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it all started with a question.

"will you have sex with me?"

maya hart and farkle minkus were best friends and were both juniors in high school. they had been friends since they were little and as the years went by they still stayed close. they spent so much time together and people always wondered if the friends were more than they said. in some aspects that was true, but both had feelings for other people. they would be lying if they said they never thought about being together but neither wanted to lose the friendship they shared.

maya didn't care for much. she tended not to reveal her feelings for anyone behind her sarcastic attitude even at the expense of wanting someone badly. most of her relationships had ended because of her, but you could never tell. her facade was always at its best when she was around people. at the time maya was in a relationship with lucas friar, the co-captain of the football team- a spot he shared with his best friend. he was the opposite of her, he had no problem expressing how he felt. he loved maya and she loved him.

farkle admired beautiful things. he had dated both guys and girls, but never settled down long enough for him to say he was in love. something or someone always caught his eyes when he was in a relationship. his new plaything as maya tended to refer to her as was named riley matthews. a tall brunette who had the prettiest smile, farkle had ever seen. she was innocent and pure which intrigued farkle even more. she had managed to keep him interested enough to begin dating.

it was the second tuesday of july during the middle of summer when maya waltzed right into farkle's room not really caring if he was busy or anything. his dad let maya in and told her he would be leaving soon. which made maya happy since she could ask him without his parents in the house.

"hey, you." maya cheerfully, smirked as she planted herself on his bed and looked at him.

"you didn't even knock," farkle chuckled under his breath. "i could've been doing something."

"oh yeah something." maya motioned her hand insinuating he was masturbating which made farkle groan and roll his eyes.

"did you come in here just to bother me?" he teased her, even though he did enjoy her company and any chance he got to talk to her was never a nuisance.

"i gotta ask you something, but i don't know how to say it." she admitted, she kicked her feet up on the edge of the bed.

farkle rolled his eyes and looked at his best friend, "when have you ever had trouble asking me something?"

"alright but when i ask don't make it weird. just answer. also don't give me a weird look..," maya sat up and faced him. "will you have sex with me?"

farkle frowned in confusion at her words, "you have a boyfriend."

"and you have a girlfriend, so we both have something to lose." maya teased him then quickly explained. "listen. i wanna have sex with lucas, but im scared. ive never had sex before and what if it's super awkward and i have no idea what to do."

"maya, i don't know." he said slowly which made maya roll her eyes and grab his hands.

"you are my best friend, right?" she raised her eyebrows, he slowly nodded his head. "and you'll do anything for me?"

farkle nodded once more.

"then teach me and let me try whatever i want to." she looked up at him with a hopeful smile. farkle looked down at her and bit his bottom lip. he couldn't believe it, he was actually contemplating it but he was a sucker for maya.

"okay." he agreed in a low voice.

maya squealed in excitement and sat up from the bed. in a matter of seconds she jumped on to the lap of her best friend and looked down at him. she muttered something along the lines of thank you but farkle didn't seem to pay attention as her lips fell into his.

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