Fritx x Reader | Hurricanes

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It was raining up on the mountain area where I lived. Instead of cursing the weather, like I always do, I rejoiced that I wouldn't have to water my crops. The rain wasn't awful, it was just a light drizzle. After caring for all my animals, such as my sheep, cows, chickens, bunnies, alpacas, jersey cows, etc. etc, I decided to visit my close friend Fritz.

I made it down the steep mountain hill, and successfully did not slip. The rain was pouring down harder, and I soon realized that it would be best if I just turned back now. Sadly, the wind was forcing me to continue on, and Fritz's house was closer than mine from this distance anyway.

I reached the bridge. So close. I thought, as I began to cross it, struggling a little. Grabbing onto the doorknob on Fritz's house, so I wouldn't just blow away, (doubtful, but still scary thought),  I knocked with my free hand.

Fritz opened the door, "Y/N! What in the blazes are you doing out here? Nevermind that! Come inside!" I saw his worried face, and the look of concern, so I knew right then and there now was not the time to explain.

"So...why were you out in the cold again?" He asked me.

"Well..." It took me a good fifteen minutes to explain the story, due to Fritz constantly interrupting. 

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" Fritz exclaimed.

I laughed, "Don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Actually you can get deathly ill from coldness." He explained.

I hated to admit it, but I believe I did hear that somewhere. What was it called again, hypothermia?

Fritz went to go heat up the fire, "Well I'm glad your safe now.." He muttered sheepishly.

"Were you worried?" I asked, in a teasing tone. 

 His face heated up, and got redder (If that was possible). Obviously I assumed this was because of the fire. No way would Fritz, the guy I had feelings for, for about one and a half year would like me the same way.

"Well if I died how would you feel?" Fritz asked.

I dug myself into this whole, now the question is, 'How to get out?'

Well I have no idea.

"Hm.. I would probably cry." I admitted.

"Aw..that's sweet." Fritz said jokingly, "I'll make sure not to die anytime soon."

"You're twenty three. I hope not." I scoffed.


Fritz sat down next to me, on the couch. Y'know, it was a love seat. 'Cmon guys. A LOVE SEAT. Meant for just two people?

Oh nevermind.

"Dang! You are SO cold!" Fritz exclaimed, laughing. The back of his hand was pressed against my face, his other arm wrapped around me, keeping me warm.

"Hm..let's think...I've been out in the rain for the past ten minutes. Whaddya expect, me to be scorching hot?" I said sarcastically.

Fritz grinned, and threw a pillow at my face. "I never said I expected that!" He yelled laughing, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

"Pillow fight!" Both of us yelled at the top of our lungs. 

That was...a good, but horrid idea.

After a good thirty minutes of us chasing one another around, we ran into a rather....awkward situation.

"Gotcha!" Fritz yelled, knocking me to the floor by hitting me. But he ended up failing because he landed on top of me.

And then...

Well here's the way to describe it. You're on the floor right? And then your crush falls on top of you, and you two are the same height, so that means...

Yup. An accidental kiss.

Both of our eyes widened, but then we both kind know, kissed one another you know?

So it wasn't really accidental at all once you get the big picture.

But there's this thing where you don't want to get too...what's the word? 


Eh maybe. Also there is oxygen. So that's another reason why we stopped kissing.

"Did you plan that?" Was the first thing I asked him once we stopped.

"Uh actually no." Fritz answered honestly.

"Idiot..." I said rolling my eyes.

"But I'm your idiot." He responded back.

"One, why did you go with the most CHEESIEST response ever that EVERYONE does, and two, sadly yes, it is true, you are my idiot."

"But hey! You love me~!"

"So does this mean...?" I asked.

"What do you think?" He answered, rolling his eyes.

Let me just say, right at that moment, I was in perfect bliss, knowing Fritz would be by my side forever.

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