I jammed the throttle and went straight towards the base. But suddenly......But suddenly the tail of my plane was hit by a blast of air. The tail flipped forward and the plane was flipping tail over nose. Finally I stopped flipping but the plane took a sharp nose dive toward the ground. I could see the ground getting closer and closer. My radar began going off alerting me of my low altitude. Just as I was ready to accept my fate, I regained control of the plane! I was able to get back to a safe altitude. The radar said I was only 1 minute from base. I prepared my initial descent and circled down. I radioed down to air traffic control where I could see every person present on the base was gathered around and cheering and waving.
Me: Permission to land?
ATC: Permission granted. Congratulations, McGarrett.
Only a moment later, I landed, smiling from ear to ear. I pulled into the hangar tears running from my eyes. I didn't bother to take off my suit, only my helmet. I ran to Steve who was crying too. I hugged onto him for a good 5 minutes. Then I made my rounds to my 5 friends. A commander came up to me suddenly.
Commander: First off, I would like to congratulate you on your success. I was also wondering if you'd like to give a retiring speech while we have everyone here.
Me: Sure. On one condition. Get me a passenger plane warmed up and ready for takeoff. But I want it to just be me and my brother.
Commander: Deal.
I walked up onto a small platform in the hangar. The crowd hushed. Because of the silence, I was able to talk without a microphone.
Me: Hello everyone. As you all know, I just completed the first ever kamikaze mission in American history. This was an important mission to me. And that's because it's my last. For good. I only did what I thought was truly right and now that's over. Not being able to have my family with me was a long and lonely road knowing that I walked alone. It was hard. But I'm thankful for everything that everyone here has done for me. But I'm ready to finally go home. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you again someday. Thank you.
I stepped down off the platform. I said my final goodbyes to my five friends.
Calleigh: I'm so proud of you. I'll miss you. But hey, I'll be home in 5 months. I love you Jesse. Stay out of trouble.
Calleigh laughed through her tears.
James: What are you talking about? Trouble follows her!
James pulled me into a hug
Lee: I'm proud of ya, Jesse. Who knows? Maybe you'll wind up coming to Louisiana someday and we'll see each other.
Lee hugged me.
Jason: You did amazing Jesse. You're really a hero. I'll see you soon.
Jason hugged me. That left only Grace, who was bawling her eyes out.
Grace: (sniffling) I guess that leaves me. Jesse you will never know how proud of you I am. You've become like a sister to me and I'm so thankful. I'm going to miss you so much. But it won't be for long. I guess now is as good of a time as any to tell you. I'm coming home in two weeks.
Me: What?! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy!
I pulled Grace into a tight hug.
Me: Now well just have to wait a couple months for Cal and we'll have the whole gang.
I smiled and said my last goodbyes. After grabbing my stuff which I'd already packed, Steve and I got on the plane. I began thinking of how I was going to tell Danny.
Jesse McGarrett
AcakSteve McGarrett finds out he has a sister. Will she fall in love with one of the task force members? Will she find out a hidden plot that will destroy her heart? Will she leave behind a crushed brother, hurting friends, and a broken-hearted lover? O...