romantic" activity.

Suddenly, the restaurant bell chimed. All three of us looked up from our table to see Wayne, waving at us, with his usual charming grin.

It honestly brought me back to when we first met.


"Ah! Speak of the devil." Uncle Frank exclaimed, waving to a man coming out of the post office. "That's Wayne, the mailman."

I had to admit, he was pretty cute. There was no possible way he was as nice as he looked.

Wayne came down to greet us, and smiled with a huge grin.

"Hey! Ah, Frank, is this your niece?" He asked my uncle politely.

Oh no. I'm just some random girl. I thought, sarcastically. But I knew he was just being polite.

"Yes! Y/N, meet Wayne. Wayne, this is my niece Y/N."

"Nice to meetcha Y/N! Man, when I heard there was a new farmer in town, I thought it wasn't going to be a cute girl like you."

"Oh. Uh...Thanks?" I managed, not turning red.

AHA. He's a FLIRT. There we go. I was RIGHT.


"Is he coming over here?" I asked Ford.

"Yeah I invited him to come." Ford responded, shifting up his glasses.

I sunk down in my seat, trying not to show my annoyance. Honestly, I wanted to zip right out of the restaurant, and return all the way home.

"If he says ANYTHING stupid, I'm out." I hissed quietly to Holly, who rolled her eyes.

"You'll survive." She said. Exactly like how a teacher or mother does.

Wayne reached our table, and smiled, sitting down. "Sorry I was late." He apologized.

"No, it's fine." Ford answered, "We just ordered drinks anyway."

"Busy lately?" Holly asked, trying to make a steady conversation.

I wasn't listening. I was practically singing in my mind, Why oh why was the only seat that wasn't taken next to me~!

Wayne said something, and I didn't listen. So it caught me off guard when Wayne said, "How about you Y/N?"

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