Book 2: Chapter 15

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The reception was a blast. The first thing we did was we had all the unmarried ladies gather behind me as I threw the bouquet. Gracie caught it.
Gracie: Ha I guess that means I'm next.
She chuckled. After eating the food and cutting the cake, Danny and I had our first dance as a married couple. "How Would You Feel" by Ed Sheeran played over the speaker. I had tasked Kono and Gracie with choosing the song for our first dance and they had done well. As we danced, I reminisced on the time I had known Danny. I thought about when he proposed to me on a whim the first time and only had a napkin ring. I laughed quietly, but apparently not quiet enough to be unheard. Danny raised his eyebrow.
Danny: Care to explain?
Me: I was just thinking of when you proposed to me with a napkin ring.
He laughed.
Danny: Oh by the way, Grace is going home with her friend Kelsea and Charlie and the twins are staying at Steve's so we'll have the house to ourselves.
He smirked.

Later that night.......
Danny and I saved the top tier of the cake to freeze for our one year anniversary. As I carried the cake through the door of the house, Danny already had his arms wrapped around me. He whispered in my ear.
Danny: Can you get that cake in the freezer any faster?
I decided to take my sweet time just to mess with him.
Danny: Okay there it's in the freezer.
I slowly shut the freezer door. When it finally closed, Danny spun me around and began kissing me. I guess I don't need to tell you how the rest of the night went.

The next morning.....
I woke up to a warm kiss being planted on my cheek. Danny sat beside me on the edge of the bed holding a couple plates.
Me: What's that?
Danny: Oh just a little breakfast in bed for my wife.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his shoulder.
Me: Do you know how much I love you?
Danny smiled.
Danny: How much?
I took a bite of the pancakes on my plate.
Me: Uh not as much as these pancakes. Holy crap.
Danny laughed and kissed the top of my head. After finishing our breakfast, we got ready to go pick up the kids from Steve's and then pick up Grace. An hour or so later, we left and went to Steve's. Danny stayed in the car while I went to the door. I knocked a couple times and finally I heard footsteps from within the house, but they sounded lighter than Steve's footsteps. The door swung open and there stood Gracie in one of Steve's t-shirts and a pair of running shorts. Both of our mouths dropped open. I heard more footsteps.
Steve: Hey who is it?
Steve appeared behind Gracie.
Steve: Oh... Uh. Jesse. I thought you were gonna call before you guys headed this way.
I busted out laughing. Steve and Gracie looked at one another then back at me.
Me: HA! I called it Danny!
I turned and shouted at Danny who had the car windows down. Steve walked out on the porch.
Steve: Oh hey Danny.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him give Steve a thumbs up and mouth the words "atta boy." I rolled my eyes.
Me: You guys know you didn't have to hide this from me right?
Steve scratched the back of his head.
Steve: Well.....
Gracie: We just weren't sure how you'd feel about it.
Me: You guys are horrible at hiding things. I knew the other day when you both conveniently had to go somewhere at the exact same time.
Gracie: Oh....
She looked down at her feet. I laughed again. I saw Charlie and the twins coming down the stairs through the window.
Charlie: Jesse!
He came running over to me and I stopped down to hug him.
Me: Did you have fun with uncle Steve?
Charlie: Yeah we played hide and seek and then uncle Steve let me watch Spongebob!
Me: Oh I bet you had tons of fun! Oh hey by the way, you like my new car? I got it the day after we planned the wedding. We couldn't fit all of the kids plus me and Danny in my mustang so I got a new one. But I got to keep the mustang.
Gracie: you got a freakin Denali? Jesus that must have cost a pretty penny.
Me: Actually not really. I won it in a drawing. I was literally shocked! I just saw this basket that had a drawing for a brand new one and the entry fee was only $5. It's hard to adjust to but it's pretty roomy. Plus that way there's room if Grace has friends over.
Gracie: Smart, smart. I like it though. It makes you look.... mom-ish.
Me: Wow Gracie. I am a mom so that would make sense.
Gracie: Yeah but you used to be like... well... one of those wild moms that drives a muscle car and ya know....
Me: And you know this how?
I chuckled.
Gracie: Well I mean, I guess it was more of an assumption.
We both laughed.
Gracie: Do you care if I talk to you alone for a second?
Me: Sure. Steve do you care to get them in the car?
Steve: Sure.
Gracie and I stepped inside for a minute.
Gracie: Calleigh called. She's coming home tomorrow.
Me: Oh that's great news!
Gracie: No. something's wrong. I can feel it. She wasn't due back for almost 5 months.
Me: that's odd. Well give her my number when you talk to her. I don't think she has my new cell.
Gracie: I will. But you better get going to get Grace.
Me: Yeah that's true. I'll see you later okay? Call if you need anything.
Gracie: okay.
We hugged and I got in the car. We rode to Grace's friend's house and picked her up. The next day Gracie and I planned to go meet Calleigh at the airport. She told us she would call when she got there. Since the governor had officially accepted me rejoining 5-0, I was able to go to work. Grover's wife said she would keep the kids. Since it was just me, I decided to drive the mustang to work since it was fast incase I needed the extra speed. When I got there, there was a case. A stabbing victim. While Danny, Chin, and Steve went to the scene to collect evidence, Kono, Grover, and I stayed behind at HQ. I couldn't go anywhere because I knew that I had to go to the airport so I just ran down leads that I was told about. At around 3, Gracie called.
Gracie: Hey. Calleigh still hasn't called. Maybe we should go ahead to the airport.
Me: Okay that's fine with me. I'll call you when I get there.
I continued to talk to Gracie as I walked out to my car. But it was nowhere to be found!
Me: How the hell did someone manage to steal my car in broad daylight at our HQ? It's a building full of cops!
Gracie: I don't know. I tried calling Calleigh. She didn't pick up. Maybe her plane just hasn't landed yet. Track the GPS on your car and I'll drive you to find it.
Me: Okay. I'm going in to track it right now.
I walked inside and told Kono and Grover what was going on. When I tracked the GPS, it said my car was at my house.
Me: That's weird. Okay well I guess just come get me and swing me by there and we'll check it out.
I waited on gracie to get there and finally she did. We rode the short distance to my house. When we got there, sure enough my car was parked in the driveway. Only then did I notice that the trunk was slightly open. I drew my gun and walked over to it. What I found inside was sickening. I dropped to my knees. Leaning over the grass, I threw up. I couldn't believe it. In my trunk was Calleigh's body. She had been bound and shot. As I sat there crying, and screaming. Gracie came running over.
Gracie: Jesse what is it?
She looked in the trunk.
Gracie: Oh my god. Oh my god.
She screamed. Through my tears I dialed 911.
Me: Hello? I'd like to report a murder. This is Lieutenant Williams. Badge Id. 376459. Please send 5-0 to 423 Kailua Ave.
I hung up and dropped the phone on the concrete of the driveway. I hugged Gracie and held on tight as we waited for the rest of the team to arrive. We sat there, drowning in tears as the red and blue lights came flashing. Danny jumped out of his car.
Danny: Jesse. What happened?
I couldn't talk. I was barely able to breathe. I couldn't tell you how many times I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare. But it was real. It was all real.

A/N: Y'all this chapter sucks. But I tried to give you all a little more action since most of the recent chapters haven't had any. Just incase you didn't remember, Calleigh is Gracie and Jesse's best friend from the Air Force.

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