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i wanted to kill farkle and i would if i could with my eyes. lucas seconds later after farkle left took with me closer to the stage. he explained to me that it just needed to be something simple and maybe romantic. i barely listened to romantic music. he kissed me one final time on the lips before going on the stage.

"okay, okay!" he said into the microphone and the song currently playing cut off. "i would like to introduce.. someone most of you know.. my beautiful girlfriend.. maya hart." i felt my face begin to heat up at the introduction but took a deep breath in. everyone began to clap but it felt so distant in my head. i walked onto the stage with a smile on my lips even though inside i was dying.

i turned around at the band and explained to them the song i wanted to sing and how i wanted it to be played. they nodded their heads and i turned around. i looked at all the faces and felt like i was gonna be sick, but i took another deep breath. my eyes found farkle's eyes in the crowd. he had such a warm smile and it made me feel better. i nodded my head at the band as i held onto the microphone.

"wise men say.. only fools rush in." i began to sing slowly and watched as everyone began to pair up. "but I can't help falling in love with you."

i sang without thinking and just watched everyone else dancing together. lucas couldnt keep his eyes off of me which made me grin like a fool, but someone else couldnt keep their eyes off of me also.

"shall i stay?..would it be a sin?" i made eye contact with farkle who all though he was dancing with riley, she had her head on his shoulder and he was looking up at me. "if I can't help falling in love with you..."

i had to force myself to look away from his eyes, but it was hard. it was hard to decide between lucas and farkle. i loved them both. i love lucas. he's my boyfriend. it shouldnt be a hard decision, but it was.

farkle is my best friend. he's the person who knows me better then anyone else and there was a time when i didnt know how to focus without him... but did i love him more? more than a best friend should?

"..take my hand, take my whole life too. for i can't help falling in love with you." i sang softly. i looked over at lucas who was talking to someone else now. i could only see the back of their head and him talking. i looked back at farkle. "like a river flows shortly to the sea.. darling so it's goes.. some things are meant to be."

that's when riley noticed, farkle wasn't paying attention to her. she pulled herself away from him and looked over at me. i diverted my eyes away to lucas as he spoke to someone. he noticed my staring and looked away from the person. he grinned and it made my heart jump. i looked back and noticed farkle and riley arguing quietly, but i could tell she was upset by the look on her face.

"take my hand, take my whole life too." that's when i noticed farkle was trying to pull riley into him, but she seemed determined to do something. i continued to sing as if nothing was wrong, but i looked towards lucas and noticed riley coming closer to him. everyone else seem undisturbed and were just happily dancing with the person they love.

"for i can't help falling in love with you." i watched without emotion as riley explained something to lucas and seconds later he looked up at me. i could feel my world coming apart as they continued to talk.

"...for i can't help falling in love with you." i finished the song and the crowd began to clap. i flashed them a smile but all i cared about was what was going before turning to get off the stage and farkle was standing right at the end of the stairs.

"i tried to stop her maya. i really did." he began to repeat but i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, before walking over to where lucas and riley were. farkle followed me as we approached them.

infidelity | maya + farkle Where stories live. Discover now